His Ex...

My "Cousin" is Dating Leeteuk (HIATUS)

So-Hee’s POV:

            I decided I would go to Oppa’s dorm early to surprise him. He probably missed me after two years of separation. I saddened again at his disappointed expression the day I had told him I was cheating on him. If only he knew the truth…I sighed. Perhaps he would be willing to listen to me today if we just sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk.

            The SM guard willingly let me in after I showed him the pass I got from Oppa, which surprisingly hadn’t expired yet. I walked in confidently among a crowd of jealous ELFs who hissed at my luck. They were all displaying banners denouncing some girl named Yon-Hei and her cousin Ae-Cha. I shook my head in pity for that girl. ELFs are getting scarier everyday.

            I got into the glass elevator and saw Donghae and Jessica walking hand-in-hand to the SHINee dorm. I sighed again. Two years ago, it were Oppa and me walking around freely inside the SM building, giggling at our secret dates and quickly pretending to be talking about business matters when others pass by.

            “Oh hi So-Hee. What are you doing here?” Taeyeon got into the elevator with me. I breathed in sharply. If only TaeTeuk didn’t exist back then…I managed to force a cheery smile at her.

            “Hello Taeyeon. I’m just here to visit Op…I mean Leeteuk. It’s been such a long time since I last saw him.” She gave a dainty nod and we rode the rest of the way in awkward silence. As the SNSD leader got off on the next floor, she turned to me suddenly and gave a smirk, “You do know that Oppa got a new girlfriend now right?” Then she strolled away.

            I stood in shock. So Yon-Hei or Ae-Cha is the girl Oppa is dating now? But he must love me still! I silently cursed myself for waiting so long. If I had explained to him earlier about why I left him in the first place, things wouldn’t have gotten this complicated. I really don’t want to drag another innocent girl into this tangled knot.

Taeyeon’s POV:

            I can’t believe So-Hee still has the guts to put her foot inside SM ever since she broke off with Oppa. From what I’ve heard, the break-up was a nasty one including an affair and a relationship based on money. She hasn’t changed much I suppose. Those cheap knock-off clothes, the smeared make-up, the self-dyed hair, and the chubbier build (must’ve gained weight)…and to think that she auditioned for SM alongside me!

            Fate favors certain people above others, I thought as I strutted to my dorm.


            I turned around and saw the “So-Hee Noona”. Who is she? “Hello!” I waved to her cheerfully. Perhaps another unni who also dates one of the Super Junior boys? I nudged Kyuhyun, “Hey whose girlfriend is this?” The gaze that met me was slightly guilty. I pretended to get mad and pushed him.

            “Yah how can you not tell noona about your girlfriend? I didn’t know you liked older girls~” Then I remembered how he had flirted with me earlier.

            “And I’m sure So-Hee Unni wouldn’t be so happy if she finds out that her precious Kyu has been flirting with another noona!” I chuckled evilly. Ha! Now I can finally see the Evil Maknae lose at his own game!

            Just then, Teukie Oppa emerged from his room and looked equally shocked at seeing Kyu’s girlfriend. She instantly flocked over to him and linked arms with him. “Oppa! I’ve missed you all those years! How could you not wait for me and get another girlfriend?” She gave me a meaningful look.

            Teukie Oppa brushed her off awkwardly. What the…? I gave him a confused look. He didn’t meet my eyes. Instead, “Chul, can you please bring Yon-Hei home? I’m kind of busy right now.” Chullie Oppa came out and glowered at So-Hee. Then he gave Teukie Oppa a punch on the arm and whispered something to him. Teukie Oppa made a face and muttered something else.

            “Uh, can someone tell me what’s going on here?” I was getting REALLY confused. An idea popped into my head which would explain the whole thing. But it was a ridiculous idea. They all seem innocent and angelic enough. Though appearance doesn’t tell everything…SHE CAN’T POSSIBLY BE A E! SUPER JUNIOR ISN’T THAT LOW! GET YOUR MIND OUTTA THE GUTTER KATIE!

