
Friendzone 101
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As soon as the bell rang, you were running out of class wanting to eat your lunch already. During the lesson your stomach was annoyingly growling out loud when everyone was quiet, making you embarassed and your teacher shooting you glares. You just squinted your eyes at her before rolling them. I mean, how were you supposed to control your stomach growling?! You wanted to eat already so it'd shut up and leave you alone. So by the time the bell rang, you dashed out of class, not bothering to wait for Sehun and Kai. You had told them that you'd just meet them and the rest at your guy's regular table at lunch and they agreed.

Before heading to the canteen you stopped by your locker to drop off your books, not wanting to carry it as you ate. As you opened your locker you scanned the hallways and your facial expression fell, remembering what happened that morning before first period.


"Guys, this is Songhee. Songhee, these are my best friends Kyungmi and Chanyeol." You flinched at the title 'best friends' and you grew sad and disappointed. But you figured that since you were with Chanyeol, Baekhyun just had to say the words 'best friends'. Maybe if the giant wasn't with you right now, Baekhyun would've introduced you as someone else. You started to blame it all on Chanyeol and mentally and jokingly curse his name but then realized that you were wrong. He wouldn't introduce you as someone else, because it was true, you were his best friend. Nothing more, nothing less. And that's all you'll ever be.

The petite girl standing next to Baekhyun flashed you and Chanyeol a sweet and pretty smile, her eyes cutely making a crescent moon shape. "Hi! It's
nice to meet you guys!"

Her happy-go-lucky and friendly personality made you gag and you squinted your eyes a little at her. Who was this chick? And why was she with Baekhyun? As you mind ran across Baekhyun's name, you froze and started to bomb more questions at yourself. What was her relationship with Baekhyun? Did she like him? You gulped at the last question. Does he like her? The thought of it made your heart sink. By the way he looked at her, you knew that there was a possible chance that he did.

Seeing that you were just standing there and looking at Songhee like she was some infective diesease, Chanyeol decided to greet her first. Being the happy virus he was, he flashed her a big smile as his nose scrunched up, one eye bigger than the other and spoke to her in a equally happy voice. "It's nice to meet you Songhee-sshi."

The girl grinned up at him and nodded, "It's nice to meet you as well." Even though she had to look up at him because of Chanyeol's tallness, she was still taller than you, which was another reason for you to sulk.

Then all three heads turned to look at you waiting for you to greet her as well, but you stayed quiet as you had your arms crossed with a slight frown on your face, looking at everything but her.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes at your childish behavior and Baekhyun looked at you worriedly, wondering what was wrong and why you were acting that way. He noticed your mood changed the moment she saw Songhee. The girl just looked at you, a bit hurt that you were ignoring her. Did she do something wrong?

"And this is Kyungmi!" Chanyeol beamed as he swung his arm around your shoulder, bringing you into a side hug. "Say 'hi' Kyungmi." Chanyeol demanded you, grintting his teeth as he kept his too-big-of-a-smile on his face.

"Hi." You coldly said in a monotoned voice.

Baekhyun just chuckled at you, now understanding what was going on. Or what he thinks is going on.

Chanyeol laughed nervously, "Sorry for her behavior, she's not usually like this. She's just.... uh.. h-having a monthly visit! Ha ha, you know? Girls, psh."

Songhee giggled, "Oh no worries, I totally understand! Been there, done that." She mumbled the last part to you, cutely laughing after that.

You turned to glare at Chanyeol, "You little liar, i'm not on my-"

"Oh hey Kyungmi! Let's go talk over there!" Chanyeol interuptted you as he covered your mouth. "We'll be right back." He smiled at Songhee before dragging you away.

Songhee just stood there next to Baekhyun with a confused look on her face.

You yanked Chanyeol's hand away from you mouth. "Yah! What was that for?! Your hands tastes gross!"

The giant rolled his eyes. "I'm your 'oppa' remember? You can't 'yah' me." He frowned.

You let out a sigh and frowned as well. "I'm sorry oppa.."

"It's alright." He replied and ruffled your hair. "Now, what's wrong?"

"You know i'm not good at making new friends! Especially girls. Ugh, they're all just filled with hairspray and drama." You rolled your eyes.

"Can't you at least try to be nice? I mean, not all girls are like that. You're not! And she's probably not either. She's pretty nice." He told you.

"Well i'm sorry i'm not a social butterfly like you." You sarcastically said, but sighed after seeing him raise an eyebrow at you. "But i'll try.."

"Good girl." He grinned and petted you like a dog, only recieving  a glare and a punch on the arm from you, which like usual doesn't affect him at all. He just let out a laugh and softly pinched your cheek. "Okay, so what's really wrong?"

You didn't response because didn't understand what he ment. But after a few seconds you realized and decided to stay silent, not wanting to answer the question.

Well, you didn't need to. "You're jealous aren't you?" He asked you. You hated that besides Baekhyun, he could read you like an open book.

"Is it that obvious?" You asked the same question as when he found out that you had feelings for your best friend.

Chanyeol chuckled, "You don't need to be. We don't even know if he likes her."

You scoffed and rolled your eyes, "Oh please, have you seen the way he looks at her? I'm pretty sure he does. He acts like a little puppy who fell in love. It's disgusting."


"Was it something I said?" Songhee asked Baekhyun, feeling guilty like she did something wrong.

Baekhyun just laughed, "No, it isn't you. Kyungmi just.... isn't really open into making new friends. I had to spend 18 years for her to open up to me."

Songhee gasped, "Really? That long?"

He nodded in reply. "Yeah. Kyungie is really nice, you just have to give her some time."

The girl chuckled, "Hopfully it won't take 18 years." She joked, making the both of them laugh. "She's awfully close with Chanyeol too, as I can see." She commented as she gazed at you and Chanyeol talking from a far.

"Yeah," Baekhyun nodded. "Her and the rest of exo are quiet close. But it didn't take them 18 years like me." He chuckled.

Songhee cocked her head to the side in confusion. "Who's 'Exo'?"

"My group of friends. You'll meet them later." He informed her.

She nodded and went back to

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bjonas84 #1
Chapter 18: This is really amazing story... please upadte...
Have been long time since you updated ...please don't forget that story it's so wonderful continue it please
Chapter 18: They're such good friends! I wish I had friends like them but hearing Baekhyun like, I understand Kyungmi's situation. Best friends falling in love and being too scare to confess to each other then someone comes into your life and makes your best friend fall inlove with them....they just hurts. I really, really want to know what happens next!!!! Update soon if it's not a brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
asianFrustration #3
Chapter 18: Those are quality friends right there for sure! Please update soon! I'm dying to know what happens next!
Letter09 #4
Please update soon! :)
KimMaeMyun1322 #5
awwwww... heartaches though. <///////33

update soon authornim!
Chapter 18: Fuuuuuuuudddggeeee
Chapter 18: This story always make my heart ached. Update soon