Chapter 42



Chanhee sits there, staring blankly at the wall. He no longer knows what he should do - Two choices that he can only pick one. Part of him wished that both of them are one individual so that he won’t have much to think about. He sighs as he ruffles his own hair in frustration. Despite his own inner conflict, it did not go unnoticed by the small boy who happens to just woke up from his slumber.

“Daddy what’s wrong?” Ricky asks as he tugs on Chanhee’s sleeve. Chanhee frowns into a smile as he gently pats on Ricky’s head. He eyed the little boy before thinking if he should tell the younger about the secret he kept so long from him – the identity of his father. “Hey Ricky, why didn’t you ask Daddy about your other daddy?” Chanhee asks.

“Because I’m happy with Daddy! Ricky also knows that even if Ricky asks, Daddy won’t tell Ricky.” Ricky replies with a grin. Chanhee chuckles as he ruffles Ricky’s hair. “But have you ever wondered who he is or want to know who he is?” Chanhee continues to ask. Ricky tilt his head to think, his mouth moving side to side as he think through his answer. “Well… Ricky did want to know who he is because he is the person who used to make Daddy happy!” Ricky answers.

Chanhee nods before standing up and laid himself on the bed, lying next to Ricky. He brings the kid closer to him and embraces him. “What will you do if I tell you the identity of your daddy?” Ricky hums in deep thoughts once more before shrugging his shoulders. “I guess that’s it. It doesn’t matter to Ricky. As long as Daddy is happy, Ricky is happy.” Chanhee laughs as he plant kisses all over Ricky’s face.

“You remember L.joe?” Chanhee started, eyes shuts and leaning on Ricky’s head. He felt Ricky’s head nod a few times before sighing. “He’s your other daddy.” Chanhee announces and he peek open an eye to see Ricky’s reaction. Ricky immediately sat up and beamed at his father. “Really? That’s so awesome. L.joe is so awesome! I don’t mind having a daddy like that. And it is a good thing! That witch will eat up L.joe one day!” Ricky exclaims as he claps his hand in excitement.

“You’re not angry or anything?” Ricky shook his head. Then suddenly, Ricky frowns into a sad expression. “What’s wrong? I thought you said you aren’t angry?” Chanhee asked worryingly. “If… L.joe is my other daddy then what will happen to CAP-Hyung? I also want CAP-Hyung to be my daddy!” Ricky whines as he started to tear up.

Chanhee smiles bitterly as he hugs Ricky, and patting his back to calm his crying. “But Daddy can’t choose both of them… Daddy can only pick one.” Chanhee mutters as he continues to calm the younger. “Why?? I want both of them to be my Daddy! Please marry both of them! Please~!” Ricky whines and put up a cute puppy face look in which makes him look extremely pitiful with those red and puffy eyes.

“I’m not answering that, and you need to rest. Come go to sleep.” Chanhee instructed as got off the bed and tucks Ricky in. He makes sure he gives Ricky a goodnight kiss before taking a rest on the couch that the room has. “Please be happy Daddy.” Ricky mutters as he shifted slightly in his sleep. Chanhee felt extremely pathetic. His own situation caused so many people to worry about him, even his own son. His own cowardice and his own indecisiveness caused so much inconvenience to people that he simply wish that everything could just went back to how it is before – and to the point he had never met Byunghun.

But he can’t turn back time and everything has happened already. He can only move forward and hope for a better future. He stares at the ceiling as he recalls his own choices.

Firstly, the man who is beside Chanhee almost all the time – Minsoo. If Minsoo has never confessed, he would have never realized Minsoo’s feelings. Minsoo has never once fail to deny whatever Chanhee has asked or requested him of. He supported Chanhee since the start of all his depressed period. He worked long hours and even has to beg to work for even longer hours just to be able to bring home that few money that seemly looked sufficient for just the three of them. Each time he though through those actions and hard work Minsoo has done for him, it made Chanhee want to lean more on Minsoo. It is then feelings developed in Chanhee for Minsoo – the feeling of reliance on the elder and the feelings of able to trust and depend on the elder.

Then, the other man who although have only dated Chanhee for that short period of time yet able to give so much love and attention in which Chanhee has never experience it before. It made Chanhee feel loved and at that moment, he made Chanhee feel wonderful. He lost his ity willingly to Byunghun and Ricky is his Child as well. He blamed the younger at first but as time passes by, he felt that blaming Byunghun for their separation is simply part of his own denial. Byunghun lost his memories due to a brain condition in which he could not control. Perhaps Chanhee should give a chance to Byunghun, allowing the younget to make up for the lost gap of four years.

Chanhee owed so much to those both guys and he loved them so much. He closes his eyes once more as he decides on his own answer. As he opens his eyes once more, he knows that his answer has been decided. He now hopes that everything will turn out right, and played out right.

He has decided to choose …


I'm too evil honestly :D You'll discover who he choose in the next chapter! 

I do believe that next will be the last chapter (I think) 

Anyways ~ Thank you all for all the support so far! 

Until the next update! :D

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Sorry for the very long hiatus I've been! (2 days) An extremely long chapter will be updated next! I believe it will be around 2 - 3 chapters long! Thank you~ !


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Chapter 45: this is the 6 time i read this again, it always good n interesting..but too bad that u didn't update in such a long time.. it's really bad that we don't know the end or any update form u..hope one day u remember and update this story ..i really love this story
Chapter 45: Hope you can update soon~ it's a really good story!
RavenGoth #3
Chapter 45: Ahhhh please update quick before our christmas break will be over :'(
RavenGoth #4
Chapter 41: Joke hahahaha I wish chanhee will come for byunghun not for minsoo bcuz honestly minsoo is for niel =^3^=
RavenGoth #5
Chapter 41: I want byunghun to be with minsoo ahhhhhhhhhh XD (fluttered)
Chapter 45: Update please ? :(
Chapter 45: Update please >< ..
iechannie #8
Chapter 16: Update pls :(
Do you still want to upgrade? T-T
Chapter 45: ╮(╯3╰)╭ Just in case you thinks that no one bothers about this fic any longer I gonna comment and say I do hahahhhahah

This is one of the best ChunJoe fic I read so with the lack of fics these days I keep remembering this fic and I just reread it. I need a closure though :( When is your last chapp coming out?? :(