Reporters and More Reporters

My "Cousin" is Dating Leeteuk (HIATUS)

Kyuhyun’s POV:

            My eyes followed Katie as she wandered around our dressing room. According to Eunhyuk, this is the girl who has stolen Chullie’s heart and who introduced Leeteuk to his date. I wondered if she’s available and I chuckled evilly to myself as I envisioned her falling to my feet and begging me to go out with her.

            Even though I’m a super celebrity, most fangirls don’t ask me to date them or anything. They just say “Saranghae Kyu!”, send me stashes of presents, and vie for my attention during fan meetings and concerts. It’s been so long since I dated a girl that I like. Sure, SM has paired me up with Seohyun for a photoshoot and a duet song, but she doesn’t mean anything to me. She already has Yonghwa and I seriously don’t want to deal with those stupid reporters about how I feel about YongSeo and SeoKyu.

            It would be fun to play with Katie and perhaps date her. That would break Chullie’s heart and I’ll be able to brag to him about how I stole his girl. This would be even more fun than Star Wars.

            I tagged along with all the other Super Junior members onto stage when I remembered that I had left my mic in the dressing room. There were still about 10 minutes so I took my time getting there, checking out pretty girls along my way. Some may call me a ert, but I am, after all, a guy. And guys all like pretty girls. Right?

            I halted in front of the dressing room when I heard Katie bashing about her privacy to someone. Then Yesung’s low voice came on. What are these two doing in there? Is Yesung trying to her? WHOA, is he bi? I mean, it’s pretty obvious that he likes Wookie but is he seriously that desperate to have a lover that he would even take Katie? That girl is like, what? Half his age?

            Feeling heroic, I barged in and shouted, “DO NOT BE AFRIAD! KYU IS HERE TO THE RESCUE!” A cape would make my entrance more dramatic, but I will just have to do with my handsome face. *Wink*.

            Katie had her eyebrow raised at me and Yesung was glowering at me. This must have been how Teuk felt when he interrupted Chullie and Katie’s kissing session. I raised my finger at Yesung, “You shouldn’t try to our fan, Sungie Hyung. You will ruin our reputation. Tsk, tsk, shame on you.” As usual, I felt smug pointing out others’ mistakes. I hate to blackmail someone as pitiful as Yesung, but I still haven’t forgiven him the time he chucked my laptop out the window.

            But now that I looked more closely, the two didn’t seem to be struggling, just arguing. Katie’s hair wasn’t even ruffled and there weren’t suspicious marks on her neck or anywhere else. Perhaps…I hadn’t been wrong?

            “You sick-minded ert! Sungie Oppa wouldn’t try to me!” Katie yelled at me. She glanced back at Yesung, “Anyways, can we talk about this later? Like, when Hyunnie Oppa leaves?”

            Yesung smirked, “Are you still trying to cover up your act with your aegyo? Don’t worry, I won’t let your secret slip anytime soon. I’d like to see how differently you act each time you take on a new personality. But we’ll talk about my conditions later.”

            WHAT ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT? I hate being kept in the dark. “What are you two talking about? What conditions? What new personality? Do you have multi-personality disorder or something Katie? OH MY GOSH I’M TALKING WITH A PSYCHO RIGHT NOW!” I felt like I was going out of my mind. What if this girl is dangerous? I quickly grabbed my mic ran out the dressing room.

            Forget about playing with this girl. She’s too dangerous for me.


            I watched as Kyuhyun run out of the dressing room. He must have some paranoia issues. I glanced at my watch and said to Yesung, “Your performance’s almost starting, aren’t you leaving?” Since the moment he had uncovered my secret, I had been trying to bargain with him, then threatening him, and finally begging him.

            I knew my luck would be rough if I meet Yesung. He really is as creepy as his fellow members make him. I wonder if it’s obvious that I’m pretending to be Stephanie. I had made sure that I bought a wig with straight bangs so I can cover up the mark that Yesung made when he slammed the door in my face. See? I’m really smart.

            “Don’t think that I’m finished with you,” Yesung warned me as he walked out. I made a disgusted expression. What does this guy have against me? It’s not like my pretense is hurting anyone in particular. I huffed at him and found about 20 reporters crowding the entrance, snapping photos of me.

            “Miss, what is your connection with Super Junior?”

