We're gonna score tonight~

Their special girl[Sequel to Crazy adventures with my six boyfriends-I MEAN ALIENS]

Teen Top - Be ma girl



You heaved a sigh and checked yourself in the mirror one last time. Your sandy-brown hair was lying perfectly on your shoulders and your fringe was slightly styled to the side.  For the occasion, you even put on some light make-up.

“Hyojin!” you heard your mother call from downstairs. “There’s a handsome man standing outside, you don’t happen to know him?”

Your eyes widened. *Who is it?* You could only think of six particular boys.

“Who is it?” you asked as you got down to the first floor. Your dad was pacing back and forth in front of the window, glancing out nervously.

“Dad, who is it?” you asked further.

Your mom appeared and chuckled as she saw her husband. “Honey, it’s just her boyfriend. It’s not a or something.” She rolled her light-brown eyes and placed her hand on your shoulder and gave it a supporting squeeze.

“You don’t know that!” your dad yelped and but his nails nervously. You chuckled and shook your head, then turned to your mother. “Don’t wait up, okay?”

“WHY SO!?” your dad  asked.  “Ignore your father. Okay honey, have fun.” She smiled and kissed your cheek.  You smiled back and nodded, “Yeah, see you later! And dad, maybe you should sit down.” You advised and gave your father, whose face was as pale as a ghost by now.

“My precious daughter..” you heard the devastated voice of your father before you exited the house.

As soon as you closed the door behind you, you felt yourself being pulled into someone’s embrace.  His manly scent overwhelmed you and you felt like you belonged there, in his arms.

“Princess!” Himchan beamed at you when you pulled away. “Greetings, chan-chan.” You smiled back at him.

“You ready for tonight?”

“I’ve never been this ready for anything!” you excitedly replied. Himchan chuckled and took your hand and interlaced your fingers with his.

Tonight was the night before graduation. 

You and your friends had a tradition that the night before graduation, you would go out and do something. Go to a karaoke room, paintball, laser tag and all different kind of things.

This year, you had decided that you were going bowling. Even though you totally at it, you were the one who had come up with the idea. After all, it was still really fun.

And of course, your six boyfriends heard of this and practically forced you and the others to take them with you. Usually, it would just be the ones who were actually going to the school, but Himchan had almost shoved a broom up Jiyong’s if he hadn’t let them join.

You took the bus to Hongdae and got off by a big building, filled with big neon signs. “Woah.” You marveled. “Where are the others?” you asked and turned to Himchan.

“Right here.” You heard someone spoke behind you. You turned around and saw Dara, Jiyong, Chaerin, Seunghyun, Minji, Youngbae, Daesung, Seungri and of course, your five aliens. 

“Baby!” “Jagiya!” “Yeobo!” “Jinnie!”  “Hyojin!” five voices exclaimed and pulled you into a group hug.

Himchan frowned and pulled you out from the hug, “You’re suffocating her.”

“Look who’s talking.” Daesung scoffed. “You were the one who refused to let her go home yesterday. Talk about being clingy.”

“You’re not helping.” Himchan growled.

“I wasn’t planning to.”


After getting your shoes and selecting your bowling ball, you headed to the alley.

“We have to separate into teams. There can only be four in one.” Jiyong explained.

Immediately, you could feel twelve pair of eyes stare at you.

“I want to be with princess!” Himchan declared and grabbed your arm. “But I want to be with Jinnie baby!” Daehyun whined.

Jongup, being the most mature of the aliens, spoke up. “Let Hyojin decide.” Everyone nodded in agreement and lined up before you.

You thought for a bit. Since you really wanted to win, it was important to pick out good players.

“I choose Yongguk, Jongup and Youngjae.” You decided. The three you had chosen high-fived each other and shouted in victory.

“But baby!” Daehyun cried. Himchan pouted and stomped his feet and Zelo did the same.

“Sorry guys.” You shrugged and turned to your three teammates. “Let’s go.”


“HYUNG! THEY’RE CHEATING!” Seungri accused and pointed at Daehyun and Daesung. “What!? You’re just butthurt because we got a strike!” Daesung fired back.

Dara chuckled evily and skillfully got ready to send her ball rolling down the alley. She got a perfect strike and her teammates cheered.

“THAT’S MY BABY!” Jiyong hollered and spun Dara around. Minji giggled and Himchan looked away, over to you and your team.

Youngjae whispered something to Jongup, who nodded in respond. “Goo Moon Jongup!” you cheered from your seat.

