A Wild Oh Sehun Appears

Oh Sehun and the Cooking Club

“This is not my business and all… I mean… You have the liberty to do whatever you want…” Minseok began to scratch the back of his head as he entered his office. “But why are you here?”

Lu Han dropped the stress ball he had been gripping. “I’m hanging… with you…my best friend.”

Minseok gave him a look. “We have known each other for two and a half weeks you know… AND YOU FORGOT YOUR BEST FRIEND ON THE BAR LAST NIGHT!”

“But Baozi,” said Luhan. “We have an undeniable connection. We bonded.”

“Stop calling me baozi…”

“But that’s your best friend code name.”

“We don’t have codenames…” said Minseok. “Anyway, aren’t you going to… your office? What if some student needs to ask you something about the class?”

“They don’t. I’m the home economics teacher. That’s the easiest class you’ll ever find in high school.”

“Uh, right… well… I’ll get some lunch want some-”


Minseok rubbed his face in frustration. “Stop calling me baozi!”

“Noooooooo,” said Luhan. “I want some steam buns silly!”

Minseok stared narrowly. “Okay… I’ll go get them then…”

“Thanks Baozi,” said Luhan as the chemistry teacher crossed the threshold of his office. He noticed how the other stopped on his track and continued walking. Luhan guessed that he really liked the nickname so Minseok must have stopped to enjoy the sound of it.  

Or not, whahahahahaha.

Anyway, the only reason Luhan was hanging around Minseok's office and playing with the excessive amount of stress balls he had was because he did not know how to deal with seeing Sehun’s face again. After what happened (which wasn’t that bad seriously but Luhan is a nervous wreck) he did not know what to do or say. And he thought that avoiding him was the most mature thing he could do at the moment.


Sehun had put high quality pomade on his hair and pushed it back. (Like Mean Girls movie! Hahaha, no Sehun did not watch chick flicks...) He also had some nerdy, old grandmother’s glassesfrom Chanyeol. He took off the uniforms jacket and Baekhyun rolled up the sleeves of his buttoned up shirt.

He looked, as Baekhyun had put it: seeeeeeeeeeeeeeexyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy rawr! 

Sehun went to the teacher’s office, as the lovely Sehun asked, and knock on the door. No one answered. He wanted to groan loudly but he just sighed. Sehun had been playing in his head all the possible scenarios and they were all lovely. He just needed the most important part... Luhan!

He guessed that sooner or later he would have to appear. The boy awkwardly placed his back to the wall and crossed his arms. He pouted a bit just in case he walked around. He wanted to look extra kissable so he had put on his lip balm before he came to the teacher’s office.

Mmmm… cherry flavor.

“Where is Sehun?” asked Kyungsoo as he slid into their usual lunch table.

“He has gone to the office,” said Chanyeol, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

“Professor Lu asked him to go,” Baekhyun winked cheekily.

“WHY!?” asked Kai standing behind them, his hands were on his hips.

“Is not your problem,” said Baekhyun.

“When has this friendship been so, so gravely and horribly damaged?” asked Kai as he sat between them. Squeezing his way in, as he always did.

Chanyeol hugged Kai. “Awww, it's not ruined! You are my friend. Remember? You even said you loved me!”

Kai squeezed away from Chanyeol’s hug and sat next to Kyungsoo.

“I did not said that... exactly. You are annoying Chanyeol. Even D.O. admits you are annoying right?”

Kai looked at Kyungsoo who kept chewing his food.

“You are not still mad are you?”

“Who says I’m mad?” asked Kyungsoo.

Kai sit still and turned completely to the shorter boy. “Okay, I have no idea why you are mad but this has to stop.”

Kyungsoo dropped his chopsticks on his food. “What has to stop?”

“This, you are not yourself.”

“Maybe this is actually what I am,” said Kyungsoo a bit irritated.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun stared dumbfounded.

Kai pouted and Kyungsoo continued to chew his food diligently.

 “What is happening Chanyeol?” whispered Baekhyun in the taller boy’s ear.

Chanyeol slowly crept to Baekhyun’s ear. “The ships are sailing.”

