Oh Sehun, the Pancakes and the Kaisoo feels

Oh Sehun and the Cooking Club

“Push Sehun, push it!”

“Aw, I can’t Lu Han.”

“Do it harder.”

“But… are you sure?”

“Yes, do it.”

“But what if…”

“Just do it!”

Sehun began to push with effort the last thing teacher Lu brought from the grocery store. The refrigerator was getting more packed by the day. Sehun finally found the space and closed the refrigerator. God knew what would happen to the next soul that tried to get something from there.

“Done,” said Sehun.

Lu Han patted his head. “Good boy Sehun.”

He nodded and headed to his counter as everyone else was already on his place.

“Today’s club activity is making pancakes!” said Lu Han.

“This should be easier than last times activity,” said Suho rather worriedly. “You will just mix all the ingredients together.”

“We will need flour…”said Lu Han raising one finger.

“One and a half cups of flour, one and a half…” said Suho.

“…baking soda…”                                      

“Three and half teaspoons, teaspoons….” Suho showed the teaspoon for emphasis


“Just one teaspoon,” he showed the teaspoon again.

“…white sugar…”

“One tablespoon,” said Suho showing the tablespoon. “This is a tablespoon, this is a teaspoon, tablespoon, teaspoon…” He showed them carefully.

“…milk…” continued Lu Han as he raised his fingers, counting the ingredients.

“One quarter cup of milk,” said Suho showing of the cup as a salesman.

“An egg!” exclaimed Lu Han.

“One egg,” said Suho.

“And finally butter!” said Lu Han.

“Three tablespoons, threeeeeeee,” said Suho.

“Okay, let’s start then,” said Lu Han. “Oh, Sehun? Can you bring the ingredients from the refrigerator? Thank you very much.”

“Good Kai, that’s all you need to do. Just do it nice and easy. There,” said Kyungsoo. “Oops not so hard please. Just slowly and substantial… good.”

“Why not do it like this?” asked Kai as he began to move the whisk way too quickly.

“No! Kai! You are getting the mix all over the counter!”

“Oh look you got some on your nose!”

“I am not falling for that again Ka-,” said Kyungsoo but got interrupted by a great amount of mixture on his face.

“Oh my God, Kai! That’s not sanitary!” screamed Kyungsoo running to get a towel. “What's wrong with you! Look at the recipe! Does it says to throw the mix around? No! Are you listening?”

“No…” he smirked.

Kyungsoo sighed hard and looked at him with pursed lips.Kai stared at him strangely as he kept on moving the whisk slowly.

“What?” asked Kyungsoo.

“What?” asked Kai back.

“What’s that face?”

“It’s my y hot face why?”

“No, that… expression….”

“What’s wrong with my expression?”

“Is the same as when you watch ,” commented Kyungsoo.

“Is it?” he asked.

“You have seen him watch ?” asked Chanyeol with a line of flour all over his face.

“Is it straight or gay?” asked Baekhyun behind Chanyeol.

“I don’t know. I have seen him once… or twice… maybe more….”

Kai just smirked proudly. Kyungsoo noticed there was something strange about Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s wide grin, stranger than normal.

“When we are supposed to be studying he just sits there and watches on his laptop. Now when I have an exam I just think about moans and all the answers come to me in a rush.”

“See,” said Kai. “ is therapeutically.”

 “I hear oh go harder and I remember the whole pi number.”

“That’s… an innovational way to learn,” said someone behind him.

Kyungsoo didn’t even have to turn to know.

“Suho hyung!? I-I- It’s not what you think!”

“Noooo, teacher, he doesn’t watch as a way to calm stress and memorize mathematic formulas. He just likes it,” said Kai happily.

“No! You are the one that watches !” screamed Kyungsoo. “I’m not a et!”

“That’s okay,” said Suho rather flushed and awkward. “ and is a normal thing at your age… you know hormones and such… Ah but Lu Han can explain better right? A hahaha-ha…. I got to go…. Go see something… over there,” said Suho leaving as quickly as possible.

