chapter 11

What is it called.....Love?



The week went by and now it was the weekend. It was so hot. It was summer and you hated summer. You didn't have a nice pool to swim in, all you had was a nice glass of ice cold lemonade.

"Honey!, the lemonade is ready," your mother says.

You walk down stairs to get your glass of lemonade.

"ah, this is amazing," you say.

That when someone knocked on your front door. You walk over to open the door. You open the door to see Sandeul's cute as ever smile.

"Hey, lets go," Sandeul says.

"Where?," you say.

"Pool party," Sandeul says.

Just what you needed.

"Hold on let me go change and get my stuff," you say.

Sandeul gives you the ok sighn.

You accidentally close the door on Sandeul. You run back over and open the door.

"Oh, my gosh, i'm so sorry, come in, there is some lemonade on the counter," you say.

"its ok," Sandeul says, then walks over to the counter and poors some lemonade into a cup.


You walk back down the stairs and notice Sandeul had finished the lemonade.

"I'm sorry, was I taking to long," you say.

"No, I just really like this lemonade," Sandeul says.

"Lets go!"


"So...whos going to be there," you say.

"The usuall, You, me, Yuni, Baro,Gongchan,and Jinyoung," Sandeul says.



When you and Sandeul are walking up to the house the party is at, you can hear music, the happy voices of Baro and Yuni, and the sound of someone jumping into the pool. Cant wait, you think to yourself

"Who's house is this." You ask.

"Mine, just make yourself at home," Sandeul says.


You and Sandeul walk into the backyard together.

"Oh, look who is finally here," Yuni says to you.

"Sandeul!, how come that took you that long," Baro yells.

"I picked her up," Sandeul says.

'Minji, come here," Yuni says

"Yeah, what is it," You say.

"So, what kind of swimsuit are you wearing," Yuni asks.

"I don't have one," you say.

"What!, you don't have a swimsuit," Yuni says.

You nod.

"We need to go shopping some time," Yuni says.

You nod.

"I'll be right back," Yuni says.

You walk over to the edge of the pool and sit down dipping your feet into the water.

"Ah, nice," you say.

"Why  don't you come in," Baro says.

"I don't have a swimsuit, " you say.

"So," Baro says walking over to you reaching out his hand.

You couldn't resist, it was so hot, you end up taking his hand and fall into the nice cool water.

Everyone ends up having a splashing frenzy.

Yuni walks back. " Hey, don't forget me," Yuni says jumping into the pool.


After everyone got out of the pool you all ate hamburgers and played games.



It was already 9:30 at night and all of you were still having fun. The only person you didn't talk to, or make eye contact with, was Jinyoung. Jinyoung pretty much only talked to was Yuni.
"Hey, guys, we should have a sleep over," Yuni says.
Everyone agrees. You and everyone else except for Sandeul calls their parents and asks them if they can stay over for a sleepover.
"So, can everyone stay," Sandeul says.
"Yup," everyone says.
The boys set up in Sandeuls room, while you and Yuni set up in the living room. This reminded you of the night when you stayed at Jinyoungs house for the school trip.
It was about time to go to sleep. You could not sleep. You probably tossed and turned for hours. You end up getting up and going to the backyard for some fresh air. You stood there looking up at the stars for about 15 minutes, when someone walks out suddenly. You look over and its Sandeul.
"Oh,You couldn't sleep either," Sandeul says.
You nod. "But how come you couldn't go to sleep, its your house," you say.
"I guess its different when you have 3 guys snoring in your ears," Sandeul says.
"Oh....the starts look pretty tonight," you say.
"They do...but whats wrong," Sandeul says.
"I guess its because Jinyoung is here, maybe not....I don't know, its just so confusing," you say starting to get teary eyed.
Then all of a sudden Sandeul hugs you and whispers something into your ear.
"Jinyoung isn't worth crying over," 
You nod your head realizing that Sandeul has said in the past he dosn't like making girls cry. You stop instantly.
Then Sandeul starts hugging you for real. A real comforting hug.
"Its ok, as long as you keep smiling," Sandeul says.
His voice so soft and comforting, you didn't want to let go.
Then the living room light goes on, surprising you and Sandeul.
You guys let go of each other quickly, but were you quick enough for someone not to see you.
You and Sandeul wait a little before you go back in. Once 10 minutes pass you go back inside.
You quietly walk over to where you were sleeping and lay down. Sandeul did the same thing.
The next morning you wake up to the smell of food. Yoou look over to Yuni. She's still sleeping. You get up and fallow the smell to the kitchen. You see Sandeul cooking. 
"Good morning," you say walking up next to Sandeul.
"Ah, you scared me," Sandeul says.
"What are you making," you ask.
"Eggs...," Sandeul begins
"What are you doing," Gongchan says cutting in.
"Minji is just asking what i'm making," Sandeul says.
"The shower is running, go ahead and go Minji," Gongchan says.
You nod and then go take your shower.
By the time  you got out of the shower everyone was waiting at the table for you. You sat down next to Gongchan and Sandeul and ate breakfast. The food was delicious. 
After you finished Yuni took a shower. After Yuni got out of the shower Yuni walked over to you.
"Lets talk," Yuni says.
"Yeah, what is it," you say.
"I....I saw you and Sandeul last night," Yuni says.
Your eyes widen.
"I didn't know you guys were like that," Yuni says.
"No,  were not like that, were just friends," you say.
"Then why," Yuni says.
"I was confused and he was....just there," you say.
"Still, you guys look cute together," Yuni says.
You blush a little.
After you and Yuni talk you get ready to go home.
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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 45: ohh i kinda miss the jinyoung and Minji moments! :) uhm i think sanduel is being a little bit too sensitive poor jinyoung! anw awesome chappie :D update soon
bookangel2603 #2
Chapter 42: omg! what the ?! poor jinyoung :(
ohh he's starting to develop feelings for minji :D anw who the heck is at the door ? oh no i hope its not sanduel! cuz he would seriously flip out! ohh plz update soon! me + ur story = happiness :D
Chapter 42: Oh noooo is sandeul at the door? :(
Chapter 32: okay. i change my mind. I really really love Sandeul. but..I cant ever resist my ultimate bias..L (myungsoo) I look forward to where you left off before editing the chapters!
What happened to the other chapters o.o