Life at school

Their special girl[Sequel to Crazy adventures with my six boyfriends-I MEAN ALIENS]

Super Junior - No Other


Days were rolling by and you started to get used to your life in college. The professors were really nice and you even got the chance to make some new friends in your class. Even though Minseok was bugging you 24/7, you managed to ignore him most of the time.

This morning, you were walking to school with Daehyun, Youngjae and Zelo. Youngjae had his fingers interlaced with yours and he swung your hands back and forth happily. Zelo and Daehyun were walking gloomily behind you, sulking that they lost in ‘Rock, Paper, Scissor’ in who was going to hold your hand.

The sun was poking up behind a few clouds and the air was cold and crisp. When you breathed out small puffs of smoke appeared and you thought you looked like a dragon. *Autmn is coming to an end. Wouldn’t be surprised if it started snowing.* 

As you arrived at school, you saw two girls by the entrance, waving happily at you. You quickly pulled away your hand from Youngjae’s grip and waved back. Youngjae frowned but understood perfectly why you had done that. 

In school, Zelo was your boyfriend and Daehyun and Youngjae were his brothers, which weren’t exactly untrue. It would just be very complicated to explain to people that not only did you have one, but six boyfriends. You could imagine how fast people would judge you.

Zelo quickly strode up to you and grabbed your hand with a evil grin back at Youngjae. ”My turn.” he mouthed and stuck out his tongue at him. 

You approached the two girls and they greeted you happily. ”Good morning, Hyojin and Zelo!” A girl with short, brown hair hugged you and smiled at Zelo. ”Good morning, Hana.” you smiled back.

”Slept well?” The other girl, with long, blonde hair asked as she also hugged you. You nodded and thought back to the morning.

You had woken up with Himchan hugging your leg like it was his long-lost teddybear. How he even had gotten into to your house, without your parents noticing, was still a mystery. You had made a mental note to ask him about it later. 

”How are you two today, then? Kyujin, did you finish your essay about the Korean War?” you asked as the four of you entered the school. Daehyun and Youngjae had left you, feeling awkward in the presence of the girls. Zelo was just happy being with you and payed no attention to your conversation. 

Kyujin nodded and her blonde hair off her shoulders. ”Yeah, not sure if the proferssor’s gonna like it that much, though.” she bit her lip anxiously. ”He’ll surely do! You’re a really good writer, no need to worry!” Hana said and patted her shoulder comfortably.

”Yeah, Hanah’s right.” you agreed. ”If he’ll give you an F, I’ll be the first one to knock him out.” you playfully winked at her and the three of you burst into laughter.

Zelo nudged your side with his elbow and you turned your attention to him, stopping in your tracks. ”Yes?” 

”My class is starting now. See you at lunch?” he bent down and pecked your lips. You nodded, ”Sure, you know where we’ll sit.” you nodded. Zelo smiled, waved goodbye to Hanah and Kyujin, then left.

”Dear God, he’s so cute!” Hanah squealed. ”Hey,” Kyujin lightly elbowed her side. ”he’s Hyojin’s boyfriend.”

Hana rolled her eyes, ”I know, but he’s still cute, Besides, I would never try to steal him away from Hyojin.” You warmly smiled at her, ”I know you wouldn’t.” 

”HYOJIN ~” A voice hollered from the other side of the hall. Your eyes widened, ”Uh-oh.” 

”Minseok?” Kyujin raised a brow at Hana, who nodded. ”Yeah. He’s still bugging her. He really can’t take a clue.” she rolled her eyes and nudged your arm, ”Let’s go to the classroom.” 

You nodded, but nervously glanced back to see if Minseok was anywhere in sight. He wasn’t and you breathed out.

It wasn’t that he was mean or anything, he was just really, really clingy and annoying. You knew it wasn’t nice to just sneer at him whenever he said something, but it had gotten to the point where nothing else worked. 

You and Kyujin took the seats near the window and Hana took the seat in front of you. She  pushed away the empty seat next to her, avoiding anyone unwanted to sit beside her. 