“Teehee,” said Baekhyun.

Kai faked to yawn loudly and his arm, inconspicuously, fell on Kyungsoo’s shoulders. Kyungsoo blushed like a red tomato.

“D.O. shiiiiiiii,” said Kai, lingering over him like a cat.

“What?” he snapped looking redder.

“Please let me borrow you science notes!!!” he said.

Kyungsoo sighed slowly. “I’ll lend it to you. Now let me eat in peace.”

Kai made an aegyo voice. “Yes D.O. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!”

The smaller boy sighed again, heavier this time. “Anyway, isn’t he coming back? He will miss lunch.”

“Yeah,” said Kai. “Didn’t they have enough time yesterday to stare at each other?”

“Yesterday?” asked Baekhyun exasperatedly. “What about yesterday? Where were you yesterday? With whom? Why weren’t we invited?”

“And Martha, what about Martha? Who was with her?” asked Chanyeol.

“Don’t worry, Dad was taking care of her,” said Kyungsoo.

“Oh, your dad,” said Chanyeol. “That makes sense. He really likes me.”

“Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuureeeee,” said Kai.  “Anyway, Tao invited us to this bar. I have no idea why he wanted it to be a secret.”

“And you are splendid at keeping secrets,” said Tao. He came with a really cute lunch box and sat with them.

Kai shrugged. “Just keeping it cool.”

Tao rolled his eyes and opened his lovely lunch box. He spread it all over and it was pretty obvious that he was waiting for someone to ask.

Kyungsoo was just chewing his food while Kai poked his sides. Baekhyun was fanning himself as the post stress he suffered from knowing he was not invited. Chanyeol helped him fan himself.

“Doesn’t anyone want to know where I got this?” asked Tao nonchalantly.

Kyungsoo faked to punch Kai and he flinched. Kyungsoo ended up laughing. Meanwhile, Chanyeol was offering some water to Baekhyun.

Tao rolled his eyes. “Wufan made it for me.”

“Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?” said Kyungsoo. “Wufan made it?”

“He cooks horribly,” said Kai.

“Yeah,” said Tao. “But is just a fruit salad, even he cannot ruin that.”

“What is all this kawaii stuff in the lunch box? Why is everything cut so prettily?” asked Baekhyun letting his fingers roam the food.

Chanyeol reached to take a kiwi but Tao smacked his hand away.

“Are you sure this was done by him? He doesn’t look like the type to be in Baekhyun’s team…” said Kai.

“He looks like those Gay Jocks,” said Chanyeol nodding.

“Wait, what do you mean by my type?” asked Baekhyun.

“You know, bubbly, cute, small, the sort that would make this kind of girly stuff,” Kai said pointing at the lunch box. “The sort that would never top…”

“What!?” exclaimed Baekhyun. “I am very capable of topping.”

“Yeah, like a cherry on top…” joked Kai.  “Right, Chanyeol?” He nudged the taller guy. “Right? From a top to a top... No?”

“Uh,” Chanyeol merely opened his mouth.

And as everyone already knows: Tao is perceptive. 

“Do you know Chanyeol?” asked the Chinese boy.

“Well, I- don’t, exactly…” Chanyeol muttered.

“Stop pestering Chanyeol! Leave him alone!” screamed Baekhyun.

Kai stood and placed his hands on the table. “BAEKHYUN TOPS!?!?!?!?!”

“No!” said Chanyeol. “I mean-”

“Kai,” said Kyungsoo putting his hand on his shoulder so he would sit back down… now that everyone around stared. “Sit down please.”

“What is going on here?” asked Tao.

“Nothing,” said Baekhyun.

“Oh yeah, something is going on…” Tao looked around. “What is it?”

“Yeah! WHAT IS IT?!” screamed Kai.

“Guys please, stop it,” said Kyungsoo.

Tao looked sharply at Kyungsoo. “So, you know… spit it out.”

Kyungsoo got red all over. “No, I don’t.”

