chapter 17

What is it called.....Love?





Sandeul kept hearing crying, but he couldn't see anything. It was pitch black. He tries to say something, but nothing would come out. Then all of a sudden he sees himself on a hospital bed in horrible condition, then his parents appear next to him. Crying their hearts out. then he sees you storming into the room. You look to Sandeuls parents then to Sandeul.

No, No!!, don't look at me.......Don't cry. Sandeul thinks to himself, still trying to yell out to you.

You fall to your knees and begin to cry into your hands.

No! please don't!, Snadeul tries to say.

Sandeul feels like he's getting pulled closer to them. then all of a sudden he no longer sees them, just darkness.


Sandeuls parents go outside, sill crying, to talk to the doctor.

You walk over to sandeul and sit down next too him. You put your hand on his and lean your head down on the bed, crying into the blanket.

"Please Sandeul, wake up," you say.

After a couple minuets pass, Baro, Gongchan, Jinyoung, Yuni, and CNU storm into the room.  

Their all silent. They walk around the bed and sit close on the verge of crying for their great friend. Then the doctor walks in, with Sandeuls parents.

"Here, let me tell yoou about Sandeuls condition," the docter says.

"Firstly, me and all my workers are amazed by this boy. In reality he should of ben closer to death than he his right now, but he actually is in good condition for what happened to him.

"Secondly, we don't know for sure when he will wake up, so what he really need right now is your support," the doctor says.


You plop in your seat relived he's ok, but at the same time worried for him. Now you just had to wait, to see his beautiful eyes open and have life again.


Everyday after school you would go see Sandeul. You would either go alone or with Gongchan and Baro. Today you went alone.

You would even make him lunches everyday even though Sandeul couldn't eat it you just felt like you had to.


When you got to the Hospital you went to Sandeul's room and placed the lunch next to him on the table. Same as everyday you would sit in a chair right next to him until around 8:00. Then you would go home. 

Still today he didn't wake up. Just thinking about it made you cry.


The next morning you walk to school alone.  You hated that fact that Sandeul wasn't there. 

You opened the door feeling so gloomy, but when you open the door you see Gongchan standing there.

"Why are you hear," you ask.

Gongchan doesn't say anything. Then Gongchan grabs your wrist. 

"Lets go," Gongchan says..

"Wait," you begin.

"Can't you not think about him for 1 minuet," Gongchan says.

"How can you say something like that at a time like this!," you yell.

Gongchan looks down realizing that what he just said wasn't the greatest time to say that.

"Sorry, but lets just go to school,' Gongchan says. 



As you and Gongchan got to class the bell rang. You both st down and got ready for class to start. 
The teacher walks in fallowed by a boy.
"Class we have a new student," the teacher says.
"Hello, my name is Myungsoo," Myungsoo says bowing.
"OK you can sit next to Minji," the teacher says pointing your way.
Your eyes widen then you stand up.
"But sir, thats Sandeuls seat!," you say.
"Well it looks like Sandeul will be out for a while, so when he gets back we will add another seat then,' the teacher says.
Both Gongchan and Baro stand up now.
"Sir!," Baro says.
"You can't do that!," Gongchan says.
"If you three don't sit down right now I will punish you," the teacher says.
The three of you look at each other and end up siting down.
When Myungsoo sat down next to you, you look over and glare at him. Then Myungsoo looks over and glares back, which surprises you. You quickly turn away.
His eyes are like ice, you think to yourself.
Every time you looked over to Myungsoo he was staring.
Is it just me or has he not taken eyes off of me, now I feel a little scared, you think to yourself.
After class ended, you quickly run over to Gongchan and Baro.
"He's scaring me," you say pointing to Myungsoo.
"I will be right back," Gongchan says, then walks towards Myungsoo.
"Wait," you say following Gongchan.
"Excuse me, but could you stop scaring Minji," Gongchan says.
 Myungsoo doesn't say anything.
"Just stop, please, she already has enough to go through," Gongchan says.
"Who says I was scaring her on purpose, maybe thats my real self," Myungsoo says.
He does look a little scary, Gongchan thinks to himself.
Gongchan looks down to you.
"Lets just go,"
"Ok" you say.
After school you went to the hospital, to see Sandeul.
When your walking through the halls of the hospital you see someone familiar. He turns around and its Myungsoo. You guys make eye contact. Myungsoo's eyes widen. Then he quickly turns away.
What was that, you thought to yourself.
You walk into Sandeuls room, place the food on the table, then sit next to him. Its been almost a week since the accident. You grab Sandeuls hand.
"Please wake up," you say with tears in your eyes. 
A tear drop, drops on to his hand.
You feel his hand move a little.


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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 45: ohh i kinda miss the jinyoung and Minji moments! :) uhm i think sanduel is being a little bit too sensitive poor jinyoung! anw awesome chappie :D update soon
bookangel2603 #2
Chapter 42: omg! what the ?! poor jinyoung :(
ohh he's starting to develop feelings for minji :D anw who the heck is at the door ? oh no i hope its not sanduel! cuz he would seriously flip out! ohh plz update soon! me + ur story = happiness :D
Chapter 42: Oh noooo is sandeul at the door? :(
Chapter 32: okay. i change my mind. I really really love Sandeul. but..I cant ever resist my ultimate bias..L (myungsoo) I look forward to where you left off before editing the chapters!
What happened to the other chapters o.o