            “You okay?” Kyuhyun furrowed his brows at me. Then I realized that I was making random angry expressions. I faked a smile at him. “Oh everything’s fine…really…really…REALLY IT IS!” Everyone in the room turned to me. Chullie Oppa gave Teukie Oppa an angry look again and mouthed “See what you’ve done?”

            “Can we go now, I’m getting kind of uncomfortable here.” Oh sh*t I forgot to tweak my voice! I pursed my lips and looked around the room. Thankfully, everyone was too busy in their own affairs to notice that my voice had changed.

            I got my bag and quickly left the room so I won’t be in the same room as a e. Aish, being with Super Junior has really ruined my innocence. I breathed deeply and waited outside the door for Heechul. I glanced at my watch. It was already 6:30. Shouldn’t Teukie Oppa be leaving already for his fanmeeting?

            Just then, someone tapped me on the arm. I spun around and saw Chullie Oppa. He looked more apologetic than guilty. “Yon-Hei, sorry…”

            “It’s okay Heechul Oppa! I won’t spill Super Junior’s secret!” Heechul looked confused. “What do you mean?”

            “Isn’t she a e?”

            “No. I wish she was.” O-O that was my expression. GET YOUR MIND OUTTA THE GUTTER KATIE!

            “I mean, if she was a e, everything would be simpler. You wouldn’t be hurt, Yon-Hei.” How caring of him, and I’m not even Katie right now! Then I shuddered at the thought of what would happen if I were Katie…he reads lots of right? I made a mental note to never be around him alone…he might be a for all I know.

            Anyways, Heechul showed me a secret passageway that all SM celebrities use when they don’t want to greeted by fans or, in my case, antis. The passageway led to a street parallel to my house and I quickly ducked into an empty stinky shower stall (not used anymore of course) to disguise myself. I put on a curly brown wig, exchanged my dress for a shirt and overalls, and some old tennis sneakers. Then I stuffed the rest of my clothing into my bag. To ensure more safety, I slipped on a pair of glasses. (Sunglasses draw way too much attention, as I have learned from Super Junior)

            I dawdled out clumsily like an overgrown child and entered safely into my home since everyone still thinks that Yon-Hei is inside SM.

Leeteuk’s POV:

            I couldn’t believe it. So-Hee was here! She acted as if we never broke up, but were simply separated for a few years. Part of me wanted to play along with her, but the other part told me that I had Yon-Hei. That little I’ve-moved-on-and-I-don’t-need-you speech I’ve planned all afternoon in my room broken into pieces when I saw her. She was as beautiful as I’ve remembered her. The only imperfections were the frizzy ends of her hair and the freckles on her face.

            Then I saw Yon-Hei still sitting there on the couch, her face unpleasantly surprised. I felt a pang of guilt in my heart, but my mind was still clouded from the shock of seeing So-Hee in flesh.

            I called Heechul out and told me to take Yon-Hei home, my eyes never leaving So-Hee’s face. She was so beautiful, yet so dangerous at the same time. Chul gave her a glare when he saw who it was.

            “You owe me. And Yon-Hei. BIG TIME. Get this outta here.” He whispered to me and gave me a hard punch on the arm.

            “Yah let me off! I just need to break her off. That’s all.” I muttered to him, though I was unsure if I would be able to accomplish that “break off” with my current state. Heechul unwillingly obliged, seeing I was still starstruck my ex.

            So-Hee gave me a small smile and I saw that her lips were cracked. This was unusual. So-Hee always keeps her lips perfectly luscious and soft for me.

            “What happened to your lips?” I gently swiped my thumb over them. So-Hee winced. She took out a chapstick, “I would use this, but I prefer your lips.” I smiled at her and our lips met.

Kyuhyun’s POV:

            I feel a secret fire of indignation burning inside me after Noona left. Leeteuk’s kiss with his girlfriend just fueled the fire. How could he so easily give up Noona? After all that she endured with those crazy ELFs? And what’s that doing here anyways? Was that why he cancelled his date with Noona?

