Dancing party time

Their special girl[Sequel to Crazy adventures with my six boyfriends-I MEAN ALIENS]

Flo-Rida ft. David Guetta - Club Can't Handle Me


”Hey, Hyojin, check this out.” Jongup called for your attention.

You stopped tapping on Youngjae’s tablet and looked up at the boy. 

Jongup put on some music on his ipod and then began to move his body to the beat. He did several body waves (which caused your insides to do flips) and started to do some basic top rocking.

You clapped your hands in awe. Even those basic break dance moves could leave you breathless. 

“Is hyung showing off his moves again?” Zelo’s tall figure entered the living room, holding a glass of coke. You nodded, your eyes not leaving Jongup.

Zelo rolled his eyes as Jongup did a small pirouette then casually did a handstand.


“Woah, Jongup, you’re really good!” you marveled and clapped your hands once again. Jongup slightly blushed and scratched the back of his head, “Thanks, Hyojin.”

“Pfft, Hyobaby, you’ve obviously never seen me dance.” Zelo scoffed and took a sip of his coke. You turned your attention to Zelo, eyes wide in admiration. “You dance as well?”

Cockily, Zelo nodded and put his glass aside then walked to the center of the living room.  He cracked his neck a few times before warming up with a few baby freezes.

As earlier, this blew you away and you clapped your hands once again in enthusiasm.



Your eyes widened and they almost fell out of their sockets. “OHMYGOD!” you exclaimed.

 Next to you, Jongup scoffed and rolled his eyes. *Show off.*

“So, Hyojin, who do you think is best? Me or Jongup hyung?” Zelo panted when he was done. He grabbed his glass and gulped down all of the coke.

“I, err, you both are incredibly good.” You tried. You hated when they made you choose between two of them. It was the worst.

“What’s going in here?” Youngjae’s head poked into the room.  He noticed your uncomfortable face and raised a brow, “Hyojin, what are they doing?”

“They’re trying to make me choose who the better dancer is.  Stupid, really.” You sighed and gestured at Jongup and Zelo, who looked at you in anticipation.

“Oh, I see..Well, there’s only one way to solve this. Zelo, Jongup you have to-“

“Thank you.”

“-decide who’s the better with  A DANCE BATTLE!” Youngjae exclaimed excitedly.

You hit your face with your palm and groaned in annoyance.  “Wow, Youngjae, thank you for your understanding.” You mumbled under your breath.

“Did someone say dance battle?” Yongguk entered the living room with an excited expression. Youngjae nodded, “Yup, so can you help me move the couch? There’s not enough room.”

Yongguk nodded and went to help Youngjae. “DAEHYUN AND HIMCHAN, DANCE BATTLE!” Yongguk’s deep voice boomed through the house.

In an instant, Daehyun and Himchan were there. “Man, it’s been so long since we last had a dance battle!” Himchan excitedly said.

Daehyun nodded, agreeing. “This should be fun, baby doll. Our dance battles are the best.” He winked at you.

“I’m so excited.” You sarcastically said and jumped up on the couch, which now had been pushed to the far corner of the room.

“Don’t be like that, princess. This is going to be fun!” Himchan tried to cheer you up. “We’ll have to see about that.” You said.

“Okay, let’s get this party started!” Youngjae, the party alien, said and put on some music. The cheery intro to Hyuna’s Bubble Pop blasted through the speakers.

Zelo and Jongup looked at each other menacingly, then burst out dancing. Your eyes almost fell out of their sockets. Never in your life would you have imagined them dancing to such a girly song.

Laughter escaped your mouth and you nearly fell of the couch because of laughing too much when they wiggled their butts when she sang ‘Bubble bubble pop pop’.

“OHMYGOD JESUS ON A BOAT!” you shrieked and clutched your stomach.

When the dubstep part came, they both turned serious and did some popping and locking, which made you impressed. Then again, in the chorus, they flailed their arms and shook their heads to the music.

When the song was over, you clapped your hands and cheered for them.

The rest of the alien just stood there, unmoved. Guess they were used to it.

Youngjae, Himchan and Daehyun then stepped into the center of the room. Himchan looked at Yongguk and he put on the next song.

