
It Takes Two

Hoon and I really did have a lot of fun. I forgot about everything while we are together. Well almost everything. Sometimes there are still those small traces of Willis that feel so overwhelming, but Hoon drives that sadness away.

“So it’s our last day here.” He says while we sit in the sand, I disappointed that it all pasted so quickly, “Don’t look so down Pax.”

“I’ve had such a great time here. It’s just what I needed Hoon.” I mumble leaning against him. “Thank you.”

Wrapping his arms around me he gently kisses my cheek. “I want to take all that away from you.” He mumbles.


Hoon pulls away from me and I feel hollow again, looking at him he faces me, I mimic him, “Those sad looks, those looks you get when it’s like you’re about to break and never turn back I want to take all that away. It hurts me to see you sad, the others too. I love to see you smiling and happy.” He says leaning forward, still mimicking him I lean forward until our lips connect.

I feel this burst of feeling, like I’ve been waiting to feel anything remotely like this. To feel anything, the numb feeling I’ve had for the past two years is finally lifting, even if just a little.


The drive back was fun, Hoon and I told each other funny stories, well until Hoon asked me a particular question. “What happened in America between you and Kevin?” Gulping I hadn’t been expecting that. “I mean I know you both went off on your own, but then something happened and it was like you were pushing Kevin away.”

Biting my lip I try to think of a way to explain what had happened. I mean how do you explain to your boyfriend that you woke up next to one of his best friends? Sure it happened while we were completely drunk and before Hoon and I got together but still. “Kevin and I…we shared a lot things that night. Told each other what we really thought of each other and our choices we made.” I tell him quietly.

Hoon nods his head before looking at me and then back at the road again. “We’ll be back at the dorms soon.” He whispers quietly.


For the rest of the car ride home Hoon and I are silent. I’m not sure if I upset him or not. Stopping Hoon outside the door to the dorms I bite my lip looking up at him. “Are you angry?”

Hoon sighs shaking his head, kissing me gently, returning the kiss I smile happily. “I’m not.”

Opening my door for me I look back at Hoon him glancing at U-Kiss’ dorm. “Aish, you’re not making this easy.” He mutters following me.


Hoon and I both settle on my couch, me falling asleep in his arms while he sings to me softly. When I’m with Hoon like this it’s like everything is ok, nothing really happened to me. I remember what I wanted to do in life, and I begin to wonder why I ever stopped.

Waking up to seeing Hoon holding me tightly and the apartment dark I blink a few times letting my eyes adjust to the lack of light, snuggling even closer to Hoon I rub my nose lightly against his chest causing him to stir. “Crap.” He mutters getting up with me. “I better get back to the dorm before they freak out.” He mutters.

“I’ll go, we still haven’t had dinner.” I tell say as we stumble over to my door, quickly slipping across the hall we see Soohyun sitting in a chair reading.

“You know you’re lucky we decided to check your apartment Paxton otherwise we might have all gone into a frenzy.” He says looking up at us seriously. “Anyways it’s rather cute seeing you both together like that.” He says on a happier note. “DINNER!” He yells happily skipping to the table.

Confused I glance at Hoon, him looking equally confused. “So what just happened?”

“Well with Eli off recording for a drama with Dongho, it’s just AJ, Kevin, Kiseop and me.” Soohyun explains happily taking a seat as the guys come to sit at the table. “Besides I don’t care how you guys act so long as it’s in private and not inappropriately.”

“Well how nice.” I mutter taking a seat as they pass the food around the table.

AJ chuckles. “We decided not to tell Eli.”

Letting out a sigh I grin at the boys. This place really is starting to feel a lot like home.

I'm pretty sure I'll be wrapping things up here pretty soon. I'm not really writing for this anymore like I wanted to and honestly I'm not even sure where this is going. Just thought you guys should know.

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ssweetdreamer101 #1
poor jelly kev :'(
ssweetdreamer101 #2
starlightdust #4
finish finish finish!
Finish it! I love this one!!
ssweetdreamer101 #6
EHHH? YAHHHH! (not to be rude lol) FINISH THE STORYYYYY!!! i LOVE this fanfic!
ssweetdreamer101 #7
i won't hate but now i want to read more!
ssweetdreamer101 #8
Kevin don't ever give up she coming around :)
starlightdust #9
yay she agrees to move on :D