            “Miss, what is your name?”

            “Are you dating any of the Super Junior members?”

            “Are you the one caught kissing with Leeteuk the other day?”

            “Are you here as a slave to Super Junior?”

            “When did you meet Super Junior?”

            My mouth formed an O-shape as I was attacked with each question. Sh*t! Why am I always so unlucky with Super Junior?

            I didn’t really know what else was going to get me out of this situation.

            So I fainted.

Leeteuk’s POV:

            The performance was finally over! Now I have to face those pesky reporters. Why did Heechul have to kiss Ae-Cha in front of all these cameras? He just loses his mind completely when it comes to love.

            I wondered if Ae-Cha was going to be okay. According to Kyu, she was in the dressing room with Yesung when he went back to get the mic. Reporters had flooded that area a while ago…did something happen?

            “Ah, are you okay, Miss Park?” I saw Ae-Cha lying on a couch nearby. She seemed slightly pale and there was an ice pack on her forehead. Several attendants were fanning her worriedly. There were also many reporters nearby, interviewing her about her connection with Super Junior all the while videotaping her current condition.

            Heechul beat me to Ae-Cha and he held her hands anxiously. If only they were filming a drama instead of reality. All the reporters seem to be hungrily taking in the whole scenario.

            “Are you two dating, Mr. Heechul?”

            “Aish! How could you have hidden this fact from us?”

            “Are you worried about your girlfriend?”

            “We’re sorry, but this dressing room is off-limits to the media right now.” I turned around and found manager hyung calmly motioning the reporters out. A few lingered to take another snapshot of me standing alone, probably gonna title it “LEETEUK LEFT OUT WHILE HEECHUL BECOMES PRINCE CHARMING!” The imaginations of people these days -___-.

            When the door was finally closed, manager hyung turned to me first, “Who is this girl? What is she doing here? Why are you and Heechul acting all friendly with her? Is the one you were photographed kissing with? What were you thinking? How could you have let the reporters in? This scandal will put this young girl in danger and Super Junior’s reputation! What happened to the “no dating” part of the contract? Are you out of your mind?” He stopped to catch some breath and turned to Chul.

            “And you, why did you kiss her? Couldn’t you have done your fanservice in a more subtle way? And why were you acting all concerned for her just then? She’s not some cancer patient in the hospital! Leave your sympathetic image for the proper occasion! Didn’t you see all these cameras? Now the internet’s gonna EXPLODE with the news of you and Leeteuk rivaling for the heart of an innocent girl. If we are lucky, we can try to convince the media to blur her face and get her out of some danger! But why was she in here in the first place? Answer me you idiots!”

            Then he turned to Yesung and Kyuhyun, “You two were big-headed idiots too! What were you two doing in that room with her? Oh no don’t try denying the fact that you two were with her! In fact, they videotaped the whole conversation between you two and that girl! And let me tell you, it wasn’t a pretty conversation. Yesung sounded like he was dumped by that girl and then there was something about the girl having multi-personality disorder and a disheveled Kyuhyun running out! You’re supposed to be gentlemanly, Kyu! And Yesung, please don’t make yourself appear more pitiful than you already are. It really is bad for the Super Junior image.” We waited for manager hyung to finish his vent. Instead, he walked over to Ae-Cha and kneeled down in front of her face.

            “Who are you, my child?”

            Ae-Cha still seemed a little shocked. Post-trauma syndrome I guess. However, she managed to stutter out, “I’m Katie Ae-Cha Park.”

            “Well, Katie, what is your connection with Super Junior?” He’s sounding more and more like a reporter.

            “I met Teukie Oppa one day by accident and…” she glanced at me then and I miserably nodded my head.

            “I asked him to take me on a date and that if he do, I will recommend to him hot dates so he did, but ELFs started chasing us so we arrived at the Super Junior dorm where I met Heechul and he…” she now looked at Heechul. He finished her sentence, “I kissed her. It was on impulse. But the kiss photographed today wasn’t on impulse.”

            Manager hyung gave him a weird look before letting Ae-Cha finish. “And then I left. That’s all that happened.” He turned to me again, “Then who was it that you kissed?” I answered, “It was her cousin. The ‘hot date’ that she promised me.” Yesung smirked when he heard me. I glared at him, “I haven’t forgotten.” I whispered to him.

