
Friendzone 101
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chapter four

ft island - don't love (play song)

On Saturday morning, Kyungmi called Baekhyun to go to her house because her parents left to go grocery shopping and she was dying of boredom.

"Kyungmi," Baekhyun sighed. "It's 7:00 am. What do you want?" He asked with morning voice, eyes still shut.

"Oppa~" Kyungmi cooed. "Can you come over?"

"What? Now?" He asked.

"Yes now. Mom and dad arn't home and i'm stuck alone at this house watching Spongebob all by myself." She pouted.

"Well then wait for them to come back." Baekhyun mumbled.

"Nooo~ What if someone comes here and kiddnaps me?" She asked.

Baekhyun chuckled, "No ones going to do that."

Kyungmi sighed, "Fine, but if someone does kiddnaps me, it's going to be all your fault."

"I'll be there in five." Baekhyun gave in before hanging up.

Kyungmi smiled, satisfied, knowing that Baekhyun could never say no to her. Plus, he loves going to her house, he just doesn't admit it. It's a win win for the both of them.

Kyungmi barely poured her milk into a bowl of cereal when she heard the doorbell ring. "Coming!" She called out as she dashed to the door and unlocked it before swinging it wide open revealing a still sleepy Baekhyun dressed in a regular shirt and basketball shorts. "Oppa!"

"You're lucky you're my best friend, you crazy morning person." Baekhyun mumbled as he stepped into the house.

"Yeesh, good morning to you too pops." Kyungmi said as she closed the door.

Baekhyun collasped on the couch as Kyungmi grabbed the two bowls of cereal of them before sitting next to him.

"Here, I didn't forget to make you breakfast." She grinned.

Baekhyun stared at the bowl of cereal and chuckled before taking it from her. "I appreciate your time and hard work." He said as she rolled her eyes.

"Just eat up." She said. "You're lucky I even made you cereal."

Baekhyun laughed as he shoved a spoonfull of cereal into his mouth. After the two finished their food, they were calmly watching tv. "Hm. Do you think the other oppas are awake? Should I call them over?" Kyungmi asked.

Baekhyun shrugged, "I guess, if you want."

"Yay! Then maybe I could ask if- AHHH!" She let out a scream and brought her feet up on the couch, hugging her legs.

"What?!" Baekhyun shot up and looked at her worriedly.

"B-b-bug!" She shivered as she pointed to the corner of the room.

Baekhyun followed to where she was pointed and widened is eyes in fear as he saw the creature she was pointing at.  He jumped on the couch and hugged her arm. "Kill it!"

"No!" She squeaked and slapped his arm. "You kill it! You're the man here. That's your job!" She stated the facts.

As you could proabably already tell, they both hate bugs.

"No! It's huge! And scary!" He exclaimed.

Kyungmi gulped. "Well. Maybe-maybe we can call the others, and Suho oppa could kill it." She suggested, calming down a little bit.

Baekhyun nodded, calming down as well. "Yeah, you're right."

Kyungmi snatched her phone from the coffee table in front of her and dialed Suho's number. She squealed as she saw the bug moving. "C'mon oppa, pick up!" She mumbled.

After a few rings, he finally picked up.

"Hello?" He asked, his voice still groggy and you could tell that her phone call woke him up.

"Appa!" Kyungmi screamed.

"What?! Kyungmi?! What's wrong?!" He asked, worried and wide away now.

"Kyungmi? What's wrong?" She heard the other boys say

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bjonas84 #1
Chapter 18: This is really amazing story... please upadte...
Have been long time since you updated ...please don't forget that story it's so wonderful continue it please
Chapter 18: They're such good friends! I wish I had friends like them but hearing Baekhyun like, I understand Kyungmi's situation. Best friends falling in love and being too scare to confess to each other then someone comes into your life and makes your best friend fall inlove with them....they just hurts. I really, really want to know what happens next!!!! Update soon if it's not a brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
asianFrustration #3
Chapter 18: Those are quality friends right there for sure! Please update soon! I'm dying to know what happens next!
Letter09 #4
Please update soon! :)
KimMaeMyun1322 #5
awwwww... heartaches though. <///////33

update soon authornim!
Chapter 18: Fuuuuuuuudddggeeee
Chapter 18: This story always make my heart ached. Update soon