More students started to pool in and last in, was as usual, Minseok. He was panting heavily, as if he’s been running to America and back. His hair was tangled and messy and his shirt was wrinkly and he had forgot to tuck it in his pants. 

Hana leaned her chair back and whispered, ”Did he run a marathon or something? The guy look’s like he hasn’t been doing anything else but running today.” 

Kyujin giggled and you chuckled as Minseok almost tripped on his own feet as he was moving to the empty seat in the back. 

The professor came in and class started. You quickly began to take notes, careful not to miss out anything that the professor said. 

Minseok glanced over at you from the other side of the classroom. You were busy scribbling in your notebook to even notice him. He didn’t even bother lifting his pen, he had no reason to. 

Class eventually ended all the students exited the classroom. ”Hey, Hyojin, Hana and I are going to the principal. He wanted to talk to us about something. We’ll see you at lunch?”

You nodded and gave them a thumbs up, ”I’ll be at our table.” The two girls smiled, waved and left. 

You began to collect your notebook, textbook and pencils from your desk. Suddenly, you felt something, or someone, tower over you. You didn’t have to look to know who it was. 

”What do you want, Minseok?” you asked and gave him a dry look. Minseok pouted, ”Why do you always sound like I’ve killed your grandparents when you talk to me?”

”Wouldn’t surprise me if you did.” you stood up and pushed your chair to your desk and began to walk out of the classroom. Minseok followed you like a puppy. ”So, what do you think about school so far?”

”It’s nice. Except, there’s this student that’s constantly annoying me and it makes me want to choke that student.” you threw him a meaningful glance. 

Minseok stayed oblivious, ”Really? That’s not very nice. Who is it?” 

You walked over to your locker and opened it, putting in your books and taking out new ones for your next class. ”You really wanna know?” 

Minseok nodded eagerly, ”Yes.” 

You shut your locker and gave him a dry look, ”It’s you, Minseok.” 

Minseok’s face fell and he pouted sadly. Before he could say anything, you spun on your wheel and walked away, disappearing in the crowd of students. 

He sighed and crossed his arms over his chest, still pouting. *Duizhang never told me it would be this complicated to get closer to this human. What’s with her?* 




”Honey~” You could pick up the sound of Zelo’s voice even though the cafeteria was buzzing with other voices. 

You turned around and saw Zelo pushing through the students with a thousand watt-smile on his lips. ”Hey, honey.” he sat down next to you and kissed your cheek. 

”Hi, Junhong.” you greeted with a smile. ”Where’s Kyujin and Hana?” he asked as he placed his lunchbox on the table. 

”They went to talk to the principal.” you replied and took a bite from your club sandwhich you had made this morning. 

”Oh.” Zelo nodded understandingly sipped his box of juice he had bought earlier. ”So, how’s your day so far?” 

You shrugged. *Minseok is bugging me as usual.* ”Good, I guess. I’m kind of tired.”

”That’s what you get when you stay up all night and play Angry Birds.” Zelo snickered and shoved you lightly with his shoulder. 

”And the reason I did that was because I couldn’t sleep because of your loud snoring.” you retorted. ”I had nothing else to do!” 

”Hey, I don’t snore!” Zelo yelped. You gave him a look, as if saying ‘are-you-kidding-me’, ”You totally do. I swear, I was afraid my parents would wake up because of you! Then, I would have to explain what a stranger did in my bed.” 

”You could’ve just said that you dumped Himchan for a new, better, handsome-er and smarter guy.” Zelo puffed up his chest.

”Firstly, I’m not sure if handsome-er is a real word. Secondly, that would make me look like a player.” You said. 

”No, it would make you look like a girl that’s fully capable of making better deicions!” Zelo explained and gestured at himself.

You rolled your eyes and sipped your water, ”I’m not even gonna comment that.” 

”Hey, lovebirds, what’s up?” Hana slumped down on the seat next to you. ”Besides my di-” 

You quickly clamped a hand over Zelo’s mouth and gave him a glare. ”Don’t you even dare.” 

