chapter 15

What is it called.....Love?


The next day was school. 
You were about ready when you hear the door bell ring. You run down stairs knowing who it is already. You open the door and of course you were right.
"Sandeul!, hold on just let me get my bag," you say.
You run to get your bag and then back to Sandeul. Sandeul reaches out his hand.
You give him a confused look.
"I will carry your bag," Sandeul says laughing.
"Oh.....yeah," you say embarrassed. 
You and Sandeul were almost to the school, not even said a word to each other yet.
"um....what if i asked if you wanted to go out with me," Sandeul says breaking the silence.
You look up surprised, not knowing what to say.
"Your cute," Sandeul begins "Don't worry about it, I don't mean it," Sandeul says ruffling you hair, then walking off.
You stood there stunned, not moving. Then you think. Wait did he just say he didn't mean it.
You walk into class looking for Sandeul, when Gongchan and Baro walk into class. You walk over to Gongchan and Baro.
"Have you seen Sandeul," you ask both of them
"Yeah, he went to the bathroom,"Baro says.
"Oh, i'll wait then," you say then sit down.
It was only 3 minuets until the bell would ring for class to start and Sandeul still wasn't there. You glance at your wach, then you get up and run out of the class. 
You run to the boys bathroom first. Open the door and call Sandeul's name but no answer. You run through the halls but couldn''t find him then the bell rings. You don't want to go too class not knowing where Sandeul is. You begin to walk back towards the boys bathroom, but you feel someone grab your arm and tug you over to them. You look up and notice its Sandeul.
"Sandeul!," you say.
Sandeul puts his finger to his lips "shh,"
You guys wait about 5 minutes for all the teachers to go to their classes. 
Sandeul grabs your hand and starts runing down the hall to a pair of stairs. Sandeul leads you all the way to the top and out a door to the rooftop. The  door shuts behind them.
You look down to yours and Sandeuls hands still intertwined. Sandeul looks down, realizes and lets go.
"Ah, what a great day," Sandeul says stretching out his arms.
"So...I guess were ditching," you say.
Sandeul puts his arms down quickly "oh, Yeah, I guess so," Sandeul says awkwardly. 
Sandeul walks over behind some boxes, where there was a bench, and lays down on the bench. You fallow him and sit down on the ground facing him.
"Are you sure you want to sit down there," Sandeul says
"I'm fine," you say
"I'm going to take a nap, wake me up in about 20min," Sandeul says.
You nod.
10 minutes passed and you waved your hands Infront of Sandeuls's face, making sure he was sleeping. He was.
You stare at Sandeul and think, Have I ever seen his eye brows.
You catch yourself moving his hair out of the way. You smile at the sight of him. "He looks so handsome"you say.
All of a sudden Sandeul grabs your hand.
Was he awake all this time,you think
Sandeul's eyes pop open, surprising you. He smiles. Sandeul sits up letting go of your hand, disappointing you a little.
"What if I kiss you right now," Sandeul says seriously.
You look up, confused yet a little curious.
Its silent for a couple seconds, then Sandeul smiles. "I'm just kiding,"
Sandeul looks to the ground. For some reason your body moves towards Sandeul. Not knowing why you were doing this, you go in and peck Sandeul on the lips.
You sit back down not wanting to see Sandeul's reaction. You hide your face waiting for Sandeul to say something, but nothing. You hear footsteps walking past you. You look up and see Sandeul walking away.
Wait, what is he doing, you think to yourself not wanting to think of the worst that could happen.
"Wa..wait," you manage to get out of your lips but not loud enough for Sandeul to hear.
But...I thought....Sandeul liked, you think to your self.
You stand up on the verge of crying, when all of a sudden Sandeul reappears. He holds something behind his back. Sandeul realizes your about to cry.
"You okay," Sandeul says.
You walk over to Sandeul and lightly hit him on the shoulder. 
"I thought you left because.....," you begin.
Sandeul brings you in for a slight hug, since his other hand was holding something.
"Of course not, I just felt embarrassed, and didn't want you to see me like that....oh and this," Sandeul says, then showing what was behind his back to you.
It was a big rainbow lollypop.
"I know its not much, but its all I had, that  was worth something, I guess," Sandeul says embarrassed of the gift.
You take the lollypop in your hand. "I will enjoy it," you say.
Sandeul smiles.
After school Gongchan comes running up to you, panting.
"Whats wrong," you say.
"Where....were you," Gongchan says still panting.
"I was with Sandeul......we kinda.....ditched," you say.
"I was looking all over for you, don't ever scare me like that again," Gongchan says worried.
"Sorry,' you say.
"Sandeul better treat you nicely, or I might, have to....," Gongchan begins
"Don't worry, he the best," you say.
" anybody walking," Gongchan begins.
"Minji!, lets go," Sandeul says from the gates, interrupting Gongchan.
"Well, I better go," you say, then running over to Sandeul.
"Why can't I be the one who you think is the best", Gongchan mumbles to himself, referring to you.
"Maybe we should of invited Gongchan," you say.
"Why, do you feel awkward around me now," Sandeul says with a smirk.
"No!, its just...." you begin.
"well it dosen't matter now," Sandeul says.
Should I ask her for real, now, Sandeul thinks to himself.
"Minji," Sandeul says.
"Yeah," you say.
"Well, you see, um....," Sandeul begins.
"Oooo, look at that puppy," you say, then walking over to the puppy.
You crouch down , lifting him up, and petting him.
That reminds me, you think to yourself.
"You haven't seen my dog, have you," you say.
"Uh, no,"Sandeul says.
"Lets go, you have to see Nemo," you say.
When you get to your house, you run to the front door.
"Slow down," Sandeul says,
You quickly open the door grab Sandeul's hand and run to the back door and let Nemo in.
"Isn't he cute,' you say.
"You really like dogs," Sandeul says.
"Yeah, alot!. Wait, do you not like dogs," you say.
"No!, its just. Nevermind," Sandeul says, then takes Nemo into his arms.
"Oh," you say confused.
"He is cute," Sandeul says smiling.
That makes you smile.
I don't dislike dogs, its just i'm.....jealous, Sandeul thinks to himself.
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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 45: ohh i kinda miss the jinyoung and Minji moments! :) uhm i think sanduel is being a little bit too sensitive poor jinyoung! anw awesome chappie :D update soon
bookangel2603 #2
Chapter 42: omg! what the ?! poor jinyoung :(
ohh he's starting to develop feelings for minji :D anw who the heck is at the door ? oh no i hope its not sanduel! cuz he would seriously flip out! ohh plz update soon! me + ur story = happiness :D
Chapter 42: Oh noooo is sandeul at the door? :(
Chapter 32: okay. i change my mind. I really really love Sandeul. but..I cant ever resist my ultimate bias..L (myungsoo) I look forward to where you left off before editing the chapters!
What happened to the other chapters o.o