“Awesome Kai, awesome,” said Kyungsoo.

“I know,” he said.

There was Lu Han cleaning the mess they have left behind while Sehun stared at him carefully. Maybe he could just go over and his finger just like Kai does to get free ice cream at the store… No, that wouldn’t work… Lu Han suddenly stopped, as if called by a bigger force, and went to Sehun. The younger boy quickly looked down at his pancake as Lu Han went to inspect it over his shoulder.

“Mmmm…” said Lu Han. “It’s looking good.” And BAM! Lu Han slapped his ! And walked away… Sehun’s face flushed redder than natural. That wasn’t the first time he had done it. In fact he had discovered that Lu Han was quite touchy. Recently when he laughed he had a tendesy of doing it whole heartedly and most of the time he slapped the nearest thing, which more often than not, was Sehun. Sehun helped him grade some papers the other day and when he laughed he technically rolled over Sehun’s lap. He wasn’t sure if that was even appropriate. And also he now liked to pick on Sehun a lot, asking him to do this and that and… everything.

Suddenly the personal space they had transformed into zero.  For Christ sake when he laughed his face went directly to Sehun’s shoulder or neck if he was close enough. And now it was the slapping on the …. Sehun you did great. Oh here is a slap on your ! Sehun that’s wrong. Here is a slap on the as punishment! I had a bad day. Here Sehun I’ll slap your ! The stapler is not working. He slaps Sehun’s . I got to go to the bathroom. I’ll be back soon. There goes a slap on the .

“I’m not sure when to flip it over…” said Sehun.

“Well first of all the heat is a little high Sehun,” said Lu Han gloriously leaning over him in a no-space-to-breath sort of embrace to lower the heat.

Sehun thought that it felt so nice when his arm brushed his. He smelled good. Sehun wanted to sniff his hair… No! That was totally weird and erted. How could he sniff other guy's hair?

“Flip it over when the surface dries up okay?” said Lu Han.

“Yes,” said Sehun shyly.

“Achoo,” Lu han sneezed softly.

“Bless you,” said Sehun.

Lu Han scratched his nose. “Oh, I’m sorry.”


“Don’t worry,” said Sehun.

"Why are you here Kai? Go to your counter!” said Baekhyun.

“I’m bored,” said Kai.

“Do you ever do anything? At all?” asked Chanyeol concentrated on his pan.

“Yes… well no. But even if I wanted I can’t. Kyungsoo is a control freak in the kitchen. He even yells at me and kicks me out.”

“Wonder why?” said Baekhyun pushing him slightly to the side of the counter, as he sprawled there,  to reach a fork.

“Well you know how precise he is about cooking. It is his thing,” said Chanyeol.

“I think I like that...” said Kai.

"What?” asked Baekhyun.

“That he likes cooking and stuff... and that semi y look he gets when angry...”

The two boys stared at him.

“Not that he is y. He is still a Pororo dude but you know…”

“No, we don’t know,” said Chanyeol.

“Please do tell us,” said Baekhyun but they were interrupted by a loud hissing sound.

“Why is it like this!? Why is this thing stuck to the pan?!” screamed Chanyeol. “Why are you burned? Bad pancake! Bad!”

Suho went to Chanyeol’s counter to take a look.

Baekhyun giggled. “I think it’s going through a rebellious age.”

“Did you add butter to the pan?” asked Suho.

“Butter?” wondered Chanyeol.

Suho pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Hey let's talk about what happened because you made me feel like a very bad boy..."

"I know Kai. I'll never yell again. Will you forgive me?" said Kyungsoo.

Kai rolled his eyes. "I forgive you..." He said rather irritated and dissapointed. That was not the reaction he wanted.

“Okay then let’s prepare this and-”

Suddenly Kai place a finger on the mixture by the counter.

“Please, oh no... Don't do that.”

