chapter 4

What is it called.....Love?


It was the next day. You guys had to go to school and be on the bus by 6:30 in the morning. 

On the bus you sat by Gongchan, while Yuni and CNU, Baro and Sandeul sat next to each other. Jinyoung sat by himself.

You were still very tired since you had to wake up extra early to get ready. You began to feel yourself drift to sleep. 

Gongchan looks over to you and notices you sleeping. You were leaning on the glass window. Gongchan leans your head onto his shoulder, so you wouldn't bump your head every time the bus went over a bump. Gongchan was smiling, he was happy to get to spend time with you.


You felt someone patting you on the shoulder. You woke up to Gongchan's smiling face.

"Lets go," Gongchan says.

"Were here?," you say.

"Mmhm," Gongchan says.


The girs were told to go one way while the boys were told to go another way.

"I guess were going to get our rooms," Yuni says.

You nod in agreement.

You and yuni share a room with 2 other girls.

All of a sudden a speaker comes on, "Hello, please settle down, then you may go to the lunch room to eat lunch," the speaker says.

you were staying at a camplike place.


After you and Yuni finished packing you guys left to the lunch room. Once you got to the lunch room the guys were already there. Yuni runs over to CNU and gives him a hug. You sit down in between Gongchan and Jinyoung. 

The speker comes on again. "Once you are done eating please come to the main area," the speaker says.

"Wheres that," you ask.

"I have a map," Gongchan says. 

Gongchan pulls out the map.

"Oh, there," you say.

Once everyone was finished eating you all went to the main area. When you get there you see other groups standing around and  stretching.


After about 10 minutes had past a guy comes out. "Hello, today we will be playing a scavenger hunt in the woods. One person will stay here and the other 6 will split into groups of 2. You will be looking for 3 things. The first group of 2 will go out and when they get back the other 2 will go and so on. The person who stays here will give you hints as you go along through a walkitalki. Write your names down and the first person picked will stay here and the rest will figure it out, " the guy says. 

The first name pulled out was Gongchan. CNU and Yuni, Baro and Sandeul were partnerd. That left you with Jinyoung.


"Ready start," the guy says.

Baro and Sandeul were first. CNU and Yuni were 2nd. leaving you and Jinyoung last.


It took Baro and Sandeul 15 minuets. It took CNU and Yuni 20 min. Now it was you and Jinyoungs turn.

You guys were looking for a bright yellow ribbon.

"Its really high," You hear Gongchan say through the walkitalki, giving you a hint.

You think you see it and start runnig, but end up falling and twisting your ankle.

"Yah, where are you," Jinyoung says.

Jinyoung begins hear crying. Jinyoung looks around and spots you and runs over. You scraped your knee and twisted your ankle pretty bad. Jinyoung cleans off the blood from your knee.

Jinyoung sighs then kneels down infront of you, Get on," Jinyoung says.


"Whats taking them so long," Gongchan says. 


"Jinyoung, have you found it yet," Gongchan says through the walkietalkie.
"No, but Minji goy hurt so were coming back," Jinyoung says back.
"What!," Gongchan says.
"Don't worry, Minji's ok, right," Jinyoung says.
"Yeah!, Gongchan i'm ok," You say.
"Well hurry back," Gongchan says.
"Hey, this is so embarrassing, " you say.
"Well, do you want me to put you down on your twisted ankle," Jinyoung says sarcastically.
"No," you say putting your head down on Jinyoungs shoulder.
"Hey, what are you doing," Jinyoung says.
"I'm tired," you say.
"You better not fall for me," Jinyoung says laughing.
"Hey, why would I," you say laughing also.
"I'm not kidding, I already love someone," Jinyoung says seriously.
"Really," you say surprised and for some reason a little disappointed.
"Mmhm," Jinyoung says.
"Who?," you ask.
"Its a secret," Jinyoung says.
Once you were out of the woods and visible, Gongchan spots you guys. Gongchan comes sprinting over to you guys. 
"Are you okay," Gongchan asks.
"Yup, don't worry," You say.
Gongchan looks at Jinyoung, Am I jealous, Gongchan thinks to himself.
Turns out your trip is pretty much over. The doctor told you to stay off of your foot for a couple  days. You have to use crutches.
The next day you come across Jinyoung.
"Jinyoung," you say.
Jinyoung looks over.
"Thank you," you say
"Well, its not like I had any other choice," Jinyoung replies.
You just smile.
Jinyoung turns around and starts  to leave. When he walked he was limping.
"Wait, did you hurt your leg caring me," You say.
"Its not your problem," Jinyoung says.
You feel so bad you begin to tear up. "Wait," you say.
Jinyoung looks back. Jinyoung walks over to you. "Don't cry," Jinyoung says.
By Jinyoung saying that made you begin to really cry.
"Stop!,' Jinyoung says.
Jinyoung pulls out a handkerchief and wipes the tears.
"Don't ever cry in front of me again," Jinyoung says then walks away.
You start walking back to your room. 
"You don't do that, or I might fall for you," You say referring to Jinyoung.



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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 45: ohh i kinda miss the jinyoung and Minji moments! :) uhm i think sanduel is being a little bit too sensitive poor jinyoung! anw awesome chappie :D update soon
bookangel2603 #2
Chapter 42: omg! what the ?! poor jinyoung :(
ohh he's starting to develop feelings for minji :D anw who the heck is at the door ? oh no i hope its not sanduel! cuz he would seriously flip out! ohh plz update soon! me + ur story = happiness :D
Chapter 42: Oh noooo is sandeul at the door? :(
Chapter 32: okay. i change my mind. I really really love Sandeul. but..I cant ever resist my ultimate bias..L (myungsoo) I look forward to where you left off before editing the chapters!
What happened to the other chapters o.o