Nice to meet you.

A second chance

Silence filled the air around them as she waited for a response and he searched for the right words to say but because it was too sudden, he didn't know what the right words was. I'm sorry? I miss you?

He decided with just a simple, "Hello”.

She furrowed her eyebrows. "That's your answer to my question?"

He removed his sunglasses and took a closer look at her. She was different, definitely. Not as girly and shy, but stronger than before. Yet, he was almost sure that this was her, because the sparkles in her eyes, that sparkles that he loved too much, was there and he was certain there was only one person in the whole wide world that a pair of eyes like these can belong to.

"Don’t you.. remember me?"

He felt a pang in his heart at the answer to his question. It was merely a shook of her head, but it was enough to rip his heart apart.

A year, that’s all it took for her to forget him completely like he never existed.

Or is it pretence, a staged lie so that they would not be reminded of their painful past?

Whichever it was, he wasn’t prepared to start all over again with her, and he never will be. Because after all, this was what he wanted. This was the reason why he decided to leave her a year ago, because he knew that if he hadn't let her go, she might have been hurt and he knew he wouldn't even allow the slightest possibility of it.

It was better this way, better for them to stay strangers, better for her not to remember him ever again.

"Yah yah yah!" The constant snapping of her fingers brought him back to earth from his thoughts.

"Uhh, I guess, I mistook you for the wrong person."

“You're lying. How do you know my name then?"

"Uh, I had a friend with the same name."

"And she coincidentally looks like me, right? Oh come on, what do you think I am, three years old?"

"Believe it or not, I don’t really care.” He snapped, turning away because he knew that if he stayed any longer, he wouldn’t have the courage to walk away again.

“Hey,” She caught his wrist before he could leave. "We can be friends."

"No, you’re weird.” He shook her hand off and starting walking.

"I get that a lot." She followed beside him, fastening her speed when he did.

"Why are you still following me?!"

"I want to make friends with you."

"Good for you, but I don't feel the same."

"But I'm going to pester you forever if you don't agree." She walked in front and faced him, making him stop.


“Come on, I just want to know your name. Please?”

He sighed, how can he say no when she’s like this?

“Yong Junhyung.”


Sudden flashes of images appeared in her mind at the sound of his name, like a memory book, except she doesn't remember it happening to her at all.

A park.


A boy and a girl.

Before she could figure out what it really was, it changed almost instantly.

A small cafe.

Hot chocolate.

Then she felt it, a sharp pain pierced through, threatening to rip her head apart. She let out a small yelp as she clutched her head with her hands, her legs giving way and she fell right into his arms.


He felt his heart stopped when he saw her pained expression, eyes tightly shut, lips pursing and trembling as she held onto him like he's the only one that can make her live. 

"Yah don't scare me!" His voice shook with panic and fear.

She felt herself being scooped up before the wind slaps on her skin as he dashed through the streets.

"Nothing can happen to you Nicole-ah, I'll protect you. I'll never let you go." She hears him mumble before darkness overtook everything.


She slowly opened her eyes, squinting them shut immediately as the sudden glare burn in her shocked retinas. She blinks for a few times, trying to get used to the white lights surrounding the room she was in. The room she was lying in.

A light squeeze on her hand before realizing someone had been holding it, she turns her head, meeting a pair of concern eyes.

"Are you okay?" His hands cupped her cheeks, and she leaned into the warmth unknowingly.

"Where am I?" Her voice was hoarse and broken.

"Hospital. You fainted."

She tried recalling everything that had happened.

"Ahh, it happened again didn't it."

"What happened again?"

"I had a memory loss a year ago after a car accident," She paused. "This happens whenever I get flashbacks of my memories."

"You what?!" 

"Uh? Yah!" She yelped in pain as he gripped tightly onto her shoulders.

"A year ago? Where? How?"

"I don't remember, but my mum told me it happened here."

"I.." His forehead creased.

'It's because of me isn't it.' He cursed himself silently in his head. 'I caused you to be hurt, I didn't protect you, I really shouldn't be in your life anymore.'

He stood up instantly, picking up his jacket. "Since you're fine, I'm going."

