Chapter 18



“M-mom? What’re you doing here?” Byunghun stammered in shock. They have been avoiding all her investigators, but they hadn’t realized that they would be seeing her so soon. Byunghun didn’t have the intention of bringing him to see his mother anytime soon, knowing that she would be pestering him to marry Hyuna.

“Why can I be here? You’re here and you didn’t come home last night! As your mother, I’m worried for you.” His mother scoffs slightly but later turned instantly into an expression of worry. “Come let’s go home and discuss your wedding.” His mother says, before grabbing his arm and pulling towards the exit.

Byunghun pulls his arm away harshly. “I’ve told you I have no interest in marrying her! I don’t like her if you’re dense enough not to realize.” Byunghun yelled out with voice thick with annoyance. His mother glared at Byunghun, before giving her son a slap across his check. The slap sounded throughout the room and it feels like it echoed for a moment.

“Byunghun!” Chanhee exclaims, before approaching his lover and gently rub the sore wound that now starting to turn red. Chanhee turns to Byunghun’s mother, before taking a low bow. “My name is Lee Chanhee, Mrs. Lee. Byunghun just is having a rough day, so please forgive him.” He apologizes. Among all of the people in the room, Chanhee knows best when it comes to family issues, and of all things – he detests breaking up another family, especially when he is the main issue.

Byunghun’s mom took a few paces around Chanhee, eyes not leaving the still bowed bow. “So… this is the Lee Chanhee that I heard so much about. Average looks, lack of education and worst of all – poor. I’ll give you credits for manners, but you don’t actually think that your relationship with my son will last would you? You’re after all… average” Byunghun’s mother mocks.

It’s not lies at all, but facts that spewed from her lips. Chanhee isn’t that good looking; he didn’t study much and didn’t go to college. And despite all, he knows he isn’t rich at all. All those defames came crushing Chanhee’s confidence, and he felt that he isn’t worthy of Byunghun, who deserves someone better than him.

“M-maybe you should follow you mother Byunghun… You deser-“ Byunghun silence Chanhee with a kiss, much to his mother’s disgust. “Don’t say that Chanhee. I don’t care if she said about you, but you’re good looking in my eyes, and lack of knowledge is cute in a sense and love doesn’t need money for it to flourish.” Byunghun confesses, giving the other a deep look, then pushing Chanhee behind him and glared at his parent.

“No matter what, I will not marry Hyuna. I won’t leave Chanhee either. If you wish to force me, then I’ll just have to sever ties with you.” Byunghun growled. This is the ultimatum. “You’re willing to leave a life of gold for that peasant? Have you contracted that craziness they possess?” His mother exclaim in return, shocked to hear those words coming from her own son.

“I’m mentally sane and I know what I said. Chanhee is the greatest person I’ve met and I will not leave him, even for a life of gold.” Byunghun made his choice. He is going through thick and thin with Chanhee, rich or poor.

“Fine. You will have to move out from your apartment within a week. All connections between you and your dad and I are done. Happy living a life of a peasant. Of course, if you ever regret your decision, you’ll always be welcome back – if you beg us that is.” His mother scoffs as she stomps out from the room.

“Why did you do that Byunghun! Now I feel bad for breaking you and … *sobs* your mother… *sobs*” Chanhee exclaims in between sniffs. “Shh…” Byunghun tries to calm the elder, wiping off the tears with his thumb. “You didn’t break us up, the problem isn’t with you so don’t worry. She’s just being unreasonable. At least now we can date in open!” Chanhee didn’t really hear that for he is too absorbed in his own crying.

Byunghun brings the other closer for a hug, rubbing small circles on the other’s back. “Well… we’ll leave you for a moment.” Sunggyu says, before leaving and closing the door on his way out. Byunghun smiles at the gesture, totally appreciating it. For now, they require time alone to settle things out.

Byunghun sure to turn poor in that instant and he is for sure that his ex-parents would have cancelled his credit cards subscriptions. He probably would want to stay with Chanhee at Minsoo’s, but knowing how overprotective the other guy is, maybe it isn’t such a good idea. Sunggue may allow him so, but he will feel a little guilty for freeloading over long periods.

Then the problem of school fees comes into his mind. He may as well quit school now that he isn’t able to pay for it anymore. He didn’t think any further and decide to let things flow with it and see the outcome. He didn’t pursue anymore thoughts when he felt a headache slowly creeping into his head.

He recently is having such head pains, and he concluded of stress. But each time the pain reoccur, it became more intense and lasted even longer. At times he would have to take pain killers.

He really needs to take a long break soon from all this problems – just himself and Chanhee together. 

A/N: Today's Chapter! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICKY A.K.A CHANGHYUN! And Happy Birthday to me as well ~ Aigooo Isn't it fantastic we both share the same birthday kekeke! I wonder what will Teen Top do for him :D 

And not to forget, thank you all for reading, commenting and new subscribers out there - Thanks for subscribing! I lurb you <3 <3! Please do not hesitate to comment - i take all kinds and will reply them all to my best :D 

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Sorry for the very long hiatus I've been! (2 days) An extremely long chapter will be updated next! I believe it will be around 2 - 3 chapters long! Thank you~ !


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Chapter 45: this is the 6 time i read this again, it always good n interesting..but too bad that u didn't update in such a long time.. it's really bad that we don't know the end or any update form u..hope one day u remember and update this story ..i really love this story
Chapter 45: Hope you can update soon~ it's a really good story!
RavenGoth #3
Chapter 45: Ahhhh please update quick before our christmas break will be over :'(
RavenGoth #4
Chapter 41: Joke hahahaha I wish chanhee will come for byunghun not for minsoo bcuz honestly minsoo is for niel =^3^=
RavenGoth #5
Chapter 41: I want byunghun to be with minsoo ahhhhhhhhhh XD (fluttered)
Chapter 45: Update please ? :(
Chapter 45: Update please >< ..
iechannie #8
Chapter 16: Update pls :(
Do you still want to upgrade? T-T
Chapter 45: ╮(╯3╰)╭ Just in case you thinks that no one bothers about this fic any longer I gonna comment and say I do hahahhhahah

This is one of the best ChunJoe fic I read so with the lack of fics these days I keep remembering this fic and I just reread it. I need a closure though :( When is your last chapp coming out?? :(