
Infinitely Dangerous


His expression hardened. “That’s okay with me. I’d rather you be alive and hating me then dead and loving me.” And he dropped my wrists before walking away. He didn’t look back and I didn’t expect him too.

After finally regaining some of my composure, I left the room and walked to Celestia’s office. I knocked and heard her say “come in.” and when I walked inside I saw Sunggyu. I didn’t look at him.

“I want to go now.” I said and she looked up at me and nodded. “You can take Sungg-“ I cut her off. “I’m not taking him. If I have to take one of the guys, I’m picking someone else. It can be anyone but him.” I emphasized and her eyesbrow went up slightly in surprise. “They are all still recovering.” She said and I shrugged. “They wouldn’t need to do any heavy lifting or any work at all so it wouldn't matter. You just want them to watch me to make sure I’m following your rules. So I say I’ll bring Woohyun.”

She looked almost amused. “You are correct, I wouldn’t deny it, and you may bring Woohyun. But know this Minji, you are responsible for his well being. If he is injured because you refuse to bring an able bodied member of Infinite, I will punish you.” She said and I nodded. I my heel to go find Woohyun.

I found him sitting in a comfortable looking chair while Myungsoo and Sungjong were playing cards. He looked up when I walked in. “Minji.” He said softly. “Woohyun can you come with me?” I asked. “Eodi?” he asked blinking. “To see to Melina’s arrangements.” I said. The words tasted weird on my mouth. It didn’t feel like she was gone.

I steeled myself from feeling any emotions and squeezed my eyes shut tightly trying to force the bad thoughts out of my head.

“I’ll go with you.” He walked over. “Are you feeling better though?” I asked as he walked with me. “I’m okay, nothing sleep won’t fix.” His eyes trailed to my cautiously. “Thank you Minji. Thank you for coming for me.” He said and I shook my head. “No,  it was my fault you were taken in the first place.” I said softly. “Hey.” He grabbed my hand. “Stop blaming yourself.” He said.

“Woohyun.” I said pulling my hand away and went to get into the car. “I’ll drive. You still need to rest.” And he looked like he was about to retort and protest but nodded and got in shotgun.

I drove to the condo and when my fingers touched the keypad to put the password, I felt a sliver of pain. I walked inside and the light in the kitchen was on. That made my heart feel even heavier. Everything wasn’t well, and right now I didn’t think it was going to be. I went into the kitchen. The pan she used to try to make me a good meal was still on the stove. I touched the island, my fingers trailing over the cold marble. It seemed like it was forever ago, we were drinking and laughing together.

I felt Woohyun’s eyes on me and I retracted my fingers and looked up. “I hope you don’t mind. I just want to get everything in order in the house and go through her things.”

“Take your time. I’ll be here. If it makes you feel better for me to be distracted, I’ll watch television.” And I grabbed him a chilled bottle of water before nodding. He gave me a small reassuring and warm smile before going to sit on the couch and turning on the television.

I went into Melina’s room. I hadn’t been in here for a while. I remember how we argued on what color to paint her room. She wanted white and I said absolutely no way, she had to pick a nice color. So she finally picked a soft lavender. I looked a deep breath before I started to look through her things.

We didn’t have many keepsakes. We had to be able to move quick and efficiently if anything had ever happened but Melina insisted on pictures once in a while. There was one I took of her in front of the Eiffel Tower when we were in Paris. Then there was one where we got a tourist to take one for us and she was squeezing one of my cheeks, and laughing.

Then my eyes trailed to her desk. She only had too framed pictures on it and I walked over to see them. I opened the first drawer and was surprised to find it empty except for a letter. On the plain white envelope, it said “To my daughter, Minji.” And I felt my hands tremble as I picked it up.

I didn’t know if I should open it or not. I opened it and there was a letter and a SD card. I felt my blood run cold. I wasn’t ready for this. I knew I wasn’t ready but I found my fingers opening the letter.

The first two lines were “I really hope you never have to see this letter but if you do, then that means I’m gone. I love you Minji, and I hope that no matter what, you live on.”

And that line broke my armor. I felt tears well up in my eyes as the strength left my legs and I sunk to the floor with a thud. Suddenly I heard running footsteps and the door opened. Woohyun’s eyes were panicked. “Minji!” and his eyes fell on me. He came over in three strides and knelt down next to me. “What’s wrong?” he said trying to see if I was injured.

“I miss her.” I said softly my voice cracking. And his expression softened. “Don’t bottle it up MInji, cry, because it will make you feel better.” He said softly touching my arm and trying to help me up.

Some tears escaped and trailed down my cheeks. I had never felt so lost in my entire life. Woohyun used his thumb to wipe away my tears. “You’re strong Minji. You stand stronger than a lot of people I’ve met. She will always be in your heart.” He said softly.

“And I’ll be here.” He said. “I’ll be here if you need me, because even if I don’t want to, I love you.”

“You love me?” I asked softly. “Yes.” He said. “I don’t want to see you cry.”


Lol what do you guys think about the slight twist i'm throwing in? :3 I'll be updating more soon so don't worry ;] Won't keep you guys waiting for long~

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wonderdream #1
Chapter 9: This is a nice story
Chapter 99: i just read this and i legit cried thank you so much authornim for writing this beautiful piece of art and i think that most fanfic writers are way more talented than published authors and i loved readaing this about my bias group it just occupied my time really well and i love a good angst/pain story and this one was perfect. i would love a sequel but it's really hard to think of another plot i understand. thanks once again authornim <3 LOVE INFINITE INSPIRITS
Archangel14 #3
Chapter 99: Wahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! I really wanted her and Woohyun together!!!! I'm so ugh right now! I'm torn between cheering
loveyoseob4eva #4
Chapter 99: you made me cry with this chapter
Chapter 99: yaaaaaaaaaay a happy ending finally i was waiting for it so long i love it so much i really enjoy it it's really amazing to read btw your writing skills is so wonderful i will keep on sporting you keep going i want to know what well your next fanfics is going to be about xoxo n a big Heart
Chapter 97: Ahhhh it's over!!!
PerfectlyImperfectxX #7
Chapter 97: Man, I felt so BETRAYED. Before I continue on to the next page, I'd like to talk about the story first. For sure, I enjoyed the rollercoaster ride of Minji's life. This story twisted my heartstrings and the fighting scenes were daebak! However, I am curious to what happened to the others. Hopefully Minji and the guys survived! :( Author-nim, I'll be hwaiting! Good job on this story!
kpop_lover225 #8
Chapter 94: You have too update I want to know what happens next!!! Also please put more Dongwoo and Pan Ni moments in. I really like that coupled
Chapter 94: I KNOW PARTIALLY WHAT'S COMING NEXT AND IT'S KILLING ME NOT KNOWING ALL THE DETAILS, lol <3 yay for updating though. you know i'm glad you're out of school to write more :D
PerfectlyImperfectxX #10
Chapter 93: Ouch...

Sunggyu does seems like he's (almost) back to normal so I'm not as cautious as I was after Minji has been told that Sunggyu was looking for her, that he remembers.
I feel bad for Woohyun T.T he doesn't deserve this.
I hope Minji has the chance to kill that bish! Ugh! ><