Chapter 2



Chanhee is an orphan. His parent’s abandoned him at a very young age. But he is certainly lucky to have been adopted by a couple who couldn’t produce any children. Despite his once orphaned status, Chanhee doesn’t allow it to affect him negatively; however it brought him positive changes instead.

Chanhee grew up more maturely than most of his classmates. He doesn’t make fun of people, doesn’t play with their feelings. He does actions that even sensible adults do – lend a helping hand to whoever needs it, and Chanhee enjoys helping people. Some people say that he did it just to satisfy his own desire to help others, but Chanhee just wants to help. Sometimes, he feels that he is born to help others.

Chanhee is a smart kid. He ensures that he doesn’t waste his foster parent’s money when they are the ones who pay for his schooling. But Chanhee’s family isn’t wealthy. They open a small Bakery at a college campus just near their house. Despite having the brains, Chanhee couldn’t afford to study college. His teachers advised him to take up scholarships, where everything is paid for him. But he turned them down. His excuse – to help with the family business.

Though, Chanhee does find some passion in baking. Those desserts he has to make every day, and all those new recipes that he formulated – those are part of his satisfaction working as a baker. Maybe one day, Chanhee thought that he might expand the family business.

Chanhee grew up looking extremely attractive. Although he doesn’t have the manly look, instead he was born with a pretty face which all girls envy for – Bigger than average shaped eyes, with flawless skin. Adding those features to his nice and approachable character, and his filial approach – who doesn’t want him as their spouse?

But Chanhee doesn’t date at all. He would turn down every single confession that he faced with. Most people thought that it would because of his filial character which detriments his love life, but no one actually knows the real reason. Chanhee doesn’t want anyone to just like him for his features; he wants him or her to love him entirely. He made some mistakes every now and then, and even have weaknesses like everyone else, just that he doesn’t show it often. Sometimes, Chanhee wants to feel loved, outside the love his foster family gave him.

“Thank you for your purchase! Please come again sometime!” Chanhee replies as he sends off customers who patrons the bakery.

Politeness is what Chanhee thinks is the most important when it comes to customer service. Maybe it could be because that the bakery isn’t very famous and it’s after all small – there stood a need to brush up on other minor details.

“Chanhee! Can you come for a second?” A low and rough voice calls out to him. That would probably be Chanhee’s foster father. But it doesn’t bode well for Chanhee. “Coming!” Chanhee mutters. He didn’t like being alone in a room with his father. Not that he dislike him, but the small little actions his father does to him.

“What’s the matter?” Chanhee quirked, wanting to quickly solve the problem. “I’ve dropped something underneath the table, would you help me pick it up? It’s quick deep inside, and you know I’m old and-“Chanhee cuts him off, understanding the root of the problem. He kneels down, and crawls underneath the table, but he couldn’t seem to find the item that was dropped.

“Chanhee, you have some stains on your . Let me help clean it off” His father offered. That is when Chanhee realize the full intention of the problem. It’s a trick. This is the reason why Chanhee dislike his father. Ever since he hits puberty, and became more attractive – his father has been ually harassing him. He wants it to stop, but when his father threatens to break the family up, Chanhee couldn’t do anything. He lost his family once and he doesn’t want to break up anymore. Plus, people would suggest that Chanhee seduce his father, rather than the other way round.

“! No I’ll do it myself!” Chanhee quickly voiced out. He tries to quickly retreat out, but as an act of haste, he accidentally knocked his head on the table. When he got out, he felt dizzy from the damage earlier. “What’s wrong with my little Channie? Let Daddy have a look” says a concerned father of Chanhee’s, and approach to get close to him.

Chanhee tries to push the older guy off, but his dizziness isn’t helping him at all. Though, even if he is all perfectly fine – the older guy is just too bulky to be pushed off. But before his father could touch him, Chanhee was pulled away by someone else.

“Yah, you old geezer! How many times have I told you not to do that! If it’s not for Chanhee, I would long report you for harassment! I’m watching you!” Shouted Chanhee’s savior. Chanhee is then swiftly dragged out from the room, not wanting him to stay in that room any longer.

“Are you okay?”

“I think I am. Don’t think I suffered any concussion. Thanks Minsoo” Chanhee replies. Minsoo smiles, knowing that Chanhee is alright. “But I’ve told you so many times, don’t be alone with him!” Minsoo scolded. Chanhee pouts. “Y-Yah! Stop pouting! It doesn’t make you look cute!” Minsoo states, slightly stammering with his face flushing pink.

“I’m so hurt Minsoo.” Chanhee rebuts, with a fake act of hurt expression. Unfortunately for Minsoo, he wasn’t very smart to begin with. Maybe when it comes to Chanhee – Minsoo tends to become more protective. “I-I’m sorry! Okay! You’re cute alright! Don’t be … sad” Minsoo apologizes.

Chanhee chuckles at the trick that Minsoo always falls with. He’s just too gullible! He envelops the elder with a hug, representing a word of thanks to the elder. Minsoo temporarily is shocked by the sudden action, but return the hug nonetheless. The two of them breaks apart, when the doorbell rang, signaling the entrance of a customer.  Chanhee shoos Minsoo away, not wanting the other to interfere with his work.

“Welcome! How many I assist you?” Chanhee greets.

“Let me first introduce myself. Name’s Lee Byunghun. And I want you to be my boyfriend.”  

A/N: Wow! Somehow this fiction makes me want to continue writing! Here's chapter 2! And thanks a lot to the comments and subscribing! I do read and reply to them :>


Chapter Song: SISTAR19 - Gone, Not around anymore. 

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Sorry for the very long hiatus I've been! (2 days) An extremely long chapter will be updated next! I believe it will be around 2 - 3 chapters long! Thank you~ !


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Chapter 45: this is the 6 time i read this again, it always good n interesting..but too bad that u didn't update in such a long time.. it's really bad that we don't know the end or any update form u..hope one day u remember and update this story ..i really love this story
Chapter 45: Hope you can update soon~ it's a really good story!
RavenGoth #3
Chapter 45: Ahhhh please update quick before our christmas break will be over :'(
RavenGoth #4
Chapter 41: Joke hahahaha I wish chanhee will come for byunghun not for minsoo bcuz honestly minsoo is for niel =^3^=
RavenGoth #5
Chapter 41: I want byunghun to be with minsoo ahhhhhhhhhh XD (fluttered)
Chapter 45: Update please ? :(
Chapter 45: Update please >< ..
iechannie #8
Chapter 16: Update pls :(
Do you still want to upgrade? T-T
Chapter 45: ╮(╯3╰)╭ Just in case you thinks that no one bothers about this fic any longer I gonna comment and say I do hahahhhahah

This is one of the best ChunJoe fic I read so with the lack of fics these days I keep remembering this fic and I just reread it. I need a closure though :( When is your last chapp coming out?? :(