“Yes you do…” Tao looked into each and every guilty eye. “Oh… don’t tell me… You…” Tao looked at Baekhyun and pointed. “You haven’t done it yet!!!!! OMG!!! Ha, ha, ha!!!”

Kai stared at Tao. “But don’t they… in Kyungsoo’s locker…”


“No, no, no,” said Chanyeol. “We told you. We were just kissing!”

Baekhyun rubbed his temples. “Jeez.”

“So, I have been all this time thinking you were getting laid and you weren’t!” screamed Kai.

“It’s better if you know nothing that has to do with ,” said Baekhyun.

“I could have given you , lube, harness, toys of all shapes and colors, cat ears! You just had to call me.”

“No, Kai, no!” screamed Baekhyun.

“What have you been doing all this time? What about all those hot y fics you write!?” asked Kai to Baekhyun.

“We have mostly been kissing… and cuddling… and kissing… a lot…” answered Chanyeol.

“Chanyeol, baby, be quiet,” said Baekhyun.

“So what?” asked Tao. “You panic or something Baekhyun?”


“Yeah,” said Kyungsoo. “Is actually Chanyeol who is panicking.”

Everyone stared at Kyungsoo.

“What? Is true.”

Baekhyun rubbed his forehead. “Kyungsoo, baby, be quiet too.”

Chanyeol whined. “I just got nervous when we… we…”

“Oh my God,” said Tao rolling his eyes for the third time. “I’m with a bunch of babies. I’ll have to instruct you in the arts of …”

“Ah, no, thanks,” said Baekhyun. “We can work it together. But… You seem to know a lot about it… Being bi and all.”

Tao nodded happily. “I do. Our P.E. teacher can tell you about it.”

“Did you two…?” Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes at Tao.

Tao smirked. “And I am not the only one.”

“What do you mean? Who else sleeps with Wufan?” asked Baekhyun.

Tao hit his forehead. "Not with Wufan... Is another teacher...I think you owe me 100 bucks,” he said as he pulled his cellphone out.

“Oh no you didn’t,” said Chanyeol.

“Oooooooh yes I did.”

He slipped through a bunch of pictures of him and Wufan (totally by accident of course). And pressed play on the video.

“What is this?” said Baekhyun “A bathroom stall?”

‘Why do we need to see a bathroom stall?” asked Kai.

“Wait a sec…” said Tao.

After a second from inside the stall came voices and it began to shake wildly.

“Okay, um, let me just-”

“Is that… Sehun?” wondered Kyungsoo.

“Push, Sehun, harder!”

“And teacher Lu!”said Chanyeol.

The bathroom stall began to tremble harder and there were moans and groans and people screaming: “Push! Push!”

Kyungsoo’s eyes opened wider than ever. “OH MY!”

“Wow, Sehun… is like a beast…” said Baekhyun.

“Very wild… to do it there… in a bathroom,” said Chanyeol.

“And ,” said Kai rubbing his lips.

Everyone stared at Kai.

“What?” he snapped.

“Shouldn’t you be jealous now?” asked Chanyeol.

“Don’t you ship yourself with Sehun?” asked Baekhyun.

“Oh yeah, right,” said Kai. “I’m very, very mad… now…”

Kyungsoo flared his nose. “Anyway… is that why Sehun went to teacher Lu’s office?”

Everyone was quiet for a few seconds.

“Wow, even in the teachers’ office… I have to try that,” mumbled Tao. “Anyway, you owe me money!”

Chanyeol and Baekhyun groaned together.

Lu Han was hungry as hell and Minseok was nowhere to be seen with his delicious steamed buns. He decided to wander off into the wilderness of the teachers’ office. He crawled by the cubicles and doors. Until  Suho came upon him and fell face first to the floor.

He groaned loudly.

“Should I ask what you are doing?” asked Suho as he laid on top of Luhan.

“No, not really…”

“Suho, honey, why are you on the floor?” asked Jongdae approaching them.   

"Jongdae help me up," sadi Suho.

At that moment Yixing came out of nowhere and hurried to push Jongdae away as he tried to help Suho up.

“Excuse me, but the joke is over. Suho now has me. Right, honey?" said Yixing.

