Turkey Adventures: The ...

Oh Sehun and the Cooking Club


“Oh my God! What if he is lost and lonely and hungry and stranded with a turkey!!!” screamed Baekhyun.

“It’s been only five minutes…” said Sehun.

“He gets hungry quickly! He is too big! Chanyeol is still a growing boy!” screamed Baekhyun.

“We know,” said Kyungsoo putting a hand over his shoulder for comfort. “But I’m sure he is fine.”

Baekhyun whimpered and hugged himself. “I feel lonely…”

Kai arched an eyebrow and placed his hands on his pockets. “Do you, like, I don’t know… love him?”

Kyungsoo and Sehun made gestures for him to shut up. Baekhyun’s eyes wanted to go out of his sockets.

“I don’t love him,” he said making the whole sentence sound like a single word. “He is like… my best friend. Right Chanyeol?” he said and looked to the side. Chanyeol wasn’t there… obviously. “Ah! He is not here! Who will finish my sentences! What do we do!? AH!”

“Look, you need to calm down. We will split and look for him. That way it will be quicker. Okay?” offered Sehun.

“Okay…” said Baekhyun, his voice cracked. "I'll go with Ch-... never mind."

“Are you crying?” asked Kai.


“Haven’t found him yet?” asked Sehun over the phone.

“Nope,” said Kai. “You know… I’m actually… kind of… maybe… a little… worried.”

“What? What did you say? Black hearted Kai is worried about another human being?”

“Okay not that worried!” There was a moment of silence. “What if he is lost? Lost! Like Monggu! What if something happens to Chanyeol?”

Sehun wanted to smack some senses into Kai but he was too far. “Are you seriously comparing Chanyeol with your dog?”

“I loved Monggu!!!”

“So… if you loved Monggu and you compare Chanyeol to Monggu. Then… you love Chanyeol!”

“No! I didn’t say I love Chanyeol. Chanyeol is… my comrade!”

“What kind of word is that?”

“A word, look it up!”

Sehun rolled his eyes. “I know what comrade means you dummy.” He chuckled. “Wait until I tell Chanyeol!”

“Don’t tell him I love him!” snapped Kai.

Sehun doubled over with laughter. “I didn’t say that! You said it! I was going to tell him you called him comrade! Now I will tell him how much you love him!”

“Stop that! You know what I mean he is like our…”


“You know… our buddy….”


“Partner in crime…”



“You already said that. And?”


“Who says pal? Anyway and…”



“OKAY! He is my best friend and I love him too! But I don’t want to cuddle with him or top him. That’s ewww… like kissing your little sister! But you know I sort of… appreciate and value the companionship and amity we share and also the time we spend together playing games and cooking and talking about gay and manga.... THERE! I said it! I also like the bff thing! Happy now?”


Kai grumbled and cursed under his breath. Sehun laughed at his softy-wannabe-badasss best friend. He liked Kai because he knew that even when he tried hard to be cool he loved his friends a lot…

“Where are you anyway?” said Sehun.

“I’m in the Chinese district and wait… wait a second…” he said.

Sehun waited for his friend but suddenly he knocked with someone and his phone fell on the floor.

“Oh! I’m very sorry I was distracted and…”

“No, no, no. I’m a little bit… unstable. It was my fault,” he said and picked Sehun’s phone.

When he looked up Sehun’s all being went to alert. Why whenever they met one of the two was on the floor or at least in a position where the other had to look down?

“Teacher Lu! What are you doing outside when you are ill?” he asked helping him stand.

He coughed. “Me umm, I was looking for some aspirins…” he said shaking the white pare bag.

Lu Han stumbled forward as he tried to balance himself over his two feet but Sehun caught him on time. “Are you okay?” asked Sehun alarmed.

Lu Han tried to straighten up but he just fell forward into Sehun’s chest. “Oh, damn… I’m sorry. I didn’t feel that bad when I left home. I just got dizzy on the way and….”

“Let me take you home,” said Sehun seriously.

“Oh no… that’s not appropriate. You could catch my cold too. Just go home.”

“I didn’t say you had an option,” said Sehun holding the teacher.

“But…” he started to talk but then he plopped right into Sehun again. Almost like if he fainted.

“Teacher Lu?” there was no answer. “Teacher…” No answer again. “Lu Han?”

“What?” he groaned.

Sehun felt all giddy inside for using his name. “Can you… tell me where you live?”


“Then I guess I’ll take you to my house and-”

“I live a block away,” he said/groaned.

Sehun grinned to himself. “Okay… Let me just-”

Sehun steadied Lu Han so he could stand on his own. Then he turned and crouched before him.

“What the hell are you doing?” asked Lu Han.

“Crouching?” he chuckled. “You need to get on top so I can carry you of course.”

Mmm… on top. If Kai was there he would have been giggling.

“No, I can’t.”

“Do you want to die out here?”

Lu Han shifted his weight from foot to foot. “No…”

“Then get on top!”

Kai would have giggled again.

Lu Han gave hesitant steps forward and then got on top. Sehun lifted him like if it was no big deal when in reality he was cursing all the exercise he didn’t do.

“You okay?” asked Sehun.

“Yes…” said Lu Han softly. “Why are you out here anyway? You have club meeting and you are the president!”

“Chanyeol ran away.”

“He did? Why?”

“He wanted to save a turkey so he technically eloped with it.”