“I got my dirty hands in there,” said Kai cheekily. He plopped his finger on his mouth.

“That's so gross...” said Kyungsoo clenching his teeth.

“Know what? I haven't washed my hands in twenty minutes…”

“Ew no...” said Kyungsoo as his shoulders went stiff.

The reaction Kai wanted wasn’t still coming. "I'm going to double dip...” he said. He placed his finger again into the mixture.

“Oh my God! Take this towel!!!” screamed Kyungsoo offering the towel to Kai in a fair distance. “Clean that stuff!”

“Don’t mind if I do,” said Kai and his fingers again.

“Ah! JONGIN!” screamed Kyungsoo. “That is so unhygienic of you! Go wash your hands now!” He pointed angrily to the sink.

“Um… I didn’t thought you would have it in you… but you could be like those dominators with straps and stuff, hitting with a whip, pulling back hairs… wearing cat ears…”

“What are you talking about?” asked Kyungsoo completely lost.

There was a sudden silence and Kai felt his cheek go slightly hot as he smirked softly and nodded with his erted thoughts. There was a flop on his stomach as if a fish jumped of the water and fell back in.


“Are you okay Kai?” asked Kyungsoo.

“I-I think I’m ill.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes went wide. “Why? What do you feel?”

“Hot… my stomach feels funny…” he rubbed his tummy and then touched his cheeks. “I think my hands are sweaty…”

Kyungsoo placed his hand over his forehead. “You don’t have a fever…”


“I’ll just sit over here,” said Kai pulling a stool.He felt really wrried now.

“Okay I’ll get the pancakes done,” said Kyungsoo.  “You make sure to eat them okay?” he said with a bright smile that deserved singing angels to fly around and flowers growing off invisible pots to frame his face…

“Okay…” said Kai sitting down and looking rather confused as he gripped his tummy.


From a faraway corner Baekhyun and Chanyeol watched with teary eyes.

Chanyeol sniff. “They are growing so fast.”

“Oh, my Kaisoo feels…” said Baekhyun.

Next day…

“Good morning everyone, I am here to replace your homeroom teacher. Teacher Lu is ill so he won't be coming in a few days,” said Suho.

“He is ill!” exclaimed Sehun as he stood from his chair.

“Yes Sehun.”

“But what about the cooking club?”

“Don’t worry I will take care of today’s recipe,” said Suho.

Sehun sat back down worriedly. He remembered how he was sneezing but most importantly he remembered that day under the rain…

“ Now, today we will be discussing why Teacher Lu is the only teacher that is idolized by students…”


So yeah here it is. I realized that it took me fifteen chapters for the club to actually have the first meeting XD I hope you are enjoying our boys as they cook =D Oh and I guess the memebers of Exo in the poster make more sense now, right? Anyway I love your comments and thank you SO SO SO SO SO MUCH for subscribing and reading and thanks to those that voted for the story too!!! ^-^ <3 <3 <3

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KpopAndy94 #1
Chapter 1: Hi! I loved your story it’s so funny, y and I can’t stop reading it! I super exited what’s coming next! ??
hisnameisjohncena #2
Chapter 26: THIS IS MY FAVORITE FANFIC IN THE WORLD jfjfifugfufufuv its so gOod i rlly want an update pls !
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh, this is hilarious and amazing. It would be the best thing ever if Kyungsoo's parents and Sehun's parents met because they're so different. Luhan needs to stop with his creepy mantras too. Anyone other than Wufan might have called the police, although it's highly unlikely in that school. Anyways, I agree, you really should finish this.
FlammingMarshmallow #5
I should seriously finish this...
omg are u still alive
deermybunny #8
Chapter 26: OMG!! Luhan is having a hard time to resist Sehunnie!! *poor Lulu*
Just admit it Lulu~~ >_< ♥♥♥
BabyBuBu #9
Chapter 26: Please update soon and luhan, sorry to break it to you but it's not molesting if he loves it ^_-