"Wait!" She sat up, feeling the remains of the buzz in her head as she gave another yelp and fell forward onto the bed.

He immediately wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his chest, his other hand smoothing her hair. "You okay? Aish, why can't you just lie down and stay still?"

When she finally regained her conscious, she pushed herself off him and stared right into his eyes.

"Why are you so cold towards me?”


"I just want to be friends.” She lowered her head and pouted.

Another heavy sigh before she felt sudden warmth from his hand surrounding her own. He pulled her up and combed her hair lightly with his fingers.

“Let’s go, I’ll bring you back.”



"Why are you in Korea?”

“Uh,” She wasn’t sure if she’s prepared to let him know the reason so she lied. “Holiday.”


She nodded and raised her head to face him.

“So are we friends now?”

He cleared his throat. “No, I just wanted to make sure you won’t faint again.”

She pouted, tightening her grip on his hand. “I won’t let you go until you give me your number.”

“Why are you so annoying?”

“I’m alone here! I’ll get bored and beside, I could use a tour guide.”

“There’s a lot of tour agencies here and-” He was cut off when she tip toed, pressing her lips against his left cheek.

Seeing his frozen self, she smiled against his skin and sneaks her hand into his left pocket, reaching for his phone.

A silent buzz in her own pocket before she pulled away with a huge grin on her face.

"You’re so stubborn,” She dropped his phone lightly back into his pocket. “But because you look cute when you blush, I guess it’s fine.”

"I’ll see you soon, Junhyung oppa.” She skipped happily into the hotel.


A few seconds of silence before she hears a shriek from behind.




I'm sorry this update took so long, I just lost it, it's like I'm stuck with this story and I can't continue writing anymore. Anyone who have had similar problem and know of a solution, please write it on my wall! :(

Really sorry if this chapter , I'm pissed with myself :@

@HanaSugarpuff You're welcome :)

@Blahh_Missy This is still her :)

@iHEARTjunhyung Thank you for subscribing!! <3

@Jaimee She doesn't remember him, or does she? Hehe I don't know~

@Bumpyroads Maybe she's just pretending..

@shine_star Hehehehee I don't know? Guess for yourself :)

@dnakaram Maybe? Hehehhee

@FanficLover96 There's a reason why she's back, but I'm not going to reveal it just yet :) Really? Thank you!!

@winterflowr You daydream about it! Really? Maybe you can suggest to me how the story can go on then, hehehe.

@flamingjoker You're not stupid! I would've thought that too :) Thank you!!! You're amazing too!

@amburritosRtacos Yah you serious? Hahahahha

@aremoyoona Complicated? :(

@SeaTurtle Hehehehe :)

@b2utyful08 I don't really bear to hurt him though :(

@ECfanfiction He had his reasons :(

@shineekey Really it did! Thank you so much <3

@Itzbecky4eva Thank you! :)

@Kuri_Oken So many questions, hehehe. I'm sorry if this chapter , I'm still having a writer's block :(

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anasilvia #1
Chapter 19: Hi I really like your story. I hope you can continue it. Thanks.
mitaki2 #2
Chapter 19: OMO! I'm glad that Nicole's back into her old self!!! I can't wait to read more so pls update authornim... I know it's hard but FIGHTING!! And 1st comment of 2013 yay!!
olease update thissss i am llooking through my subscribtions to see which i dont need and i saw your story please update do i dont unsubscrie
I Love your story.
I hope for another update.
And nice writing... :)
Hea dear... Arnt u gna cont writng ds fanfic... Plis i rely lik ds fanfic alot so dont stop k..updat soon
ring ring. hello dear!
waiting for an update on this fanfic.
not going to rush you, will wait for it!!
I think our brain is connected. LOLOL. Another amazing chapter. Wow. I can't wait for the next and the next and the next! Haha :D
ohdeerluhan #8
oh,i miss you ^^
kuroihikari #9
One of the better stories I have read here.. though I have to admit the whole Nicole being y part is disturbing.. but glad that she is back to normal now! Pls update soon!
Hequella #10
So sweet!! Love their conversation~
update soon!! :D