Jongup got encouraged by your words and collected his mind before throwing the ball. It went in a perfect, straight line and hit the center of the cones.

“WOAH, YOU GO MOONIE!” you cheered when you saw that he had hit a strike.

“They’re also cheating! Hyung, do something!” Seungri whined and looked at Youngbae, who was in his team. The same went for Zelo and Chaerin.

“What? Not my fault that they have the brain!” Youngbae said, but still got ready for his turn.

The ball went right into the ditch and the whole timed sighed. “Hyung, you !” Seungri shouted. Zelo nodded, “Yeah! You tiny little human!”

Daehyun sneaked away from Daesung, who was his only teammate, and over to your team. “Hello~” he sang as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders from behind.

“Shouldn’t you be helping Daesung? He looks like he’s having a mental breakdown.” You said and motioned at Daesung, who almost dropped the ball on his feet.

“He’s fine!” Daehyun insisted and placed his chin on your shoulder.

Yongguk spun around and noticed Daehyun. “Yah, Jung Daehyun! What are you doing here? Go back to your own team!” Yongguk shooed Daehyun away.  

“Yeobo, it’s your turn now.” Yongguk informed when he was sure Daehyun was out of sight.

You nodded and got up, “Got it.”

“Go baby doll!” Youngjae cheered as you passed him. “HEY! THAT’S MY NICKNAME FOR HER!” Daehyun shouted from the other side of the room.

You took a deep breath and held the ball steadily on your three fingers. Behind you, you could hear Youngjae, Yongguk and Jongup’s cheering and grew confident.

After you’ve thrown the ball, you close your eyes and crossed your fingers, hoping it hadn’t gone in the ditch.  




When you heard several cheers behind you, you opened your eyes and saw, much to your surprisement, that you had hit a strike.

You squealed in happiness and jumped up and down. This was the first strike you’ve ever hit in your whole life!

“Jagiya, you did it!” Zelo swept you off your feet and spun you around.

“You’re not even on our team!” Youngjae complained.


“Oh, shut up, maknae.”


Because of the time, you had called your parents and told them that you would be staying at Dara’s house for the night and that you would go home in the morning to prepare for the big day.

But of course, you wouldn’t be at Dara’s house.

“Whose room will she sleep in?” Zelo curiously asked as you were walking home.

“How about none, I can sleep on the couch.” You said.

“But baby, you’re missing the whole point here.” Daehyun clucked his tongue. “You’re our girlfriend, and therefore, you have to sleep with either one of us.”

“That sounded so wrong, dude.” Daesung pointed out.

“Indeed. I’ll just sleep in Daesung’s room, if that’s okay with you?” you looked at Daesung. He nodded and slung his arm around your shoulders, “It’ll be just like the good ol’ days!”

The aliens faces turned pale and they stared at the tiny human. There was no way in hell they were gonna let you sleep in the same room as him.

“Let’s just do rock, paper, scissor and we’ll see.” Yongguk said and everyone obeyed.

In the end, Jongup was the winner, surprisingly enough. He did a little victory dance to rub it in his comrades face.


My computer crashed while I was writing this chapter so everything got deleted. So I had to re-write it from my memory and yeah...BE PROUD OF ME OK!?!?!?

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adlinriz #1
Chapter 24: lol, I had decided to read this fic again and it surprises me how it's not yet completed. Wonder how I could forget that it isn't, really. But since I remember now and want to know what happens next, please update ^^

P/S: Gosh, can't believe it'd been two years already. Man, life is so busy. and not to be rude but can you still update this story? cause it had been so long and most author would lose their feels already, erk..., does that makes sense? again sorry but I'm curious though :)
Chapter 24: please update
Chapter 3: /rolls out of nowhere.
author-nim, you're a directioner too? :D
SofeaShazrina #4
Chapter 24: please update
Chapter 24: HAHAA, omg. That is so cuteee! :3 the story they made up x3 its close enough to the truth! :P i kinda feel bad for Baozi though tbvh OTL oh wells. xD update soon! ^^
Chapter 23: lol,Xiumin,wth r u doing??xD
Chapter 23: Seriously? She gets to go home when she has period cramps? I still have to do PE when i have them OTL LOL. They're so caring towards her though :') and LOLOLOL JELLO. XD and what the heck is Xiumin doing at their house? .___. wow. LOL, update soon! ^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 12: Omg im dying of laughter i flippen love this storyXD <333
Chapter 22: Update sooooooon
chyeahBAP #10
Chapter 22: I love this story! Update soon! ^•^