Chapter 21



Chanhee stood at the apartment that he all so remember. But now that the original owner is no longer part of it, he is unsure if the house is vacated already. But he has to try nonetheless, for Byunghun. He gave the door a slight knock a few times and it took a few minutes before the door swung open, revealing a young and pretty female.

“Yes? How may I help you?” The female tenant asks. Chanhee shifts in his position, having second thoughts about this whole idea. Byunghun wouldn’t like it if he is to know what he did. But now that he’s here, he must as well go for it. A chance is better than no chance at all.

“I’m looking for Mrs. Lee.” Chanhee responded, giving the woman a pleading look in hopes that the requested individual is actually home. “I’m sorry, but if you’re looking for her services, you must make an appointment with her.” The lady responded and proceeded to close the door, but is stopped by Chanhee’s foot which manages to wedge in between.

“It’s not about her services, it’s about her son!” Chanhee blurted out. But despite the urgent feel that Chanhee’s responds hold, the lady still remain in doubt about Chanhee’s intent. “What’s taking so long Hyuna? Who’s at the door?” another voice sounded from within the apartment.

Hyuna sighed, knowing that she couldn’t give any more reasons to halt Chanhee’s progress. “It’s someone Byunghun knows. He’s here to see you concerning your son. Hyuna responded back. The requested individual came into view and almost instantly a scowl appeared on her face.

“What are you doing here? Come to borrow money? I knew Byunghun being with you is an utter mistake.” Mrs. Lee scoffs, folded his arms and refuse to look at Chanhee. “Your son is the hospital! He’s dying!” Chanhee replied back instantly. Despite having said the most crucial word that will put all mothers into panic, Mrs. Lee remains calm and composed.

“And? Aren’t you there when he said those words? He clearly state that he wanted nothing from us anymore, meaning cutting of ties. His life is none of my concern.” Mrs. Lee replied nonchalantly, before walking away. Chanhee growled slightly at the respond and pushed pass Hyuna and head towards the older woman.

He stopped the retreating woman, and dropped to his knees and placing both hands on the floor, he bowed all the way down to the floor. “Please, you have to save him! Ties or not, he is still your son. He has your blood!” Chanhee yelled out, still remaining in the kneel-bow position.

“Don’t think that just because you bowed and I’ll give in and save him. Don’t forget who is the one who broke the ties between us at the first place? You! Byunghun could have lived a luxury life till old with a gorgeous wife and who do you think destroyed all of that? You.” Mrs. Lee yelled out in rage as she started to damage Chanhee physically with kicks and pushes. When she tried to harm the other with dangerous objects, Hyuna got hold of the raging woman to stop her rampage.

“I’m sorry... I’m sorry that I caused this. I didn’t mean to… But please just save him, I’ll do anything…” Chanhee responded with tears, yet not leaving the kneel-bow position he is in. “Just… save him… please” He continued the chant over and over again.

“Anything? Then you should know what I wanted. You know how to fix this don’t you? You’re smart enough to know how to, even a blind man knows how to.” Mrs. Lee spat, voice laced anger but at the same time mixed with a smirk-like tone. Chanhee stopped his chant and held his breath for a moment. She wanted that. When she outraged on Chanhee moments ago, the answer is as clear as day the way to do all this.

As much as Chanhee didn’t want to do so, seeing Byunghun die is worse than all the options he have currently. He slowly rises up to a normal kneeling position, face heavily stained with tears. He slows his own cries and turned his gaze to the two women in front of him.

“I-I’ll do it. I’ll… leave him.” Chanhee slowly answered. With each syllabus, his heart pierced with pain. It pains him to say those words. It hurt. Mrs. Lee smirks and dusts off imaginary dust on her blazer. “Not only so, you’ll leave this place once and for all. Never to appear in front of him and us again.” She added, before leaving the apartment.

Hyuna eyed the crying boy with pity and crouch to an eye level with Chanhee. “I’ll make sure to save him; I’ll promise you that and… take care.” She consoled before taking her leave as well. The tears can’t seem to stop flowing from Chanhee’s eyes. He cried and cried, crying out the pain that pierces his heart with each memory he had with Byunghun.

Yes. He may live but he would no longer be his.


“Please move aside, the patient is coming in.” Hyuna yelled out as she pushes the bed Byunghun is lying on into the surgery room. “Miss Kim, this is the scan of the patient’s brain.” A nurse handed her a sheet of black plastic. “How does it look?” Another doctor voices out. Hyuna shakes her head. “He will live alright. But I’m afraid that he won’t keep his memories anymore.” She replies, giving the unconscious Byunghun a sad look. “But it is better this way. Come let us being the procedure.”


Chanhee sat outside of Byunghun’s apart, waiting for Minsoo to come. His eyes showing no sign of life anymore. “Chanhee!” Minsoo calls out and quickly approach the puff eyes boy. “What’s wrong? Did you cry? Byunghun will be alright okay? They brought him into-“ Chanhee stopped Minsoo’s speech by place his hand on the other’s lips. “Let’s leave this place Minsoo. Let’s move somewhere else. This place only provides me with bad memories. Let’s go somewhere else and start a new life.” Chanhee suggested out, with no life in his voice. Minsoo didn’t know what happened, but he did not push further into asking questions. The state Chanhee is now is nothing but a lifeless boy.

Minsoo hums in agreement and lead the boy into the car. He enters the driver seat and gave Chanhee one last concerned look before he starts the car and started their journey home first, before leaving for another location. Chanhee’s eyes stayed motionless as he stared at the blurred houses and trees that the car went past. His hand unconsciously moved to his own tummy, gently patting and rubbing it in small circles.

He may no longer be able to be with Byunghun anymore, but maybe it may be possible with their legacy. 

End of Arc 1. 


This is the end of Arc 1, and Arc 2 will consequently start at the next chapter! 

Honestly, I pictured this chapter many many times, but i feel that this is the best to my extent to write it out. Hope it is okay for you lovely readers :3

Thank you all for commenting, subscribiing and most importantly reading it! 

And this is NOT the end (Although I'm writing as if it is the last, kekeke) 

Until tomrrow! The start of Arc 2! (And will be possible the last arc of this fiction, well there is only 2 arcs though :3)

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Sorry for the very long hiatus I've been! (2 days) An extremely long chapter will be updated next! I believe it will be around 2 - 3 chapters long! Thank you~ !


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Chapter 45: this is the 6 time i read this again, it always good n interesting..but too bad that u didn't update in such a long time.. it's really bad that we don't know the end or any update form u..hope one day u remember and update this story ..i really love this story
Chapter 45: Hope you can update soon~ it's a really good story!
RavenGoth #3
Chapter 45: Ahhhh please update quick before our christmas break will be over :'(
RavenGoth #4
Chapter 41: Joke hahahaha I wish chanhee will come for byunghun not for minsoo bcuz honestly minsoo is for niel =^3^=
RavenGoth #5
Chapter 41: I want byunghun to be with minsoo ahhhhhhhhhh XD (fluttered)
Chapter 45: Update please ? :(
Chapter 45: Update please >< ..
iechannie #8
Chapter 16: Update pls :(
Do you still want to upgrade? T-T
Chapter 45: ╮(╯3╰)╭ Just in case you thinks that no one bothers about this fic any longer I gonna comment and say I do hahahhhahah

This is one of the best ChunJoe fic I read so with the lack of fics these days I keep remembering this fic and I just reread it. I need a closure though :( When is your last chapp coming out?? :(