chapter 19

What is it called.....Love?



You walk up the stairs to the rooftop, followed by Myungsoo. You get to the door, open it,and run to the edge. You reach out your arms in the fresh air. 

"I thought you didn''t like me," Myungsoo says.

"Well, I judged to soon, you don't seem like a bad guy," you say.

"Oh," Myungsoo says looking out onto the school yard.

"You just seem.....lonely," you say.

Myungsoo doesn't say anything but you can tell by his face that he understands that its the truth.

"I hope your sister gets better," you say.

Myungsoo looks up to you surprised. "How did you know," 

"I saw, sorry," you say.

Myungsoo looks up to the sky with tears in his eyes.

"Hey, well I almost lost someone who I....Love," you say with tears in your eyes.

Myungsoo looks to you with widened eyes.

"Thats why you were there," Myungsoo says.

"Yeah," you say.

" it," Myungsoo says hesitantly.

"Well, its a guy I like," you say.

"Oh," Myungsoo says.

"You see, we were hanging out at my house playing with my dog, Nemo. When he looked at the clock he was late for something at home, He left in a hurry, and thats all I know," you say about to cry.

"So, he's ok," Myungsoo says.

"Yeah, he actually woke up yesterday after almost 2 weeks.," you say.

"Oh......My parents died when I was 14 and my sister was 6. I was angry at them for leaving me and my sister alone, but at the same time, torn at the fact they were gone. i was able to get a job and care for my sister and me. But recently shes been getting really sick, so I sent her to the hospital. They said she might die any time soon." Myungsoo say crying.

Your crying to.

You walk over to Myungsoo grab his arm and cry into his sleeve of his uniform.

"Its ok....she will get better," you say crying.


After school both you and Myungsoo walk to the hospital together, separating once they get there. Myungsoo goes to his sister, while you see Sandeul.

When you get into the room you see Sandeul glaring at the hospital food.

"I brought lunch!," you say

Sandeul looks over and smiles. "Thank you, the hospital food is disgusting," 

"You getting better," you say.

"Yeah, I can actually somewhat move without hurting," Sandeul says starting to eat your lunch.

'Hey, I met someone,"' you say.

"Who!, you..." Sandeul begins.

"Don't worry, were just friends," you say.

"Sure, I need to get better faster," Sandeul says.

"He's somewhat a new student, at first I was scared of him, but in reality he's really hurt inside," you say.

Sandeul looks away," I don't want to hear it," Sandeul says.

"ok," you say with a give in smile.

"Can I tell you a secret," Sandeul says.

"Yeah," you say 

You lean your head closer to Sandeul, so he can whisper the secret, but instead you feel something warm on your cheek. You turn to Sandeul surprised for him kissing you on the cheek. Your faces inches away. You quickly scoot back.

You look away blushing.

"Hehe," Sandeul says.

"Just eat your food, your lucky you have me or you would have to be eating the hospital food," you say still blushing, the putting your hand to your cheek.


After Sandeul had fallen asleep you got up and left the room.

What a great day.....I guess, think to yoursellf.

As your walking out the  building, you hear a voice call your name. You look back and see Myungsoo.

"I will walk you home," Myungsoo says.

"Oh, yeah," you say.


"So how is your sister," you say.

"The same," Myungsoo says.

"Oh," you say.

"you know, your the only person I told that to," Myungsoo says.

"Oh, really," you say.

"Yeah, I guess I never trusted anybody else, and I guess I trust you,' Myungsoo says.

"I guess I trust you to," you say.

You get to your house.

"Thank you for walking me home," you say waving.

"No problem," Myungsoo says also waving.

Why did I trust her that easily, I never have before, Myungsoo thinks to himself.




Poor Myungsoo:(

Snadeul is still cute  as ever. Get better soon^^*

Hope you will keep reading.

Sorry for mistakes.

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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 45: ohh i kinda miss the jinyoung and Minji moments! :) uhm i think sanduel is being a little bit too sensitive poor jinyoung! anw awesome chappie :D update soon
bookangel2603 #2
Chapter 42: omg! what the ?! poor jinyoung :(
ohh he's starting to develop feelings for minji :D anw who the heck is at the door ? oh no i hope its not sanduel! cuz he would seriously flip out! ohh plz update soon! me + ur story = happiness :D
Chapter 42: Oh noooo is sandeul at the door? :(
Chapter 32: okay. i change my mind. I really really love Sandeul. but..I cant ever resist my ultimate bias..L (myungsoo) I look forward to where you left off before editing the chapters!
What happened to the other chapters o.o