It was Wonder Girls ‘Be my baby’.

*How do they know all of these dances..* you thought in wonder.

Himchan tried to sing the chorus and his voice almost cracked, which caused you to laugh uncontrollably. Daehyun then sang in and it sounded so right-pitched. *He sounds like a girl.* you snorted.

But even though these had all been girl group songs, they were moving extremely feminine. It made you question if they actually were girl instead of boys.

In the middle of your thinking, you didn’t notice a hand reaching out for you. Surprised, you looked up and saw that the hand belonged to Yongguk.

“Dance with me?”he smiled widely at you, showing his cute gums. “you better not try anything.” You looked at him, taking his hand. “You trust me that much? Ouch.” Yongguk feigned hurt, but chuckled warmly and pulled you out to the center.

“Go, baby doll!” Daehyun cheered.

*Oh dear God, what have I gotten myself into?* You’ve never danced before. Well, you have never dance in front of people. When your parents weren’t home, you used to have forever-alone-dance parties. And not to brag, but they were awesome.

Your ears perked up when you heard the familiar whistling intro. “Oh no, I’m not dancing Troublemaker!” you hissed and glared at Yongguk.

“Come on, Honey bunny!” Yongguk pouted. “I won’t do anything inappropriate, I promise.”

The other aliens were waiting impatiently, glaring at Yongguk.

Sighing you rubbed your temples. “Fine. But you better not try anything.” You gave him a warned look. Yongguk shook his head, then took your hand in his and put his other one on your hip.

Along to the music, you two began to sway from side to side. It was nice and cute, you thought.

You looked up and met eyes with a smiling Yongguk. His gums were clearly showing and it was adorable. That smile made butterflies appear in your stomach and fly around like crazy. Your whole body felt like jello.

You noticed that the song soon changed and Yongguk let go of you. “This is your song, baby.” He smiled and went to the corner of the room, joining the rest.

You listened to what song it was and your eyes lit up. Club Can’t Handle Me with Flo-Rida. This was your ultimate favorite song. It was your jam.

Just as Flo-Rida began to rap, you began to shuffle. You weren’t that good, but you just did it because it was fun. Following up, you just jumped up and down to the beat, flailing your arms crazily.

It didn’t take long for your alien boyfriends to join you. You all jumped around the living room, screaming along with the lyrics, laughing and dancing out. It was the most fun you’ve had in years.

Suddenly, you felt someone poke you in the side. You spun around and saw Youngjae grinning widely at you. Before you had a chance to ask him what he was grinning about, he whisked you into his arms and planted a passionate, yet sweet, kiss on your lips.

“I love you.” He whispered after pulling back, his eyes filled with affection and sincerity. 

Smiling you flicked his forehead lightly, "I love you too, you angry bird."



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adlinriz #1
Chapter 24: lol, I had decided to read this fic again and it surprises me how it's not yet completed. Wonder how I could forget that it isn't, really. But since I remember now and want to know what happens next, please update ^^

P/S: Gosh, can't believe it'd been two years already. Man, life is so busy. and not to be rude but can you still update this story? cause it had been so long and most author would lose their feels already, erk..., does that makes sense? again sorry but I'm curious though :)
Chapter 24: please update
Chapter 3: /rolls out of nowhere.
author-nim, you're a directioner too? :D
SofeaShazrina #4
Chapter 24: please update
Chapter 24: HAHAA, omg. That is so cuteee! :3 the story they made up x3 its close enough to the truth! :P i kinda feel bad for Baozi though tbvh OTL oh wells. xD update soon! ^^
Chapter 23: lol,Xiumin,wth r u doing??xD
Chapter 23: Seriously? She gets to go home when she has period cramps? I still have to do PE when i have them OTL LOL. They're so caring towards her though :') and LOLOLOL JELLO. XD and what the heck is Xiumin doing at their house? .___. wow. LOL, update soon! ^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 12: Omg im dying of laughter i flippen love this storyXD <333
Chapter 22: Update sooooooon
chyeahBAP #10
Chapter 22: I love this story! Update soon! ^•^