chapter 28

What is it called.....Love?



"Who is it!," you yell from the kitchen.

"Uh, Minji, I think you should come over here," Jinyoung says.

"Okay," you say walking over to the door. 

Your eyes widen.

"Sa...Sandeul," you say hesitantly.

Sandeuls eyes are widened "What is he doing here," Sandeul says trying to be calm.

"I.....its not..."Jay begins.

"Its not what I think!, it sure looks like it. Oh I understand why you acted that way the other day not wanting to hug!," Sandeul says in anger.

"But," you say.

"Whatever, I understand," Sandeul says then storms off.

"Wait!," you say chasing after him. 

Sandeul doesn't look back. Soon you lost him. You gave up and walked back to your house in tears.

When you got back Jinyoung was no where to be seen. He's gone? you think to yourself.

You go check the dryer and see if the clothes were still there. They were gone.

"He must of gotten them and left," you whisper to yourself.


You pick up your phone. You hold it for a while, then finally dial Sandeul's number. You already knew he wasn't going to answer. Right when you were about to call Sandeul your phone goes off. Its an unknown number. You hesitantly answer the phone.


"Minji....its me Jinyoung"

"Oh, Jinyung. You home okay" you say.

"yeah, but are you okay" Jinyoung asks


"I can come over" Jinyoung begins

"No, I think we should stop.....just for a while" you say

"But.....but I thought you said you would help me," Jinyoung says .

Your eyes widen. "......i'm....sorry"  you say then hang up.

You run to your room on the verge of crying. You didn't know what to do. You wanted to help Jinyoung, but what would Sandeul say. 


The next day you go out to get some fresh air. You needed some time to think.

What you didn't know was you were being followed. 

You walked to a park unfamiliar. You notice there was a small lake and walked over to the edge. You sat down looking into the distance. This park is really pretty, how come ive never been here, you think to yourself.

"Minji...." you hear someone call your name.

You turn around. your eyes widened.

"Minji, I'm sorry"


"Jinyoug!," you say surprised.
"Minji, please can you forgive me. I shouldn't even have gotten you into my mess," Jinyoung says walking closer to you.
You stand up. "No, it was my decision to help you, don't blame yourself," you say.
Jinyoung just looks down. "Then can we go to that place," Jinyoung says 
you look down. "wait, you mean the  Wonderful place," you say under your breath.
"What," Jinyoung say confused.
You look up. "Yeah....lets do that," you say.
You start to walk ahead in the wrong direction. jinyoung walks over to you and grabs your wrist taking you in the right direction. You looked down at Jinyoung holding your wrist. It reminds you of the first time he grabbed your taking you to the Wonderful place, but this time you didn't push away or say anything. You just let it go.
Jinyoung looks down at himself hollding your wrist. He was surprised you didn't pull away. He had this chance, so he didn't let go. He wanted  to stay like this forever. Even if it meant nothing to you, he just wanted to remember this moment.
Finally after a long walk of no words you both get to the empty grass field and walk over to the tree house. The Wonderful place. You called it the wonderful place because it made Jinyoung happy and it made you feel at ease.
jinyoung climbed up, then you. Jinyoung helps you up. Jinyoung doesn't sit down.
"What wrong, aren't you going to sit," you say.
Jinyoung looks you clearly in the eyes. Then grabs your arm and holds you arm up to the side.
"Whats wrong," you say.
"You  aren't resisting," Jinyoung says.
"Huh," you begin.
Jinyoung pulls you into a hug. A strong and loving hug. 
"what....are you doing," you say pushing away a little. 
"Wait, just answer this question, then I will let you go," Jinyoung says.
"O..okay," you say.
"Do you....really like him," Jinyoung asks.
"Wait......what kind of question is that...yes I like Sandeul. Now can you let me go," you say trying to get out of his hold.
"Oh...okay. I understand," Jinyoung says letting go, and then sits down.
You look away confused. Your heart is beating fast. Yeah, I like Sandeul, you think to yourself, but why do I feel like this right now, way diffrent from when Sandeul hugged me. You feel Jinyoung pull at your shirt.
"Sit down," he says.
You sit down without saying anything. you look out into the distance and feel the cool breeze on your face. You begin to imagine a younger Jinyoung running around with his little sister. Jinyoung had his little sisters doll and his sister was chasing him for the doll. You smile. Jinyoung notiices and looks over to you and smiles also.
"hey, I wish I could of seen your sister." you say.
Jinyoung smile fades.
"Oh, sorry," you say.
Jinyoung smiles again. "No, its okay. I'm sure she's in a better place now. Even though she did disappear I believe she's doing really well right now," Jinyoung says.
"Me to!" you say.
Soon you find yourself falling asleep.  jinyoung notices and leans your head on his shoulder. Jinyoung looks down to you sleeping on his shoulder. Once again he wanted to stay like this forever, but he knew you still like Sandeul and didn't want to make anything difficult right now. But there was something he really wanted to tell you. Thinking about it made  him so happy and feel like a man.
After a while of sleeping you finally woke up.
"Your awake," Jinyoung says noticing you sitting up.
"Yeah, uh sorry. We should go," you say standing up.
"Okay, but there is something I want to tell you," Jinyoung says standing up also.
"yeah, what is it," you say.
"I....I got a job!," Jinyoung says.
Your eyes widen. "really, thats great!," you say jumping.
For some reason you were so happy and distracted you gave him a hug. Jinyoungs eyes widen surprised but goes with it. You quickly let go. 
"Sorry, i'm just so happy for you," you say.
"Me to!" jinyoung says.
"Lets go gets something to eat, Its on me," you say.
"Okay," Jinyoung says.
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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 45: ohh i kinda miss the jinyoung and Minji moments! :) uhm i think sanduel is being a little bit too sensitive poor jinyoung! anw awesome chappie :D update soon
bookangel2603 #2
Chapter 42: omg! what the ?! poor jinyoung :(
ohh he's starting to develop feelings for minji :D anw who the heck is at the door ? oh no i hope its not sanduel! cuz he would seriously flip out! ohh plz update soon! me + ur story = happiness :D
Chapter 42: Oh noooo is sandeul at the door? :(
Chapter 32: okay. i change my mind. I really really love Sandeul. but..I cant ever resist my ultimate bias..L (myungsoo) I look forward to where you left off before editing the chapters!
What happened to the other chapters o.o