
Their special girl[Sequel to Crazy adventures with my six boyfriends-I MEAN ALIENS]

B2ST - Mystery



At the sound of someone coming into the room, your eyes shot open. You scanned the room and saw Himchan, his back turned towards you, bending down and picking up a DVD case, then got up and left the living room.

You sighed and sat up, rubbing your temples. For some reason, you had gotten troubles sleeping at night, resulting in you being tired during the days. But even when you tried to take frequent naps, you still couldn’t fall asleep.

“Oh, Jinnie, you’re awake.” Daehyun entered the living room, holding a cup of hot coffee. He sat down next to you and put the mug on the coffee table, ironically enough.

You sleepily nodded and groaned, leaning your head on Daehyun’s shoulder. “I can’t fall asleep.”

“Aw, my poor Jinnie.” Daehyun cooed and patted your head. “Want me to sing you to sleep?”

You shook your head and got up, “No, I might as well do something instead of doing nothing.” You stretched your arms. “Thanks though.”

“No problem, baby.”

The house was unusually quiet today. Normally, Yongguk and Himchan would bicker about something unimportant, Youngjae and Jongup having a dance-off or math-off and Zelo and Daehyun would just run around, fighting over food.

But now, it was so quiet that you could almost hear a cricket sing in the distance.

You walked into the kitchen, hoping to see one of the aliens, but were greeted with nothing but silence. And of course, no one.

Deciding to ask Daehyun where everyone was, you went back to the living room, but when you got there, he was gone.

*Where did he go? Where is everyone?* You frowned.

As on cue, you thought you heard the door to the basement close. Curiously, you tip-toed down to the cold room.  It was pitch-black, but you could hear muffled voices and other things that you couldn’t recognize.

“Yah! Moon Jongup! Watch where you’re going!” You heard Himchan yell.

*What are they doing?* You frowned and searched the wall for a door, that you knew was there, then pushed it opened and stepped in.

Bright lights and the sound of an engine roaring welcomed you as you stepped into the garage. You had to shield your eyes with your palm, so that you wouldn’t go blind.

As your eyes got used to light, you could make out six figures in the room and a big,  black vehicle in the middle of the garage. 

You blinked a few times, trying to make out who the six people were, even though it was pretty obvious.

The aliens were oblivious to your presence and just kept on tinkering with the car.  Daehyun was lying on a skateboard, under the car. His face and body was sweaty and dirty and to be honest, you found it very hot.

The five other alien bodies were in the exact same condition as Daehyun’s and on top of that, they were all just wearing black wife beaters and jeans. You had to tear your eyes away from each and one of them as you saw the black car.

“Oh my God!” you exclaimed. The aliens heads snapped up and stared at you in surprisement. “Princess! What are you doing here?” Himchan’s face lit up as he saw you.

You just stared wide-eyed at the car. “When did you get that? Because I can’t recall that Daesung owned a car.”

Yongguk smiled proudly and patted the hood, “This little beauty? We got her, for free!”

“For free?”

“Yeah! We found her on the dump the other day. The owner said that we could have her if we fixed her and look what we did.” Youngjae gestured at the newly painted layer of black paint, that covered the whole body.

You nodded, amazed. “Cool. But is it working?”

“It? Baby, it’s a HER.” Zelo emphasized. “And yes. Daehyun hyung fixed the engine and now she’s purring like a cat!”

You gave Daehyun an impressed look, then ran your fingers across the paint. “Have you thought about a name?”

“We’re thinking about naming her Hyojin.” Jongup said.

You gave him a look, “You can’t name your car that. Name it something more...powerful.”

“We’re naming her Hyojin and that’s final.” Youngjae firmly said.


“WOAH! YEAH BABY!” Yongguk screamed as he put more weight on his foot, pressing the accelerator harder.

Himchan howled like a wolf and pumped his fist in the air, the other one firmly holding the handle by the window.

“YONGGUK! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STOP THE CAR!” you screamed and clutched Jongup’s arm like your life depended on it.  Zelo, who sat beside you, had his long arms wrapped tightly around you, his head buried in the crook of your neck. Daehyun and Youngjae, who sat in the seat in the back, had kneeled down on the floor, praying for their own lifes.

The car’s wheels made a screeching sound as the car went to an abrupt stop.  You breathed out and released Jongup’s arm, which now had started to turn white.

“Yongguk, have you ever driven a car?” you asked.  

“Nope!” Yongguk beamed, running his hands across the steering wheel.  Himchan glanced back at you with an apologetic expression, “But we do have spaceships on Mato.”

“But Yongguk never got a license. He crashed the ship into a cactus.” Youngjae called from the back.

“Yeah, and then he threw a tantrum and trashed the house.” Jongup quietly said, shuddering at the memory.

“Wow, thanks for bringing that picture back.” Daehyun retorted and rolled his eyes.

