Turkey Adventures: The beginning...

Oh Sehun and the Cooking Club


“I’m worried about Lu Han… What if he is really super ill?” asked Sehun.

Kai rolled his eyes. “So? He is a grown man. He can take care of himself.”

“What if he is not eating well… Maybe I should visit him.”

“You know where he lives?” asked Kai.

“Ah… no,” said Sehun. “But I could… check the school records?”

Kai’s eyes widen. “Oh my God!” he said way too loud. “You are like a stalker!”

“I’m not!” screamed Sehun back.

Kai stood before him and pointed dramatically. “Yes you are!”

Sehun wanted to slap Kai sometimes.

“I can imagine it now! You hidden under the bushes like Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Chasing after him, offering cookies and taking pictures from afar…. Smelling his hair….”

Sehun’s hair rose up at the back of his neck when he said smelling his hair. He gasped. “Jongin…. I think I might be a ert.”

Kai smiled. “You are? Want to do nasty stuff with me?” He arched an eyebrow.

Sehun pressed his hand on Kai’s face. “Sh! No…” he whispered. “I did smell his hair.”

Kai’s smile faltered. “Oh… that’s it? I mean… How terrible! Oh no Sehun! That’s horrible!

“I haven’t even told you about this daydreams I have!” he exclaimed.

“Are they ual… if not then…”

“They may be,” he said.

“Ooooooh, then do go on. Tell me more about this dreams of yours. Do they... have cat ears? No?”


If Sehun didn’t know that deep voice as well as the palm of his hand then he would have thought Baekhyun said it. Maybe Kyungsoo… maybe even Kai.... Sure, Chanyeol liked cute stuff but he usually didn’t express it in such a high pitch expression of utter adoration.

Therefore Kai and Sehun stared at each other strangely when they heard it from the corridor. When the two entered the classroom for the club meeting, only Baekhyun and Chanyeol were there staring at something inside a box.

“What are you guys doing?” wondered Sehun as he approached them.

“What the-” exclaimed Kai when he saw what lay inside.

A gobbling turkey was inside the box staring directly at his eyes.

"Oh God! I think it's staring at my soul!" exclaimed Kai with a hand pressed at his chest.

“Look! Look! Look how it moves his tale! It’s so cute!” exclaimed Chanyeol. “What do you think it’s doing here? Do you think it will be like the club’s pet?”

“Actually… I don’t think-” began to explain Baekhyun.

“Let’s call him Billy!” said Chanyeol.

“Chanyeol, um… maybe this is-” continued Baekhyun.

“Wait! What if it is a girl? How do I know if it is a girl?” asked Chanyeol. He took the turkey and surprisingly it didn’t move wildly or tried to run. He turned the bird around to look. “I don’t know what this is… Do you know?” He placed the private parts of the bird next to Kai’s and Sehun’s face.

“Ah, no,” said Sehun stepping backwards.

Kai looked at it closely. “I think that’s a girl…”

“How do you even know?” asked Sehun.

“Instinct,” said Kai.

“Then let’s call it…. Martha! You think the teachers will like it?” said Chanyeol.

Baekhyun placed a hand on Chanyeol’s shoulder. “Chanyeol…”

“Yes?” he asked with a wide smile and sparkly eyes.

“Mmmm… I think that the turkey is for-”

“Hey guys,” said Kyungsoo coming in with Suho. He seemed to be helping him carry some stuffing boxes and gravy cans.

“Hello students,” said Suho.

Kai stood before him with his hands on his hips. “Where were you?”

“With Suho hyung?” answered Kyungsoo rather confused.

“Teacher Kim I think you and I need to have a chat about the appropriate behavior in a relationship between a student and a teacher,” said Kai.

Suho blinked at him once, then twice. He finally placed his hand over the boy’s head. “You are so funny Jongin.” He laughed him off. “Oh!” he looked at Chanyeol. “You already met the turkey."

“Yeah!” said Chanyeol excitedly. “What’s her name?”

“Name?” wondered Suho.


“It doesn’t have a name…”

Chanyeol pouted. “She needs a name. How will we call it? Can it be Martha please!”

They all stared to one another.

“We can’t call her turkey," explained Chanyeol. "It is as if I went around calling Kai… human.”

“Why do you use me as example?” asked Kai irritated.

“You look more or less… human. Anyway let’s name her Martha!”

“Martha?” said Kyungsoo.

“It sounds cute. Right Martha?” he said. The turkey gobbled in cue as if it Chanyeol spoke turkey language.

“Chanyeol…” said Suho softly taking tentative steps forward. “The turkey is not a pet…”

“What do you mean is not a pet?” he asked.

The members of the cooking club stared at him with sorry looks.

Then it hit Chanyeol. The knives on the counter… the stuffing… the gravy… It was a thanksgiving early slaughter!

“No,” he said.

“Yes Chanyeol,” said Suho going forward. “Now give me the turkey.”

“MARTHA!” he screamed holding it closer to him.

“That’s for today’s meeting,” said Kyungsoo.

“Chanyeol… It’s just a turkey,” said Baekhyun. “Now hand it over.”

“Even YOU!?”

“Chanyeol,” said Suho.

“NO!” screamed Chanyeol. “Martha is my friend!” Martha gobbled.

“Chanyeol!” called Baekhyun as if trying to bring him back to his senses."It's food."

"It's a friend! I don't eat friends! I don't eat you!"

"Well you chew people... does that count?" said Kai.

"That's different! Chewing is like snuggling... with teeth.... But you want to kill her! Murderers!"

"We don't want to killl her we just-" began to explain Kyungsoo.

"Take all her feathers, stuff her up, put gravy all over, let it fry until she is all golden and then snuggle her with our teeth... Yum!" said Kai.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Chanyeol screamed and suddenly sprinted to the window. Without a warning he jumped out of the classroom and they watched him go as far as he became just a tiny figure in the distance.

"That was very sensitive Kai," said Baekhyun. 

"I can't help it. I have a wide little heart."

Sehun cleared his throat. “We should look for him… Knowing Chanyeol he could get into big trouble if he is not superviced."

“Um, do that,” said Suho. 

Sehun knew this was bound to bring a hell lot of trouble.

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KpopAndy94 #1
Chapter 1: Hi! I loved your story it’s so funny, y and I can’t stop reading it! I super exited what’s coming next! ??
hisnameisjohncena #2
Chapter 26: THIS IS MY FAVORITE FANFIC IN THE WORLD jfjfifugfufufuv its so gOod i rlly want an update pls !
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh, this is hilarious and amazing. It would be the best thing ever if Kyungsoo's parents and Sehun's parents met because they're so different. Luhan needs to stop with his creepy mantras too. Anyone other than Wufan might have called the police, although it's highly unlikely in that school. Anyways, I agree, you really should finish this.
FlammingMarshmallow #5
I should seriously finish this...
omg are u still alive
deermybunny #8
Chapter 26: OMG!! Luhan is having a hard time to resist Sehunnie!! *poor Lulu*
Just admit it Lulu~~ >_< ♥♥♥
BabyBuBu #9
Chapter 26: Please update soon and luhan, sorry to break it to you but it's not molesting if he loves it ^_-