
Friendzone 101
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chapter ten

taegoon - as insignificant as you (playsong)

When Baekhyun came back to her room, he found Kyungmi crying again.

"Hey! What did I say about crying?" He frowned.

She sniffed. "Sorry, I can't help it. I'm an emotionaly wreck."

"Yeah, you are." He agreed and you laughed.

"Don't cry anymore Kyungmi." He said. "I got you ice cream." He grinned and held up to small pints of ice cream he got from the store.

You stopped crying and beamed. "Really?!"

He nodded. "Yup, I know how much you love ice cream." He said and talked towards your bed, balancing the icecreams on one hand and held a bag with the other. He lost his grip of the ice creams and dropped on of them. 

You laughed at his clumsiness, and he smiled, feeling good that me made you smile and laugh again.

"Don't worry, it's safe!" He exclaimed as he lifted the pint of ice cream in the air.

He sat on her bed, facing in front of her, and gave her her ice cream. "For you~"

Kyungmi smiled at him, touched and thankful. "Thank you."

"Now, in case you didn't want ice cream and since ice cream is too mainstream nowadays, i bought back up food that i'm sure will make you feel better."

You looked at him confused. "What is it?"

He took out a container from the plastic bag he was holding and it revealed one of her favorite foods.

"Chocolate covered strawberries?!" She beamed.

Baekhyun grinned and nodded. "Your favorite, right?"

Kyungmi nodded. "Oppa, you really are the best." She said and have him a big hug.

Just then someone interuppted their moment by barging into the room.

"Kyungmi!" A deep voice boomed.

Baekhyun and Kyungmi jumped in suprise. Chanyeol ran towards her and hugged her tightly. "Kyungmi! Are you okay?! What happened?! I was so worried!"

"You mean we were so worried." Chen corrected him as he walked into her room, followed by the others as well.

Kai went up to you and hugged you. "Kyungmi! We're so sorry about earlier! We didn't mean to get you mad!" He apologized and Chen nodded his head beside him.

"It's okay oppa!"' She said. "It's not your fault. You were right anyways." She sadly said. "I should've listened to you guys. I'm sorry."

Chanyeol shook his head her hair. "You have nothing to apologize for."

"Kyungmi-ah," Suho spoke and approached Kyungmi, "What happened? Are you okay?"

She then started to remember everything that happened and the image of Daehyun kissing Krystal invaded her head which made her tear up again.

Suho looked at you in panic, "I'm so sorry Kyungmi! I shouldn't have asked!"

She shook your head. "N-no, it's o-okay oppa." She hiccupped.

D.O. went up to you and hugged you tightly. "Aw, Kyungmi-ah, don't cry!"

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bjonas84 #1
Chapter 18: This is really amazing story... please upadte...
Have been long time since you updated ...please don't forget that story it's so wonderful continue it please
Chapter 18: They're such good friends! I wish I had friends like them but hearing Baekhyun like Songhee....wow, I understand Kyungmi's situation. Best friends falling in love and being too scare to confess to each other then someone comes into your life and makes your best friend fall inlove with them....they just hurts. I really, really want to know what happens next!!!! Update soon if it's not a brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
asianFrustration #3
Chapter 18: Those are quality friends right there for sure! Please update soon! I'm dying to know what happens next!
Letter09 #4
Please update soon! :)
KimMaeMyun1322 #5
awwwww... heartaches though. <///////33

update soon authornim!
Chapter 18: Fuuuuuuuudddggeeee
Chapter 18: This story always make my heart ached. Update soon