Chapter 16

What is it called.....Love?




Turns out Nemo really likes Sandeul. You guys played for hours. 

"Arn't you tired yet," you say panting.

Sandeul still playing with Nemo, looks up to. "Yeah, I guess," Sandeul says, then guides Nemo to his doggy bed.

"You really like Nemo now," you say.

"Yeah!,' Sandeul says.

"Here, lets go inside, I will make you something," you say.

"You don't have to,' Sandeul says.

You just smile and walk inside and go to the kitchen.


You quickly put something together for Sandeul and place it on the table.

"Eat," you say.

Sandeul sits down and grabs the spoon, takes a spoon full of food and puts it in his mouth.

Sandeuls eyes widen, then looks up to you. "Its delicious, better than anything I've tasted before," Sandeul says giving you  thumbs up.

"Really!," you say feeling pride in yourself.


Sandeul had finished his food. You take his plate, but he grabs your hand.

"No, I will do it," Sandeul says grabing the plate out of your hand.

"What?," you say confused.

Sandeul walks over to the sink and starts cleaning his plate. You walk over next to him.

"Here,  I will dry it," you say reaching out your hand to grab the plate.

Sandeul passes the plate to you. you dry it and then put the plate where you got in the first place.

You walk back over and Sandeul reaches out his hand and puts sope bubbles on the tip of your nose.

"Hey!," you say doing the same back.


"What time is it," Sandeul asks

"9:30. Oh its late," you say.

"Dang it, i'm suppose to be home right now. If my parents know I was gone this long, they will get really mad at me," Sandeul says.

"Sorry!, I didn't know,," you say.

"Its not your fault, I could of left earlier, but I didn't because I wanted to be with you," Sandeul says.

"Well hurry," you say pushing Sandeul towards the door.

Sandeul leaves.


Snadeul runs as fast as he can to get home, not to be more latter than he already is. Sandeuls parents weren't usually this strict on timing, its just his parents had plans with the family early that next day.

Sandeul gets to a stop light. The light its almost goingt to turn green, but he makes a run for it. He was to late.

As Sandeul is running he turns to see bright light comeing right at him.


"Sandeul, welcome to our heavens question game!," A guy says.

Sandeul stands in the middle of no where.

"What do you mean, where am I?," Snadeul says.

"Here, come sit," the same guy says.

All of a sudden a guy and an empty seat appears in front of Sandeul.

"Come here," the guy says waveing Sandeul over.

Sandeul walks over and sits down confused.

"You need to answer these 5 questions, and then we will see what happens to you after," the guy says.

Sandeul nodds still confused.

"1. Are you happy with your friends right now?,"

"Yeah," Sandeul says.

"2. Do you think you will be friends with every and each one in the future," 

"Yeah," Sandeul says.

"WRONG!!!, you will only talk with 2 in your future, the rest will be mystery.

"What!," Sandeul says.

"3. What is your main goal in life?"

"To have good grades, go to collage, and life a for filled life," Sandeul says.

"4. Do you love someone?"

"uhm.....yeah," Sandeul says thinking about you.

"Last question. 5. What do you fear the most at this moment?"

Sandeul thinks for a while. He realizes where he might be.

"NO, wait," Sandeul begins.

"Answer the question!,"

".....I don''t want to make Minji cry," Sandeul says.

The guy smiles.

"Well, its about time, to go," the guy says.

"Where!," Sandeul says.

"To The place you belong," the guy finishes

A bright light appears. 

Sandeul hears crying.



omg What going to happen to Sandeul. Just wait.

Sorry for any mistakes.

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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 45: ohh i kinda miss the jinyoung and Minji moments! :) uhm i think sanduel is being a little bit too sensitive poor jinyoung! anw awesome chappie :D update soon
bookangel2603 #2
Chapter 42: omg! what the ?! poor jinyoung :(
ohh he's starting to develop feelings for minji :D anw who the heck is at the door ? oh no i hope its not sanduel! cuz he would seriously flip out! ohh plz update soon! me + ur story = happiness :D
Chapter 42: Oh noooo is sandeul at the door? :(
Chapter 32: okay. i change my mind. I really really love Sandeul. but..I cant ever resist my ultimate bias..L (myungsoo) I look forward to where you left off before editing the chapters!
What happened to the other chapters o.o