And let me kiss you

Their special girl[Sequel to Crazy adventures with my six boyfriends-I MEAN ALIENS]


One Direction - Kiss you


”Do you really have to go?” Jongup asked with a sad look.

You nodded and gave him an apologetic look, “Yeah, my parents will flip if I’m not home on time.”

“But you’ve never been late, can’t this be an exception?” Himchan stuck out his bottom lip and hugged your waist like a teddy bear.

“Sorry, Chan-Chan. But unless you want my dad to personally hunt down your , then rip your skin off, I suggest you let me leave.”

The pout on Himchan’s face was still there, but he reluctantly let go.  You gave each of the aliens a hug and a kiss before giving them all a final wave, then walked out of the mansion.

The aliens looked sadly after you as they watched you round a corner and disappear out of their sight. They already missed you.

You whistled an insignificant tune and pulled out your headset and plugged the earbuds into your two hearing organs.

Your finger swept across the screen of your phone and swiftly picked a song.

Kiss You by One Direction, your favorite band, or group.

The lyrics were catchy and you couldn’t help but to make small dance moves as you were walking. There weren’t that much people outside so you felt free to do whatever you wanted. And no, that didn’t sound wrong at all.

“And let me kiss you~” You sang and pretended to kiss someone.  A small giggle erupted from your lips and you spun around.

As the bridge came, you started to wave your arms as if you were swimming, a move they did in the Music Video.

The song ended but you quickly pressed replay and sang the whole song in excellent English. At the thought of the five boys from the band you inwardly squealed.

“-you get this kinda ru-u-ush, baby say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah~” You sang and did a small pirouette. But as you twirled around, your face crushed against someone’s chest.

Embarrassed and confused, you looked up, meeting eyes with a familiar alien. “What are you doing here?” you asked and paused the song.

“I might have followed you.” Daehyun bluntly replied.  You gave him a look, “Seriously, Dae, it’s just a ten minute walk. Nothing will happen.”

“You say that now, but when you’re tricked into a spooky van by some old man, offering you candy, I’ll laugh.”

“Are you implying I’m easily tricked?” You raised a brow. “No, I’m implying that you are naïve. But hey, that can be a good thing, babe.” He grinned at you.

Before you could make a snarky comeback, Daehyun snatched your phone and put an earbud into his ear and played the song you were listening to.

“What is this ?” he asked after one minute of the song. “They can’t even sing. Cupcake, how can you listen to this?” he made a face of disgust.

You stuck out your tongue at him and snatched your phone back, “I happen to love them, thank you very much. So be nice to them.”

Daehyun stared at you, crestfallen. Were you saying that you were in love with someone else?

You noticed Daehyun’s horrified expression and chuckled, “I didn’t mean it that way, stupid. “ you lightly flicked his forehead. “I like their music and they seem like pretty nice and funny lads though.” You shrugged and spun on your heel, continuing your walk home.

Daehyun blinked, snapping back to reality. “Jinnie baby, wait up!” he called and ran up to you.  “So you’re saying you’re in love with us?” he grinned.

“I didn’t say that.”

“Yes, you did.”

“No, you’re reading between the lines.”

“Whatever. But do you?”

“Do what?”

“Love us?”

“LALALALA, I CAN’T HEAR YOU!” You turned up the volume in your headset and sang loudly, totally ignoring Daehyun.

Daehyun rolled his eyes with an amused smirk. “Oh really? You’re gonna be like this?” You ignored his words and just continued to sing.

“Fine.” He shrugged and began to tickle your sides. You immediately squealed and tried to get out of Daehyun’s grip, but no such luck.

“Daehyun! Stop! Please!” you said between laughs. “Nope, you brought this upon yourself, young lady.” He said and poked a finger into your side, making you scream hysterically.

“Okay, fine! Sorry! Now let me go!”

Daehyun smirked in victory and stopped tickling you, but he still had his arms around your waist from behind, his head resting on top of yours.

“Yah, let me go.” You nudged his side.

“Nope. This is comfortable.” He simply replied and tightened his grip on your waist.

“You’re a baby, Jung Daehyun.” You sighed.

“I’m your baby.”

“Oh, shut it.”


Daehyun walked you almost the whole way home, stopping a few feets away from your house. “Tell me again why I couldn’t walk you to your front door?”

“Because mom and dad are probably watching from inside and if they see a boy that isn’t Himchan kissing me, they’d be suspicious.”

Daehyun raised a brow, “Are you implying that we’re going to kiss?”

“You’ll probably force me to it.”

“Ouch. That hurt, babe.” 

You chuckled and shook your head, “Well, I have to go now. See you tomorrow, right?”

“As always.” He smiled affectionately at you before bending down to kiss you tenderly. You smiled into the kiss and pulled away, “Bye, Dae.” You back away and gave him a small wave before turning around and heading up to your house.

“BYE JINNIE BABY!” you heard Daehyun call from behind you and you chuckled.

“Hi pumpkin!” you dad greeted as you entered the house. “Are you smarter now?”

You shrugged and kicked off your shoes, “Yeah, a little. I’m pretty tired, I’ll go to bed now.”

“Okay. Goodnight.” He gave you a happy wave. You waved slightly back and headed up the stairs, up to your room.

Closing the door, you slumped down on your bed and exhaled. Your whole body was sore and you felt like you could sleep for a week. 


No hate on One Direction please! I'm a directioner just fyi so no hate on mah boys (I can feel every kpop fan judging me right now)

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adlinriz #1
Chapter 24: lol, I had decided to read this fic again and it surprises me how it's not yet completed. Wonder how I could forget that it isn't, really. But since I remember now and want to know what happens next, please update ^^

P/S: Gosh, can't believe it'd been two years already. Man, life is so busy. and not to be rude but can you still update this story? cause it had been so long and most author would lose their feels already, erk..., does that makes sense? again sorry but I'm curious though :)
Chapter 24: please update
Chapter 3: /rolls out of nowhere.
author-nim, you're a directioner too? :D
SofeaShazrina #4
Chapter 24: please update
Chapter 24: HAHAA, omg. That is so cuteee! :3 the story they made up x3 its close enough to the truth! :P i kinda feel bad for Baozi though tbvh OTL oh wells. xD update soon! ^^
Chapter 23: lol,Xiumin,wth r u doing??xD
Chapter 23: Seriously? She gets to go home when she has period cramps? I still have to do PE when i have them OTL LOL. They're so caring towards her though :') and LOLOLOL JELLO. XD and what the heck is Xiumin doing at their house? .___. wow. LOL, update soon! ^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 12: Omg im dying of laughter i flippen love this storyXD <333
Chapter 22: Update sooooooon
chyeahBAP #10
Chapter 22: I love this story! Update soon! ^•^