chapter 21

What is it called.....Love?



( 1 week pass )

You walk up to the hospital with a small box in your hands. It was a present for Sandeul. He was going to be released today. You and Baro planned a surprise party for him at your place. You would take Sandeul from the hospital to your place.

You sigh in happiness, then walk through the front doors of the hospital.

You open the door to Sandeuls room and see him sitting on the bed dressed in normal clothes. You both smile at eachother. Sandeul stands up and slowly walks over to you and gives you a light hug.

"You look sore," you say patting him on the back lightly.

"Yeah," Sandeul says.

"Here, open it," you say handing the little box to Sandeul.

When he opend the box there was silver bracelet with a charm, shaped like a heart on it. 

You raise your wrist infront of Sandeuls face.

"I have one to," you say.

Sandeul smiles, takes the bracelet and puts it on. Then Sandeul hugs you again. 

"Thank you.......not just for the bracelet but also for being there for me this whole time," Sandeul says, then lets you go.

Your blushing like crazy.

"Lets go, I have something to show you," you say grabbing Sandeuls wrist.

Sandeul nods, then fallows you out.


Once you were out of the hospital and out walking towards your house, Sandeul stops you.

"Where are we going," Sandeul says.

"My place," you say.

"Why your place," Sandeul says confused.

"You will see," you say

You turn away and begin to walk, but Sandeul stops you again.

Sandeul takes your hand away from his wrist and places your hand in his. Your eyes widen.

"You don't !," you say embarrassed.

"Now, lets go," Sandeul says smiling.


Your about to ring the door bell, feeling a rush of excitement go through your body. The door opens.

"Surprise!!!," you hear people saying through out the room.

But then it gets silent. You notice everyone starring at you and Sandeul holding hands. You quickly pull away from Sandeul.

"Congrats, for being released," Gongchan says cutting the silence.

Then everyone joins in.


You walk over to Gongchan. "Thank you," you say.

"Oh, no problem," Gongchan says.

"Hey, thanks Minji for the party, but there is something I want to ask," Sandeul say cutting in.

"Yeah, what is it," you say.

"Who is that sitting over on the couch by himself," Sandeul says.

"Oh, yeah," you say then walk over to Myungsoo.

"This is Myungsoo," you say introducing Sandeul to him.

"Hi, I'm Sandeul," 

"Oh, hi," Myungsoo says.


You walk over to Myungsoo and sit down.

"You look uninterested," you say.

"Oh....its just I don't really know anybody besides you," Myungsoo says.

"What about Gongchan, or Baro," you say.

"They don't like me," Myungsoo says.

"'s your sister," you say.

"Good," Myungsoo say smiling.

"Thats...." you begin.

"Ah, this food is amazing, did you make it Minji," Sandeul says sitting down, cutting in.

"Oh, yeah," you say turning to Sandeul.

Sandeul then hugs you.

"Thank you so much for this, I really needed this," Sandeul says secretly glaring at Myungsoo.

"Oh, no problem," you say still getting huged by Sandeul.

"Uh, you can let go now," you say before your blushing could get more noticeable.

Sandeul lets go.

"I need to talk to you privately, Minji," Sandeul says getting up and grabbing your hand and taking you outside.


"Where are you taking me," you say confused
Sandeul doesn't say anything.
"What about your party, lets go back," you say trying to stop sandeul.
"Fine," Sandeul says stoping you quick into a hug.
"What are you doing," you say quietly.
Sanndeul doesn't say anthing for a little while.
"Sandeul," you begin.
"Minji, I like you," Sandeul says.
You froze. You kinda already knew that Sandeul liked you and you likd him back but the thought of Sandeul actually saying he likes you never came to mind. You were surprised and happy at the same time.
"I like you to," those words flowed out of your mounth unknowingly.
Sanduel smiles "So does that mean were a couple now," Sandeul says.
Your eyes widen.
"Hey, why do you look so surprised," Sandeul says.
"Its just, I never," you begin.
"Don't worry. So.....what about it," Sandeul says wanting to know your answer.
"OK," you say.
"Really. Can I act like a little kid right now," Sandeul says.
Youn didn't really understand what he ment by that but who cares.
"Go ahead," you say.
Sandeul turns around and pumps his fist like a little kid who just got what he wanted. That made you giggle. Sandeul turns around all serious like that never happened. Sandeul then grabs your hand and you both walk back to the house hand in hand.
"Everyone I have an announcement," Sandeul says standing in the middle of  the room.
Sandeul waves you over to him. You walk over to him and he grabs your hand.
"What is it," you say confused.
"I'm claiming you mine," Sandeul says whispering in your ear.
"Everyone, from this day forward me and Minji are an official couple," Sandeul says lifting up your held hands in the air.
People's eyes widen but then you hear cheers of congratulations. People come and congratulate you both. Then Gongchan comes over looking a little hurt but  still manage to congratulate you both. 
After the party ended and most of the people left you began to clean up. The only ones left were Sandeul, Gongchan, and Myungsoo. They all chipped in and helped you clean up. 
As your about to throw the some stuff into the trashcan, Myungsoo walks over.
"Minji, I have to go. I would stay and help you finish up, but I need to go see my sister," Myungsoo says.
"Of course, go ahead. I still have Sandeul and Gongchan to help out," you say.
"Ok, bye," Myungsoo says waving goodbye, while walking out the door.
"Almost done," Sandeul says popping his head up from behind the couch.
"Ah, you scared me,," you say putting your hand to your  heart.
"Sorry," Sandeul says then gets up and walks over to you with his arms open trying to get a hug.
As Sandeul is walking over you turn to Gongchan.
"So, did you like the party," you say ignoring Sandeul as a joke.
"Oh, well it was good," Gongchan says.
"Hey," Sandeul says.
You turn to Sandeul laughing.
"Sorry. I don't feel like it," you say still giggling.
"Fine ok, but I have to leave soon," Sandeul says.
"Oh, well were about done, so if you guys want to go, you can," you say.
"Yeah, Gongchan lets go," Sandeul says putting his arm around Gongchans shoulder.
As they are walking out the door Sandeul turns back and winks at you.
After about an hour passed you hear your door bell ring.
""Who could that be," you say.
You open the door to see Sandeul.
"Why are you back," you say confused.
"I know we could talk about this at school, but lets have a date next weekend," Sandeul says.
"Ok, but go home and get some rest. You just got released," you say worried.
"Don't worry, I will," Sandeul says.
You both stand there as if you were both waiting for the other to do something. 
"I guess I will go now," Sandeul says.
"Huh, oh yeah. Bye," you say, then close the door.
You walk to your bed and sit down. You sigh in happiness. You couldn't belive you and Sandeul are together.
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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 45: ohh i kinda miss the jinyoung and Minji moments! :) uhm i think sanduel is being a little bit too sensitive poor jinyoung! anw awesome chappie :D update soon
bookangel2603 #2
Chapter 42: omg! what the ?! poor jinyoung :(
ohh he's starting to develop feelings for minji :D anw who the heck is at the door ? oh no i hope its not sanduel! cuz he would seriously flip out! ohh plz update soon! me + ur story = happiness :D
Chapter 42: Oh noooo is sandeul at the door? :(
Chapter 32: okay. i change my mind. I really really love Sandeul. but..I cant ever resist my ultimate bias..L (myungsoo) I look forward to where you left off before editing the chapters!
What happened to the other chapters o.o