chapter 24

What is it called.....Love?


When you got home you went to your room and took the purple piggy bank off your dresser and placed it on your bed. You took a hammer and on the count of 1....2....3  you slammed the hammer down onto the piggy bank crushing it into pieces. You've been saving since you were little, so maybe you had some money to give Jinyoung. The piggy bank lay there crushed open with a pile of money. There were 1, 5, 10 and even some 20 dollar bills, mixed with some coins.                                                           

When all the money was counted up it equaled about $333.33. You put the money into an envelop. 

After that you texted Jinyoug.

To Jnyoung: Hey lets meet up tomorrow at the park. Okay^^*

From Jinyoung: Okay. What time?

To Jinyoung: 3:00


After that you got ready for bed. 

You kept thinking about Jinyoung. You were worried. What if I can't help him? What if he doesn't accept my money? what if something terrible happens? What if....

Those questions kept coming to mind.


It was the next day. You got ready and left to the park.

When you got to the park you see Jinyoung on the swings looking to the ground, kicking dirt.

"You okay?," you say sitting down on the swing next to Jinyoung.

"I guess," Jinyoung says.

"Don't worry, it will work out," you say.

"Thanks," Jinyoung says.

"So...what do you want to do," you say. You didn't want to give him the money yet, its to sudden and soon.

Jinyoung lifts up his head with widen eyes. "I know a place," Jinyoung says standing up grabbing your wrist and pulling you with him.

"Ah, its okay, you can let go now," You say feeling uneasy

"Oh, yeah," Jinyoung says realizing what he was doing.

It was awkward from then on.


"Its right ahead," Jinyoung says pointing in the distance, towards a big bushy tree.

"But why is it way out here," you say.

You were surrounded by nothing but the sound of the long grass waving in the wind.

"Right there," Jinyoung says pointing up to the tree. He walks to one side of the tree, moving the leaves and branches away revealing a ladder up into the tree. Jinyoung begins climbing. "Come on," Jinyoung says gesturing you towards the ladder.

You walk over and begin climbing when Jinyoung is at the top. "what is this," you say as you are reaching the top. Your eyes  widen in amazement. The backside of the tree was cut and was able to see clearly out into the distance, while the front looked bushy and old. Not only that, there was a picnic blanket on the ground and a few nicknacks laying around. It seemed like nothing, but in Jinyoungs eyes he saw it as something special.

"This is nice," you say.

"Really, you like it," Jinyoung says.

"Yes," you say.

"Yeah, go ahead and sit," Jinyoung says.


"So, what does this tree house mean to you....just wondering," you ask curious.

"see that dirt area, over there," Jinyoung says pointing.

"Oh, yeah," 

"That use to be house's over there, My family lived there." Jinyoung stops for a second to take every thing in. "Me, my mom, and my sister, we all lived there, but one day they decided to kick us out and destroy the place. Back then me  and my sister would play here. I love it here," Jinyoung says, then looks over to you.

You were on the verge of crying.

"You okay," Jinyoung says worried.

"yeah, its just...," you begin.

"Sad, I know," Jinyoung says finishing your sentence.

You nod.


"Oh, there is something I've been wanting to know," Jinyoung says.

"Yeah, go ahead," you say.

"Have you forgiven me," Jinyoung asks.

"Oh...right...that. Yeah. There's no reason to hold a grudge," you say.

 Jinyoung's eyes brighten "Really!, I really have changed," Jinyoung says .

"I believe you," you say.

You both sat there for hours, but then came the time to give him the money.


You begin to reach into your pocket to get the money, but....
"You know, I must have been clueless back then," Jinyoung says.
You put the money back. "What do you mean," you ask.
"Hmm, well....I don't know why I should have treated you the way I did. I feel I don't deserve your help. I made you hurt in the past," Jinyoung says.
"Yeah, but because of you, I got to know such a nice person," you say.
"who...oh yeah, Sandeul," Jinyoung says with a little disappoint in his voice.
You nod your head. "Oh, this might be a weird question to ask, but I was just you still have feelings for Yuni," you ask.
"Ha, those feelings are so gone. I guess I realized I had no chance after she went back to CNU even after what he did," Jinyoung says.
"Was she your....first love," you ask.
"You can say something like that. Why do you ask," Jinyoung says curious.
"Oh, just...wondering," you say.
"uh ok. What about you. Your first love," Jinyoung asks.
"Oh, you really want to know," you say.
"I have nowhere to go, yeah," Jinyoung says.
"Ok. It was my 2nd year of middle school. There was this boy in my class, who always sat in the back corner, reading by himself. He would sit there for hours, just....reading. For some reason I started to have feelings for this person, even though we never met. Then one day we had cleaning duty after school together. We still didn't talk much. "Hi, i'm Miinji," "Hi, i'm Daehyun," was all we said to each other. After that I deiced to try and become his friend. It actually worked. We became friends and talked. But I was to late when It was time to confess my feelings for him. He moved away." you say with tears in your eyes.
"Don't cry over something like that," Jinyoung says taking his handkerchief and wiping the tears.
"You don't have to do that," you say
"Its ok. This will be are little secret," Jinyoung says
Jinyoung climbs  down first, you following down. Jinyoung reaches his hand up towards you.
"I'm ok," you say.
"I will take you home," Jinyoung says.
"No its okay," you say.
Jinyoung grabs your arm. "No, let me," 
"Fine," you say pulling away from his grip.
As your walking you get a call.
"Yeah, Sandeul," you say answering the phone.
"Where are you, lets hang out," Sandeul says.
"I'm walking home," you say.
"Where are you I will meet you," Sandeul says.
"No, i'm almost home," you say.
"Okay, i will be waiting," Sandeull says.
End of phone call.
"Jinyoung, I think we should go are separate ways  now," you say.
"Okay, but.....lets meet up again," Jinyoung says.
When you get to your house, you see Sandeul.
"Minji!," Sandeul says running over to you and hugging you.
"Where were you," Sandeul asks.
"I a wonderful place," you say.
"Wonderful place?," Sandeul says confused
"you wouldn't understand.....lets go, I'm hungry," you say grabbing Sandeuls hand and dragging him.
As your walking you put your hand in your pocket and realize you forgot to give Jinyoung the money. Well, I guess it better that I didn't give it to him yet, you think to yourself.


Don't mind making Daehyun her first love.

sorry for any mistakes 



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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 45: ohh i kinda miss the jinyoung and Minji moments! :) uhm i think sanduel is being a little bit too sensitive poor jinyoung! anw awesome chappie :D update soon
bookangel2603 #2
Chapter 42: omg! what the ?! poor jinyoung :(
ohh he's starting to develop feelings for minji :D anw who the heck is at the door ? oh no i hope its not sanduel! cuz he would seriously flip out! ohh plz update soon! me + ur story = happiness :D
Chapter 42: Oh noooo is sandeul at the door? :(
Chapter 32: okay. i change my mind. I really really love Sandeul. but..I cant ever resist my ultimate bias..L (myungsoo) I look forward to where you left off before editing the chapters!
What happened to the other chapters o.o