I'm Sorry - II

Accidentally In Love

Tiffany was still sobbing; she stared at sunny not moving at all. Meanwhile, sunny was sitting on her bed, with hands extended holding the box of tissue, looking at tiffany whose been slowly zoning out.

“Tiffany? Tiffany Hwang to earth? Hey! Ms. Hwang where are you now? Are you still on earth?” sunny said as she was waving her hand in front of tiffany.


Tiffany’s soul was floating to no one knows where, she just stared blanky at sunny, the latter was already snapping her fingers however the girl was still frozen. She heaved a deep sigh, got up from bed and pulled tiffany down to bed, making the girl lie down to bed, which made her came back to reality.


“Ugh! Why did you pull me?” tiffany asked wiping her wet face


“Because you’re flying…” sunny retorted tugging tiff’s hands and wiping her tears away with tissue.


“Flying? What do you mean?” she retorted


“You’re flying to the other world Ms. Hwang… You zoned out there… scary…”


“I’m not scary!”


“Yes you are… you look like sadako for a while there… oooooh….”




“Ssssssh… here… wipe your tears…”




“Sure…” sunny said then laid back to her bed pulling one the pillows and hugging it tight






Tiffany’s POv


Sunny forgave me... Did she really forgive me? She pulled me in her bed, wiping my tears away, handed to me the tissue, letting me wipe my own tears, and then she turned her back and laid down to her bed, hug her pillow tightly and fell to sleep. What was that? Forced forgiveness? Because I’m too annoying already? I kept on saying I’m sorry? *sigh* Aish! You’re so stupid Tiffany Hwang! You should have not lied in the first place! Aaaaaargggh!!!!


I am staring at her back, I could only stare, I wanted to cuddle unto her, but I’m afraid that I might pissed her, I’m afraid that she will be mad at me again. My tears started to flow again, I’m trying my best to hold it but it just kept on flowing, flowing, flowing… I looked up, hoping that my tears will at least stop but to no avail. I started to make soft sobbing sounds; it’s so hard to control myself from making any sound. I’m now having a hard time to breathe. I turned my back and sobbed on my own.








“Why are you crying again?” I heard someone said groggily, I know it’s her…


I bite my lower lip, clear my mind, breathe in and out, before I answered her, “I don’t know…”


“Uhmm… Feeling guilty again?”




“I forgive you already…”






“Was it forced?”











“Was it forced?” I asked her again…







“A little…” finally she answered, admitted that it was forced and it’s confirmation of my assumption, an answer that stabs me hard in my heart.


“I… I… I… re…really am so…sorry…” I said stuttering








Sunny’s POv


I didn’t notice that I fell asleep the moment I lie down to my bed hugging my pillow. However, before I could go in deep slumber, I heard soft sobs. I sleepily turned to where the sound was, and saw tiff’s back, her shoulders shaking. She’s trying to control her cries. Why is she crying again? I thought which I voiced out eventually for I wanted to know why.


She gave me a simply answer, “I don’t know…” I asked her again if she’s feeling guilty again from all the lies. Without hesitation she answered with a “Yes”.






A question which I didn’t expect her to ask was thrown to me, which made me mum for a moment. I was surprised… and was thinking of the right words to say…  Yes I did say that I forgive her but, I’m a little forced to. She kept on saying sorry which was annoying me already. She’s going to say sorry again after I answered her which she really did. She’s crying hard now, loud and clear…


I heaved a deep sigh, now what? I’m looking at her back, shoulders shaking roughly, which manifests that she’s having difficulty breathing because of crying.


Should I tell her that I forgive her? Should I? Should I? But I’m not yet ready, not yet… I still need some time… little more time… who knows? Maybe before the day ends my heart will absolutely forgive her. For the moment this is all I could do.


“Hey….” I said as I sat up


She’s still crying…








“Sssssssh… just give me some more time okay?” I whispered in her ear I as wrapped my arms around her.


“I…I… I…m… so---“


“Ssssssssh… sssssh… stop… stop saying it… I already knew that you’re sorry… it’s up to me now… it’s up to my heart now to forgive you… but it’s not ready yet… give it some time… eventually, this heart of mine will truly forgive you tiff… okay?”


She meekly nodded…


“Good! Now, stop crying… my heart will not forgive you easily if you keep on crying you know…”


“I… I… am trying my best to stop… but it keeps… on… flowing… my tears… keep on… coming out…” she said in between hiccups


I gave her a squeeze and said, “Uhm… clean you clogged nose please… you sound… ahmm… weird…”




“Hehehe… Want me to help you?”


“No… I could manage…” she said and blew her nose…


“Eeewww!” I said and hide my face to the nook of her neck


“Tsk! Eww… eww… I’m… I…am clean now…” she declared


“There’s an alcohol over there…” I said pointing at the alcohol on my side table


She’s not moving…


“Why aren’t you moving?” I asked her


“It’s far…”




“Look…” she extended her arm but couldn’t reach the alcohol “See… far…”


“You could move… inched closer to that alcohol…” I said and loosened my hug but she stopped me


“Don’t… I want to feel you…” she said hanging her head low


“Oh… okay… we could both move closer then… hehehe… now move…”


And we inched closer to the side table for her to grab the alcohol…











“Done! 100 percent clean!”


I giggled at her childishness… “Good girl… now let’s take a nap!” I said and pulled her down with me still hugging her.


The moment we lie down, she turned her back and was now facing me, wrapped both her arms and legs comfortably unto me.


“Not so tight tiff… I still need to breathe…”


“Uhmm… I’m so…”


“It’s okay…”


“I miss you baby…”


“Uhmmm… let’s take a nap… shall we?” I said looking at her swollen eyes


“Uhmm… okay…” she said and snuggled back unto me









At long last i've updated... Sorry if it's very very late...  it's a short one but i hope you like it... ^__^






Koihaku, Jung1804, SakulBurns, RavingJenny, elinlinzz, Phibster12, lefttomars, Sufany, Saytsuki and gwen_stefani


THANK YOU... ^____^




-----> ENJOY \m\[>0<]/m/

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finally i've updated.... nytie morning pipz!


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JellowBear3 #1
Chapter 32: Wah~ i read your story from start to here in a cruel and teasingly cliffhanger. Na-kaka ines ka authornim! Almost two years now hinde mo pa tataposen tong maganda mong storya? Please whatever you're doing I hope you could continue this amazing story and i hope this ends up to be 2ny's happily ever after. I'm a big fan of 2ny but mostly importantly SUNNY. Hehe so please i hope you find inspiration to write again and to read your writings will be my pleasure. Thank you and good luck to whatever you're doing. lol haha Bye~ see you again~ ;)
Svnny2 #2
When you want to continue this story i really love this story.....please continue
nelly515 #3
Chapter 32: Update pleaseeeee...
Author nim....
Chapter 32: Update pleaseeeeeee
AomyCosapeGG #5
Sunshinerex #6
Chapter 32: Waaa a great fanfic... well you must be very busy but we wait for your update. Hwaiting!!
Plzzz Update soon....
Chapter 32: I hope you didn't forget this story :1 It is really good and I keep reading it. I hope you can update soon! :)