Chapter 2

What is it called.....Love?



A week had past, since then and the only people you've talked to since then are Gongchan, Yuni, and CNU. You felt the others didn't like you. This week you were determned to become friends with the rest  of them. Your first victum is Baro.

You asked Gongchan what Baro liked. Turns out Baro really likes hats and squirrels 

After school ended you went to the store to buy Baro a hat. There were so many hats to chose from and you didn't know which one to get him. Then all of a sudden you spot a light green hat with a squirrel shape on the front of the hat. Will Baro like it, you think to yourself. He has to, it has a squirrel on it, you think to yourself. You end up buying it for him.


The next day of school you walk over to baro with the bag with Baros hat in it.

You stretch your arms out towards Baro with the bag in your hand. "Here take this," You say. 

Baro reaches for the bag, confused.

"Wait, first you have to except being friends with me," you say.

"What do you mean," Baro asks.

"Well since we haven't talked once, i thought you didn't like me," you say

Baro gives you a confused look, "I'll be your friend," Baro says.

"Oh, thank you. You can take this now,"you say.

Baro takes the bag and opens it. Baro's eyes widen. "This is so cool," Baro says putting on the hat.

"I knew you would like it," you say.

"Oh, thank you," Baro says excitedly.

All of a sudden You feel someone on you. Baro had hugged you. Baro lets go and gives you a sweet smile, then runns off. "Sandeul, Hyung!!, look what Minji got me," Baro says runnig out of the class.

"Looks like you did a good job," Gongchan says patting you on the shoulder.

You look up to Gongchan and smile. That surprises Gongchan.

"Yeah, but I still have Sandeul and Jinyoung," you say.

"So what does Sandeul like," you ask Gongchan.

"Ducks?," Gongchan says.

"Really," you say.

"Yup," Gongchan says.

"That wont do," you say walking out of the class room.

You decide to look for Sandeul and just talk it out, hoping he will trust you. You see Baro. 

"Baro have you seen Sandeul," you ask.

"Yeah, he's in the lunch room," Baro says pointing.

You walk into the lunch room. "Ah, there he is," you say. Sandeul's sitting by himself.

"Why are you here by yourself," You say sitting down.

Sandeul looks up. When he notices its you his face turns from happy to disappointed and he turns away from you.

"Hey, don't be like that, lets be friends," you say reaching out your hand.

"I....I cant," Sandeul says.

"Why not," you say disappointed.

"Because....your a.... girl," Sandeul says.

"Oh,.. do you have a problem with girls," you say.

"Its just.....its hard for me to talk to girls and when ever i become friends with a girl I end up making her cry, I don't want to make any more girls cry," Sandeul says.

"aye, I wont cry, i'm strong," you say showing your fists.

"Still," Sandeul says.

"Fine, just think of me as just one of the other guys," you say.

Sandeul looks up at you confused.

"I just want to be your friend," you say.

Sandeul dosn't say anything.

"Fine, i understand," you say geting up from your seat.

"Wait....I'll be your friend," Sandeul says


You walk back to class looking sad.

"He didn't want to be friends," Gongchan says

"He....he agreed!!," you say jumping in the air happily.

Gongchans eyes widen. "you did it, Sandeul hasn't had a girl friend in like 3 years," Gonchan says surprised.

"That long, " You say.

Gongchan nodds.

"What happened," you say.

"Thats for you to figure out," Gongchan says.

"Oh," You say nodding your head.

"What about Jinyoung," Gonchan says.

"Oh yeah, i'm off..... oh wait what does he like," you say.

"Gongchan thinks for a bit. 

"Honestly, I don't know," Gongchan says.

"Got it," you say.


"Oh, what am I going to do," You say.

You crouch down to the ground, "I don't know what to do," you say concerned.

"You ok," a voice says from above.

You look up. Its Jinyoung.

"Jinyoung!," You say.

Jinyoung sighs then walks off.

"Wait, don't go, I want to be friends," You say.

Jinyoung ignors you.


Every day of the week you keep asking and bugging Jinyoung to be your friend, but he still ignores you. 

You were about to give up and start crying, but you decide to give it one more try.

You walk over to Jinyoung on the verge of crying. "Please.....please, cant we just be friends, " you say.

Jinyoung can tell your about to cry. Jinyoung looks down to the ground,"Fine," Jinyoung says.

You look up at Jinyoung surprised.

"Just.. don't cry," Jinyoung says.


The next day you come to school happy as ever.

"So i'm guessing you did it," Gongchan says.

"Yes, and all thanks to you," You say.

"Hey, what did I do," Gongchan says.

You were so happy you had to give him a hug.

"Thank you," you say hugging Gongchan.

Gongchan's so surprised, but he was happy.

I like her, Gongchan says to himself.



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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 45: ohh i kinda miss the jinyoung and Minji moments! :) uhm i think sanduel is being a little bit too sensitive poor jinyoung! anw awesome chappie :D update soon
bookangel2603 #2
Chapter 42: omg! what the ?! poor jinyoung :(
ohh he's starting to develop feelings for minji :D anw who the heck is at the door ? oh no i hope its not sanduel! cuz he would seriously flip out! ohh plz update soon! me + ur story = happiness :D
Chapter 42: Oh noooo is sandeul at the door? :(
Chapter 32: okay. i change my mind. I really really love Sandeul. but..I cant ever resist my ultimate bias..L (myungsoo) I look forward to where you left off before editing the chapters!
What happened to the other chapters o.o