Part Twenty Two

Miss Straight A's VS Mr.(Not So) Perfect

[Seohyun's POV]

It has been about a week since that eventful night, and my life is currently in a state of absolute mess that even my perfectionism couldn't help solve. I have been spending more time thinking about how to not deal with my new problem instead of focusing on more important things, like my studies. Receiving a love confession from someone is not something I am accustomed to so how am I supposed to handle two? I wish there is a certain formula to love and relationship that I can just memorise. 

Ugh, my life is such a mess now.

I never hate going classes before but even that turned out to be a chore for me now. Initially, I assumed that we would not be encountering each other so often since the faculty building is pretty big but oh my, I was so wrong. They are everywhere! Including that Idiot King.

Isn't he the type to skip classes all the time?

Why is he even around?

Though I would say that I did a pretty good job of avoiding both of them, even when it was mostly done by pretending and avoiding eye contact. Not a very clever tactic, but there is nothing else I could do. I am pretty sure that I was not being subtle enough about it so most of the time both Junghwa and Jinwoon would just give up and let me go; thankfully for that. 

Unfortunately, the hide and seek continued only after awhile. I had to attend Prof. Jung's class so avoiding interaction with the two of them became impossible afterwards. Our group project is still a priority and I won't let my personal feelings affect my grade. We were told to submit our finalised draft for the coursework on the next class so the three of us agreed to meet up at Hyoyeon unnie's cafe for one final discussion.


Silence filled the air inside the book cafe as I sat awkwardly between Jinwoon and Yonghwa who have been staring at each other for what I would say as 'the longest five minutes of my life'. They have been doing it ever since I arrived at our table and I wonder if something happened before that.

If I had to guess it myself, I think I can understand the reason behind Yonghwa's hostile demeanour towards Jinwoo. It all made sense since he knew about Jinwoon's confession and all but, I just can't figure out why was Jinwoon acting so weird in front of Yonghwa too. I mean, Yonghwa's confession is supposed to be a secret right? He is not explicitly saying that it's for me and I never told Jinwoon about the 'seat incident' either. So, jealousy is least likely to be the cause (and I am not implying that it should).

The stifling silence was broken soon after that when Hyoyeon unnie dropped by to take our order but it didn't last long. The awkwardness came back as soon as we were left alone again. Not wanting to make it worse, I tried to act normal and lead the discussion. We managed to focus on the work and get the majority of it done but the tension was still there.

Unable to handle it anymore, I tried to excuse myself by going to the restroom.

"Hey guys, can we stop for a bit and continue in a minute? I need to go the ladies," I said as I rise from my seat.

"Yeah, sure. We'll be here, take your time," Jinwoon looked up to me and smiled, still looking like my best friend. 

I stole a glance to look at Yonghwa but he didn't even care to reply. His right hand was busy tapping the table while his eyes were fixed on the paperwork.

I wonder if his confession was a mistake.

I let out a heavy sigh and started to walk towards the female restroom.


As soon as I got out from the toilet stall, I saw Hyoyeon unnie standing at the restroom entrance waiting for me. She had this mischievous look in her eyes that even the thought of her thought made me shudder. 

"So..," Hyoyeon
unnie greeted me, still wearing the sneaky grin she had from the start.

"...any new story to share with me?" she continued after pausing for a few seconds.

I gave her a puzzled look. 

"Oh, don't act clueless Hyunnie! Tell me about your decision? Are you accepting Jinwoon's confession or Yongwha's?"

Hearing the Idiot King name coming out from Hyoyeon
unnie's lips almost gave me a heart attack. 

Oh no, how can she know about Yonghwa? 
Did I tell her that? Cause I am pretty sure I didn't!
But, if she didn't know about it, why is she asking me this?

I tried to remember what happened after Jinwoon left the bar that night. To be honest, everything was so blurry for me as I was too preoccupied with the aftershock of the double confessions.

" you know that unnie?" I asked while stuttering a bit.

" To tell you the truth, I knew about you and Yonghwa."

unnie's sudden declaration made my heart skipped a beat. 