"Yeah but can you hel-"

Jongdae stood up and dusted himself. “Okay… So touchy feely…”

Yixing shrugged.

Jongdae walked away and Yixing left after him, watching him closely. 

Luhan was sprawled on the floor while Suho still layed over him.

“So…” said Luhan. “In the end no one helped you…”

Suho huffed loudly and stood up with much effort.

“Why are you crawling around?!” he snapped.

“Why are you walking around so carelessly?” asked Luhan as he stood up.

“Ah, me well…”

“Yeah, you should be ashamed! Ashamed I say!”

“You… what? Okay, forget it. I never win this word things anyway. I’ll see you in the afternoon at the club.”

Luhan saluted like a soldier. “Yes sir!”

Suho breathed slowly. “Um, teacher Lu? You know Sehun has been waiting for you in your office right?”

“Uh, um, yeah, I mean NO! I’ll go there right away.”

“Okay,” said Suho.

“Yeah,” said Luhan as he shifted his weight from one feet to the other.



“Aren’t you leaving?” asked Suho.

“Oh… yes. Yessssss. Right now,” responded Luhan.

Luhan reluctantly began to walk towards his office as he felt Suho’s stern look at his back. There was no way out of it now.

The teacher approached his office and there was no one around. He silently walked to his office, lowering his head a little, as if that would make him disappear.

He felt safe for a moment but then a wild Sehun appeared.

He looked… gorgeous. With the glasses, and the shirt and the face and ASHSVFMSBBWJHEBH&^@^@*^$)*@^%

Luhan felt like hyperventilating. But when he saw Sehun stopping Minseok (who happened to be carrying the delicious steam buns) he felt like running. Minseok seemed to be pointing at his office. It was his chance. They would look for him there. Luhan ran like the devil was chasing (or like a 15 year old girl who saw her crush). He entered the first door he found and shut it.

He breathed in and out, trying to catch his breath. He checked his watch. It was 12:35. He just needed to wait  until 1:00pm and he was safe!

“Um, Luhan?” asked Wufan. “What are you doing in my office?”

“Oh, hey! Wufan… I was just here chilling…”

“Uh, why?” he asked with his eternal serious face.

“I just wanted to spend some quality time with you!”


“Because… you are… my best friend.”

Wufan gave him a look. “We have known each other for two and a half weeks…”

“But Wufanie,” said Luhan. “We have an undeniable connection. We bonded... Right?”


“We are both Chinese!”

Wufan stared. “I don’t know what you are doing but please don’t touch anything. Just sit over there."

“Okay!” said Luhan perkily.

He sat very straight and waited. He just had to pass lunch hour and then… then see what he would do at the club meeting with that wild looking Sehun. 

Hot, hot Sehun.


No! He was a student, a student. 

Luhan sat crossed legged and repeated his mantra mentally. "Don't be a child molester. Don't be a child molester. Don't be a child molester." 


Wufan would not ask.


Soon, soon! Sehun and Luhan will be finally together! I hope I am not making it horribly long XP

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KpopAndy94 #1
Chapter 1: Hi! I loved your story it’s so funny, y and I can’t stop reading it! I super exited what’s coming next! ??
hisnameisjohncena #2
Chapter 26: THIS IS MY FAVORITE FANFIC IN THE WORLD jfjfifugfufufuv its so gOod i rlly want an update pls !
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh, this is hilarious and amazing. It would be the best thing ever if Kyungsoo's parents and Sehun's parents met because they're so different. Luhan needs to stop with his creepy mantras too. Anyone other than Wufan might have called the police, although it's highly unlikely in that school. Anyways, I agree, you really should finish this.
FlammingMarshmallow #5
I should seriously finish this...
omg are u still alive
deermybunny #8
Chapter 26: OMG!! Luhan is having a hard time to resist Sehunnie!! *poor Lulu*
Just admit it Lulu~~ >_< ♥♥♥
BabyBuBu #9
Chapter 26: Please update soon and luhan, sorry to break it to you but it's not molesting if he loves it ^_-