Zelo sheepisly smiled and you felt something wet on your palm. Quickly, you pulled your hand away with a yelp and disgusted look. ”Ew, Junhong, that’s nasty.” 

Hana chuckled and shoved a spoon of soup into . ”You guys are the cutest.” 

You rolled your eyes, ”Yeah, right.” 

”Baby, she gave you a compliment. You should thank her.” Zelo said in a motherly voice. ”Oh, shut you pipe.” you muttered. 

Kyujin soon joined you by the table and you curiously asked how the visit at the principal’s office went. They both shrugged in disinterest, ”It was nothing, really. He just wanted to check with us how the class was doing and so on.”

You raised a brow, ”The principal asks you such things?” Hana nodded, ”Yeah, it gives of the feeling that he cares for his students. It’s really nice, actually.” 

”Sounds kind of creepy to me.” Zelo shrugged nonchanantly. You socked your elbow into his stomach lightly, ”Hey, don’t say that! It’s really cool that he does that. I wish my high school principal was like that.” you pouted. 

”Now when we’re talking about it, how was your high school, Hyojin?” Kyujin asked and rested her chin in her palm. 

”It was O.K. Nothing special.” you shrugged. ”Went to Thailand for a while to study their culture and such.” Zelo sent you a meaningful glance and you smiled secretely.

Hana blinked at you, ”Really? That’s so cool!” You nodded, ”And that’s how I met Junhong.” you added. 

”You’re thai?” Kyujin asked. Zelo shook his head, ”No, but I was also studying there at the moment and when I ran into Hyojin on my first day, I knew I would be following her anywhere she went. I’m not from Seoul, so when she told her she lived here, I think you can guess what I did.” Zelo grinned and slung an arm around your shoulder.

”That’s so cute!” Both Kyujin and Hana squealed. You rolled your eyes and shook his arm off, ”It was far away from cute, Junhong is just spitting rubbish. It wasn’t as sweet as it sounds.” You thought back to when you got kidnapped by Exo-K and shivered.

”But we’re here now, together, and that’s all that matters.” Zelo added and gave you a sweet peck on your cheek. 

”I ship you guys. So. Hard.” Hana said. Kyujin chuckled, ”JunJin! That’s their shipping name!” 

”OTP!” Hana exclaimed excitedly and held up her palm. Kyujin happily slapped it and the two girls laughed in unison. You sighed and rolled your eyes, but smiled affectionately at Zelo. 

”I know some people that won’t be happy about hearing this.” you said, but only loud enough for Zelo to hear. 

”It’s going to be fun to brag about it.” Zelo grinned and ruffled your hair. ”Hey, don’t mess up the masterpiece!” you held up a warning finger.

”Oh, like that ever stopped me.” Zelo rolled his eyes and continued to ruin your hair. 

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adlinriz #1
Chapter 24: lol, I had decided to read this fic again and it surprises me how it's not yet completed. Wonder how I could forget that it isn't, really. But since I remember now and want to know what happens next, please update ^^

P/S: Gosh, can't believe it'd been two years already. Man, life is so busy. and not to be rude but can you still update this story? cause it had been so long and most author would lose their feels already, erk..., does that makes sense? again sorry but I'm curious though :)
Chapter 24: please update
Chapter 3: /rolls out of nowhere.
author-nim, you're a directioner too? :D
SofeaShazrina #4
Chapter 24: please update
Chapter 24: HAHAA, omg. That is so cuteee! :3 the story they made up x3 its close enough to the truth! :P i kinda feel bad for Baozi though tbvh OTL oh wells. xD update soon! ^^
Chapter 23: lol,Xiumin,wth r u doing??xD
Chapter 23: Seriously? She gets to go home when she has period cramps? I still have to do PE when i have them OTL LOL. They're so caring towards her though :') and LOLOLOL JELLO. XD and what the heck is Xiumin doing at their house? .___. wow. LOL, update soon! ^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 12: Omg im dying of laughter i flippen love this storyXD <333
Chapter 22: Update sooooooon
chyeahBAP #10
Chapter 22: I love this story! Update soon! ^•^