Uh? What? What does she mean by the truth?

"You see, the boys told me about the night at your old school," she continued, looking straight at me.

I can feel my face turning red by then.

"I knew that there was something going on with you two from the start. I can feel it, but I only managed to confirm it recently when the boys told me all about your visits to the bar and about the incident at your old school. So, when Yonghwa confessed that night during the CN Blue's performance, I just knew that it was for you, " she chuckled, looking a tad too excited about it. 

OMG, the humiliation! Gosh, I know that we are not that close but can I kill the boys now?

"So, tell me Hyunnie. Have you decided? What are you going to do?"

I wish there was a big hole somewhere nearby where I could just hide myself in. 


I came out of the restroom feeling drained. It took me awhile to compose myself again after the conversation with Hyoyeon unnie. I can feel her concern towards me but finding out that almost everyone involved actually knows about me and Yonghwa is making me feel like my soul just got out by the dementor. 

So much of a secret huh, Seo Hyun?
But at least they don't know about the kiss. 

I let out a heavy sigh. 

All I hope now is for Jinwoon to not know about this.

It's not like I like to lie to my only best friend, but considering what has been happening to us recently, it's best for him to not know for now. I don't even know what I'm going to do. 

I love Jinwoon as a friend and I can't see my future without him around.

Yonghwa, he does make me feel something different but he also feels dangerous.

Like I'm going to be into something unknown whenever I am with him.

I think I need more time to think about this.

I arrived at the table feeling even worse than when I left. Jinwoon stood up as soon as he saw me coming but Yonghwa was nowhere in sight.

"Are you done?" Jinwoon asked, smiling as usual.

I nodded, trying to look as normal as possible. My eyes were busy scanning the room, looking for Yonghwa.

"Are you looking for Yonghwa hyung?" Jinwoon asked.

Opps. Busted.

"We finished discussing the remaining points when you were gone. He told me that he will finish the write up on his part and email them to us by this weekend. So, we can go back now," Jinwoon explained, his hands were busy putting back his stuffs into the bag pack.

I felt a little tug on my heart when I realised that Yonghwa had already left. I didn't know why but I felt like crying at that time.

I don't even get to say a word to him today.


Hello, everyone!

It has been more than 2 years since my last update on this story.

After losing all the chapters that I have written previously, I kind of lost the motivation to continue writing it.

Now that I am busy with work and all, my life is getting much more hectic too.

But I feel bad and there is a part of me that want to finish this till the end.

So I am trying to pick up the long lost pace again. 

Since it's been awhile, please understand if my writing style have changed (for better or for worse).

I know there is no major development in this new chapter, please consider it as my warm up. 

I hope I will be back soon. For those who were waiting for this, I am sorry for being MIA!

Author :)

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marquez #1
Chapter 24: I loved this yongseo story and please let yongseo be together. waiting for the next chapter and hope it won't be long. Thank u.
WuLhanPark #2
Chapter 23: Hai.. Long time no see your update authornim..
Are you alright ??
azee26 #3
Chapter 23: Make this story complete pls.....update soon jebal...
iBelieveYSIR #4
Chapter 23: Omo! Authornim, have you forgotten about this fic of yours?.. I hope not though, as this story is awesome for real! I hope you get the chance to update this once again. Cool story!
smileaddict #5
hi it's been a while since you've been updating. I hope everything is fine with u :))

smileaddict #6
Chapter 23: team YongSeo FTW of course!! XD

it's been awhile n I hope u update soon >.<

michintime #7
Chapter 23: I like your story~ Authornim~ Pls update soon~ Team Yonghwa here~ ^^
YongSeoForever7 #8
Chapter 23: Team Yonghwa!!! I like Jinwoon, but as you can tell, I'm a big goguma couple fan :3
Chapter 23: Team Yonghwa! ani ani Team Jinwoon! oh but i love Yongseo.. ahh i can't pick ㅠㅠ Seohyun i trust you lol
Chapter 23: Team yonghwa all the way