Get You Back

The Only Light I See


It's been 5 days, since Yuri gone to nowhere. And Tiffany changed drastically. From the cheerful girl, to a quiet girl. She was rarely spoke, she never smiled, sleepless, and spacing out often.
Tiffany got her phone rang, and frowned because she didn't know the number. She pressed the answer button hesitantly, then began to speak.
"this is Tiffany, right?"
"yes, and who's this?" 
"i'm Victoria, i'm with Yuri now, in Tongyeong.."
"yeah, if you wanna get Yuri back, you should come here soon. I can't stand to see her in this state anymore. Crying all the time.." with that, the line was cut by Victoria
"Yuri in Tongyeong? With Victoria??" Tiffany questioned to herself
Mix emotion that she felt. She was shocked to know that Yuri left with Victoria, but she was confused why Yuri was in Tongyeong, she also happy to know where Yuri was, but she was sad to know that Yuri cried over her.
"i'll come to you, Yuri. I'll go get you.."

Jessica and Yoona were in the bathroom, preparing warm water for bathing Kyungsan. While Kyungsan was busy on the bed, playing with his toys.
"i'll just go get him, okay?" Yoona told her wife
"okay.." Jessica nodded and Yoona exited the bathroom
Yoona chuckled, secretly watching her son playing his toys. She walked slowly to him and tickled him suddenly, made Kyungsan laughed loudly.
"having fun, huh?" Yoona stopped tickling 
"what? What did you say??" Yoona said in surprised
"did you just call me 'appa', Kyungsannie?"
"Sica!!! Come here!! Look, look, he calls me appa!!" Yoona said excitedly
"where, where?" Jessica rushed to Kyungsan's side
"do it again, cute boy.." Yoona said proudly
"......" Kyungsan back to his toys
"where?" Jessica raised her eyebrow
"he did, i swear!! Come on, Kyungsan-ah, show your mommy.." 
"......" Kyungsan ignored his parents
"wait, don't you want him to call you 'umma' or 'mama'? I don't know that you wanna be a father.."
"aissh, it doesn't matter what he calls me. If he thinks me as his father, then it won't be a matter. As long as he thinks me as his parent.." Yoona explained
"alright, but where? I don't hear him calling you appa.." 
"he did, i swear!!" 
"you just heard it wrong, Yoong.." Jessica was about to leave
"appa.." Kyungsan suddenly said it (again)
"see!! He just called me appa!!" Yoona said proudly
"aigoo, Kyungsannie, said mommy.." Jessica leaned closer to her son
"......" the baby only stared blankly at her mommy
"mommy...Kyungsannie, said it.." Jessica said almost pleaded
"Kyungsannie.." Jessica pouted
"say mommy......M O M M Y.." Jessica whined
"don't force him, baby. He won't say it.." Yoona commented
"meanie.." Jessica pouted even more
"he'll say it sub-consciously later, baby.." Yoona tried to comfort her wife 
"alright, alright, just get him to the tub and bathe him by yourself. I'm not in the mood right now.." Jessica said irritatedly and turned around to leave
"what??? Did you just said mommy?" Jessica turned around immadiately
"mom-my.." Kyungsan said cutely then laughed
"oh God, i'm being a mother!!!" Jessica squealed happily 
She took Kyungsan to her arms, hugged him tightly while showering him with kisses. Meanwhile, Yoona could only chuckled at her wife's behaviour. She was happy, looking at her wife with her son.
"yeaah!!! I'm a mother!!!!" Jessica said continously and Yoona laughed while shook her head

"finally, you answer my call. Fany-ah, where on earth are you??" Sunny said in frustration, she was trying to call her bestfriend but always failed
"i'm in train station, Sunny.."
"what are you doing there?" Sunny frowned
"i'm going to get my girlfriend back.." with that, Tiffany ended the call as she stepped into the train
"wait for me, Yuri.." Tiffany murmured 
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Chapter 67: YulTi nd YoonSic is sooooo sweet😍 love this story so much❤
r_sky418 #2
Chapter 67: YoonSic and YulTi happy ending
yoonsicForevertrue #3
Chapter 67: Chapter 67: A new reader here. I really like your story.
No, actually I love it.
allayjadhule #4
Chapter 67: Yoonsic :)
Chapter 67: This was perfect thank you for doing it!
Chapter 67: Have i told you that i love read your YulTi storys over and over again?? If not im saying now... I LOVEE READ YOUR YULTI STORYS OVER AND OVER AGAIN *o*
You Rock!!!!!!
YulTi its so perfect *-*
Chapter 67: So perfect!!!!!! You rock, you know that?!
YulTi <3
LightBlueBunny #8
Chapter 67: Seriously I love this story ^^
Thx for ur writing :)
Chapter 67: Amazing story! *standing ovation and claps and cheers* I love this story and I will keep reading it over and over!
imzara #10
Chapter 67: yess , its happy ending . even i love your sad ending story so much , lol~ it's a great story indeed . honestly , i lost interest at between this story . i dont know why , maybe a lots of drama happend....but i'm relieve that i'm not stop read this fic . well , you're one my favourite author . good job *claps-2*