Sehun felt a radiant tremor against his back as Lu Han laughed softly. But the tremor was darkened with a cough.

“You have to be more careful next time… You shouldn’t have run away from me when I offered my umbrella. If you had stayed with me then you wouldn’t have gotten wet and you would be healthy now.”

“I know…” he grumbled. “Don’t scold me… I’m the teacher.”

“I know,” said Sehun.

Lu Han huffed. “Have you done your homework?”

“Do we really have to talk about it now?”

Lu Han made a tsk sounds. “I know you would leave it to the last day.”

“I’ll do it in time. Now we have to get you home.”

Lu Han sighed. “Okay…”

Sehun wasn’t sure but for just a micro-tiny-little-second he felt like Lu Han snuggled on his neck. Sehun felt this tingly sensation run all over his body by the great heated contact he had with Lu Han.

“You are really hot…” said Sehun.

“WHAT!?!?!?!” exclaimed Lu Han.

“Hot… as in temperature. You have a hot temperature…” said Sehun feeling his cheeks get rosy.

Lu Han’s were passion red. “I’m sorry!” He crushed his eyelids together. Idiot, idiot, idiot, he repeated the word in his mind.

“That’s okay…” said Sehun.

Lu Han breathed in and realized Sehun’s hair smelled nice, like vanilla…

“Are you sniffing my hair?” asked Sehun with furrowed eyebrows and a smirk trying to creep on his lips.

Lu Han suddenly realized he had closed his eyes and pressed his nose to the scalp of the younger boy. He quickly pulled away. “No!” he exclaimed

Oh, what a fever could do to you…

“Are you sure?” asked Sehun, full smirk on his face. Sniffing hair was something familiar to him.

“No,” he blurted. “I mean yes… no… what? Forget it! I wasn’t sniffing your hair!”

Sehun chuckled beautifully. Lu Han wanted to cover his own face for eternity and never look at Sehun’’s stupidly handsome face ever again. If there was a face he hated more than anything that was Sehun’s face! But if someone ever asked which was his favorite face… well then… that would be Sehun’s too…

“Are you cold?” asked Sehun as they walked.

“I’m okay…” uttered Lu Han.

“Your hands are cold,” said Sehun.

“It’s bearable,” he said.

But suddenly Sehun bent down.

“Whoa, what are you doing!?” said Lu Han trying to keep his balance over Sehun.

Sehun bent over to be able to support Lu Han with his back. He placed Lu Han’s hands, carefully so he wouldn’t fall, inside his school jacket. Technically Lu Han was now half-hugging Sehun and there were fewer layers of clothes between Lu Han’s hands and Sehun’s skin. He grabbed his legs again and straightened up.

“There,” said Sehun. “And don’t you dare take them away or I’ll be really mad.”

Lu Han was startled but he couldn’t hide the smile that formed on his face, he nodded. Sehun thought he felt good against his skin…

But the magical moment was broken when Sehun and Lu Han heard a loud screeching gobble followed by a loud call.

“Martha!” screamed, a shirtless Chanyeol as he ran behind the turkey. Did he have a tattoo on his belly?

“Run for your life,” screamed Baekhyun right behind him with Chanyeol’s shirt on his hand.

After them was Kai running with Kyungsoo thrown over his shoulder like a potato sack. He was on the phone.

“No mom, I said I’m fine we are just… Hey Sehun!” said Kyungsoo as they passed him by.

Sehun and Lu Han waved good bye.

A random boy that Sehun had never seen ran behind them. His eyes were small and scary. His hair deep black and he had a weird looking stick. He looked like a ninja! Huuuchaaa!

In the line was also a butcher man with blood all over and a chef knife, screaming in Chinese.

Then a group of delinquent-looking kids with colored haircuts, black leather clothes, and dog-like collars ran after the butcher, screaming in Chinese too.

At the end of the line was Suho.

“Wait… Don’t run….” He was out of breath. “I can’t… just… Ah… A minute… Okay… I’ll rest here…” He dropped on the floor, belly up, and just sprawled there. He looked as well as dead.

“What just happened?” asked Sehun.


Sorry I didn't post T.T I will start college soon so I was buying stuff and such. But don't worry. I'll try hard to keep updating as usual!!! =DDD And I hope you are liking the story so far? Yes? No? XP Anyway, don't worry, I will tell you what happened!!! And I bet we all know who the ninja guy is right? ;)

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KpopAndy94 #1
Chapter 1: Hi! I loved your story it’s so funny, y and I can’t stop reading it! I super exited what’s coming next! ??
hisnameisjohncena #2
Chapter 26: THIS IS MY FAVORITE FANFIC IN THE WORLD jfjfifugfufufuv its so gOod i rlly want an update pls !
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh, this is hilarious and amazing. It would be the best thing ever if Kyungsoo's parents and Sehun's parents met because they're so different. Luhan needs to stop with his creepy mantras too. Anyone other than Wufan might have called the police, although it's highly unlikely in that school. Anyways, I agree, you really should finish this.
FlammingMarshmallow #5
I should seriously finish this...
omg are u still alive
deermybunny #8
Chapter 26: OMG!! Luhan is having a hard time to resist Sehunnie!! *poor Lulu*
Just admit it Lulu~~ >_< ♥♥♥
BabyBuBu #9
Chapter 26: Please update soon and luhan, sorry to break it to you but it's not molesting if he loves it ^_-