You slightly chortled and shook your head, “I can imagine that. But now on to more serious matters, I will get out of this car right now and walk back home, because I’m not wasting another minute in this machine. It’s going to be my death.” You calmly said and stepped out of the car, ignoring the whining sounds of the aliens.

“Hyojin, don’t be like that!” you heard Jongup call from the vehicle.

“I’m sorry for driving too fast!”

“Too fast? YOU ALMOST DROVE INTO A FREAKING KID, YONGGUK!” you roared, rubbing your temples and exhaling heavily. “Look, just drive back home and I’ll meet you there, okay?”


“Just do it!”

The aliens glanced at each other, then sighed and got back into the van. You sighed and began to walk back to the house.

The sound of the engine starting and a vehicle driving away filled the quiet city. Skies were twinkling in the night sky and it was unusually quiet for a Saturday night.

Your stomach made a loud growling sound, followed by an empty feeling in your stomach. Chuckling slightly, your eyes searched the area for a food court of some kind.

You found a stand where an old lady sold Dukkbokki, how Korean style.

When your food was done and it got time for you to pay, you were in shock when you couldn’t find your wallet.

“Shoot! I’m sorry, it must be here somewhere.” You smiled apologetically at the lady and searched through your pockets again. The lady gave you an annoyed look.

In the corner of your eye, you could see a petite, small hand reach out and hand a few bills to the lady, whom smiled in returned and bowed, handing your plate of dukkbokki to the hand.

“Hey, that’s mine!” you complained and looked up, meeting eyes with a cute, chubby and short male. His face was chubby but his body in general was pretty skinny, which didn’t match his face. He had soft features and a playful smile playing on his face. “Figured. So I took the opportunity to pay for you, because you couldn’t find your wallet, am I right?”   he raised a brow, the playful smiled still plastered on his face.

You blinked at him, not touched by the handsome face. “Thank you. Can I have my food now?” you asked and reached for the hot plate, but the boy pulled it away.

“I will give you this on one condition.” He held up his index finger.

“And what could that be?”

“Your phone number.”

You rolled your eyes, “Really? That’s your way to get girls’ numbers? Keep the food, by the way. I have to get home. I have better things to do than to talk with some random dude who stole my food. ” You shoved your hands into your pockets and spun around, ready to leave. *The aliens will go ape if I’m not home by now.*


“Hey, what about your food and your name!?” the male called behind you.

“You can keep your god damn food! And there’s no way in hell you’ll get that, sicko! ” you yelled back, grumpy.

The male’s lips irked upwards into a playful smirk. He took one of the plastic forks and popped the rice cake in his mouth. *I have feeling I’ll see more of you, Gong Hyojin.*


“Baby! What took you so long?!” Zelo cried as he hugged you.

“Some random dude stole my food.” You grumpily replied, still mad about the guy.

“Stole your food!? Want me to beat him up?” Daehyun cracked his knuckles.

“No, no, it’s okay. I’ll just go and make some toast then I’ll be fine.” You replied and headed for the kitchen.

“Princess~ you know, it’s late. We have to get to bed now.” Himchan sweetly called from the staircase.

“You’re not my mother.” You replied and took a bite of your toast, almost singing on joy as you felt your stomach filling up.

“Well, he could basically be.” Youngjae entered the kitchen and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. “He’s right though, it’s getting late.” He kissed your temple.

You groaned, “Come on! It’s only one AM!”

“No whining, young lady.” Yongguk said.




i'm sorry for not updating in a while


i have a life

and a boyfriend


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adlinriz #1
Chapter 24: lol, I had decided to read this fic again and it surprises me how it's not yet completed. Wonder how I could forget that it isn't, really. But since I remember now and want to know what happens next, please update ^^

P/S: Gosh, can't believe it'd been two years already. Man, life is so busy. and not to be rude but can you still update this story? cause it had been so long and most author would lose their feels already, erk..., does that makes sense? again sorry but I'm curious though :)
Chapter 24: please update
Chapter 3: /rolls out of nowhere.
author-nim, you're a directioner too? :D
SofeaShazrina #4
Chapter 24: please update
Chapter 24: HAHAA, omg. That is so cuteee! :3 the story they made up x3 its close enough to the truth! :P i kinda feel bad for Baozi though tbvh OTL oh wells. xD update soon! ^^
Chapter 23: lol,Xiumin,wth r u doing??xD
Chapter 23: Seriously? She gets to go home when she has period cramps? I still have to do PE when i have them OTL LOL. They're so caring towards her though :') and LOLOLOL JELLO. XD and what the heck is Xiumin doing at their house? .___. wow. LOL, update soon! ^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 12: Omg im dying of laughter i flippen love this storyXD <333
Chapter 22: Update sooooooon
chyeahBAP #10
Chapter 22: I love this story! Update soon! ^•^