            “And I suppose that she really was that pretty?” I nodded my head eagerly. Manager hyung sighed at Chul and me. “You guys might as well explain everything. It’s going to be a bit hard trying to pass this off as fanservice.” He opened the door and let the news reporters flood in again.

            He gave me one last look before leaving. I nodded slightly at him and began to announce to the reporters, “This here is Miss Park and she is the cousin of my girlfriend…”

Donghae’s POV:

            I updated my twitter again: “Leeteuk Hyung caught in big scandal with his girlfriend and girlfriend’s cousin.” Within seconds, replies started flowing in.

            “Don’t you dare fall in love with any of them Donghae Oppa!”

            “UGH who is that stupid girl that took away my Teukie Oppa and Chullie Oppa?”

            “Wow they must be in big trouble right now with their manager.”

            “lol suju’s bi…”

            “WTF? They didn’t even wait for me?”

            “Ew that girl’s ugly as crap.”

            “lol suju’s bi…” Does this person have to keep on repeating that we’re bi? (not that we are, of course. I’m not even in love with this girl!)

            Leeteuk explained half the truth to the reporter. He didn’t mention how he met Ae-Cha or her cousin. It might be a bit embarrassing for him to admit that he needed a girlfriend that desperately.

            I closed my phone and stuffed it into my pocket just as a reporter came up to me and asked, “And Donghae, what do you think about Miss Park?” I glanced over at her. “Um, she’s pretty good-looking for a girl her age without make-up…and she seems to be in good health condition…and she acts very cute and innocent.” The reporter’s expression showed his disappointment. I knew he wanted something more out of me, a confession of love for Katie perhaps. Well, that’s not gonna happen. The only true love for me is Jessica Jung. (HaeSica 4ever ♥)

            When the torrent of reporters finally left, I went over to check up on Katie. She sat up sheepishly and smiled at us, “I’m sorry I caused so much trouble. I fainted on purpose so I could avoid those reporters but they didn’t buy it.” I laughed at her and handed her a bottle of energy drink.

            “You’ll feel better once you drink this.” Heechul narrowed his eyes at me and took a seat next to her.

            “Are you alright Katie?” She flinched a little and moved away from him. “I’m sorry Chullie Oppa but I have no romantic interest in you anymore than those fangirls of yours.” What an honest, out-spoken girl. She would suit Heechul perfectly. I smiled as I fantasized about their wedding and how I would be credited as their matchmaker. *sigh*.

            Eunhyuk poked me, “Thinking about me there, buddy?”

            “Yah of course not! I was thinking about how Katie and Heechul would look good together.” He followed my gaze and I could see something steely in his eyes. Is he falling in love with Katie too?

Author's Note: haha you guys are so surprised that Katie is Stephanie...but that's the drama isn't just going to end here...comment/subscribe if you like the story!

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@ARramdoz: FINALLY updated :)<br />
@youaremyhappiness: hehe now you know...<br />
@Ai_Dami: Yup I characters aren't very likeable...except for YESUNG! love this guy :D
Hmmm... I still dun't like So Hee >W<<br />
but then again..I don't particularly like Katie/Yon Hei/Stephanie... either..<br />
Heechul/Teukie/Donghae are no nos here too. xD<br />
*betraying Teukie appa*<br />
LOL But seriously, this was great! :D<br />
Update soon ~<br />
PS. I especially like the little twists :)
Stupid So-Hee >:( She needs to get a life! Anyways, thanks for the update ^^♥
ARrandomz #4
:P update soon! :)<br />
yay i updated!
ARrandomz #7
ooo there is gonna be more drama now hehe update soon :D
AIGOO. I love that HeeHae conversation!!!!!! To be honest, I ALWAYS say that line. "Oooh~ I like this author.." Hehe~Please update!!
@Ai_Dami: So Hee is not as bad as you think...she had a reason to leave him...and wow i just noticed that i copy n' pasted twice :P and idk what So Hee will do yet...<br />
@youaremyhappiness: haha thanks! and yeah i agree i made teuk a bit too cocky/un-Teuk :D
OMO. I'm in love with your story, chapter 8 OMGee Heechul kissed her!! btw Leeteuk is really sweet and a bit cocky buut is still sweet ^^ keep this going, I LOVE IT!