            I sat on the couch and watched as stupid Teuk kept on making out with that . And I thought he loved Noona? What happened to that vow he made after that broke up with him? Something like “I’m gonna spit in her face the next time I see her.” Well, I guess he is spitting in her face by kissing her.

            “Hey Teuk ahjussi!” I called out. He broke away from the kiss and looked momentarily annoyed before he realized what he was doing.

            “Exactly why.” I muttered. His hands slid away from her body and that gave me a smile. “Would you mind not interrupting your noona and hyung?” UGH, just her voice makes me want to get a knife and chop her in half. Her and her smirking face. Then she grabbed Teuk and led him to a room.

            And he followed her like a fool. WHAT THE IS GOING ON? Is that gonna seduce him now? Does she have any moral? That guy’s got a girlfriend for heaven’s sake!

            I jumped off the couch and caught Teuk’s arm from behind. “Don’t you dare follow her, you idiot.” I whispered in his ear. He struggled a bit, but then realized AGAIN what he was doing. Does his mind really go on off-mode when that is here? And she’s not even as pretty as Noona! (not that I think that Noona is pretty…)

            “Oh uh right. I meant to tell you So-Hee…” Teuk began his speech. But then that gave him the Look and he closed his mouth to say anything more. Why is he so soft? Doesn’t he have any manliness in him?

            I slapped his face. “Yah you idiot! Remember that she’s your ex? The one who dated you for your money? The one who cheated on you with another guy?” I would have given him a black eye, but that would leave something for the tabloid to speculate about.

            Teuk seemed to have had some sense slapped into him. “So-Hee, I…” The same ritual was repeated for about ten times until I finally told Shindong to call the security on her for “invading our privacy”.

            And I changed the passcode for good measure. That won’t be surprising us anymore with her visits.

So-Hee’s POV:

            Kyu’s always been a troublesome child in my opinion. He never lets the adults do what they need to do. And I can’t believe he called the security on me! It was the most humiliating experience in my life!

            I tried to keep my dignity as the guards dragged me away. They confiscated my pass and fined me $500 for trespassing on private property. Then they pushed me out the gate for all those ELFs to torture me. Most of them pulled my hair and tried to see if I have anything from Super Junior.

            “Leeteuk’s lips were here.” I pointed to my lips. It was funny seeing all those little teenage girls gasp.

            “But Oppa loves Yon-Hei!” One cried out. I smirked at their innocence. “He never did love that girl. He only loved me. I’m his REAL girlfriend. He just hired that girl to divert attention from me.” I let a few reporters take some pictures of me and promised interviews for them later.

            Some little white lies won’t hurt, right?

Author's Note: lol wonder what's gonna happen now....Comment/Subscribe!

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@ARramdoz: FINALLY updated :)<br />
@youaremyhappiness: hehe now you know...<br />
@Ai_Dami: Yup I agree...my characters aren't very likeable...except for YESUNG! love this guy :D
Hmmm... I still dun't like So Hee >W<<br />
but then again..I don't particularly like Katie/Yon Hei/Stephanie... either..<br />
Heechul/Teukie/Donghae are no nos here too. xD<br />
*betraying Teukie appa*<br />
LOL But seriously, this was great! :D<br />
Update soon ~<br />
PS. I especially like the little twists :)
Stupid So-Hee >:( She needs to get a life! Anyways, thanks for the update ^^♥
ARrandomz #4
:P update soon! :)<br />
yay i updated!
ARrandomz #7
ooo there is gonna be more drama now hehe update soon :D
AIGOO. I love that HeeHae conversation!!!!!! To be honest, I ALWAYS say that line. "Oooh~ I like this author.." Hehe~Please update!!
@Ai_Dami: So Hee is not as bad as you think...she had a reason to leave him...and wow i just noticed that i copy n' pasted twice :P and idk what So Hee will do yet...<br />
@youaremyhappiness: haha thanks! and yeah i agree i made teuk a bit too cocky/un-Teuk :D
OMO. I'm in love with your story, chapter 8 OMGee Heechul kissed her!! btw Leeteuk is really sweet and a bit cocky buut is still sweet ^^ keep this going, I LOVE IT!