Oh Sehun tries to understand Zitao

Oh Sehun and the Cooking Club


How can Sehun begin to explain Tao?

First of all let’s put things in context. Sehun was in his homeroom class when teacher Suho asked, very nicely, to take care of the poor Tao. He was Chinese and they kind off knew each other already so it seemed fine to him.


“Mister,” exclaimed Tao. “Miiiiiiiiiiiiisteeeeeeeeeeeeer,” he singsonged.

Suho sighed. “Yes… Tao. What is it this time?”

“Can you open the window is terribly hot here and these uniforms are made of… like wool or something. Jesus…” he whined adjusting his tie and the obviously not-made-of-wool uniform.

Suho sighed and kept on writing on the board.

“It’s soooooo hot,” said Tao randomly. “Maybe you should give the class outside!”

“Hey that’s a good idea!” said Chanyeol.

“We can count the trees and stuff,” offered Kai.

“No,” said Suho still writing on the board. “We are not going out.”

“That’s not fair! We should have a debate on it. Let’s debate!” he prompted and soon all the students were cheering and agreeing with him.

“Silence!” said Suho. “Now please let’s go back to class…”

Everyone got quiet.

“Mean old man…” said Tao softly.

“WHAT!?” Suho turned abruptly.

“Nothing sir… I was just saying to me friend here," his hand motioned at Sehun's general direction. "...that the geometrical structure of the circle you just draw is absolutely perfect!”

“Hey can you lend me a pen. I forgot mine?” asked a random boy to Tao.

“Sure,” said Tao perkily. He pulled from his backpack a hairy pink ball pen.

“Um…” the kid stared at the pen and his cheeks were instantly filled with air. Soon he exploded with laughter.

“What is it?”asked Tao with a tiny smile.

“Man, is this a joke?”

“What joke?”

“The pen!”

His face quickly transformed. “What’s wrong with my pen?”

“The pen… it’s pink man!”


“It’s… pink.”

“And…” he stared with the full power of his glare.

“N-nothing. I-I –I was just saying that…”


“I’m sorry!”

Tao narrowed his eyes and handed the pen. The boy took it with a forced smile and began to write.

“Yeah… that’s it… Write before I bedazzle your backpack…”

“Yes sir!”

“What was your name again?”

“Teacher Zhang Yixing, Zitao,” he responded rather irritated and gripping his textbook.

“Yixing… like mixing, fixing, tixing…”

“Tixing?” asked Yixing finally moving his lazy head to stare at him. "That's not a word."

“Really?” he looked at Sehun. “Oh my God! You lied to me! You said tixing was a word!”

“But I didn’t…” Sehun began to protest in vain.

“Now, now, Sehun do not tease Zitao because his first language is Chinese.”


“Now let’s go to page 94,” finished the teacher.

Tao smiled sweetly at Sehun.

Sehun asked in his head for the millionth time: what’s wrong with this guy?!

A blinding light hit Sehun on the face.

“Hey Sehun!” said Tao.

“Tao,” he said dryly.

“It’s selca time. Come here!” he said pulling him by the shoulder and in less than a second he took about seven pictures, one after the other.

“I think I’ll need glasses now,” he murmured as he rubbed his eyes.

“Hey Sehun, can I eat with you at luch?”

“Um, sure…”

“Thanks man because I didn’t brought my wallet.”

“Why are you standing?” asked teacher Jongdae while staring at Tao.

“No particular reason,” he responded.

“Well… um… you should be sitting.”

“There is no law against standing in class,” he snapped.

Kai pulled out his student manual and looked through the pages. “Nope, there isn’t.”

Sehun had to glare at Kai. He made a mental note to tell Kai to stop supporting Tao’s mischief and to burn the stupid student manual. Gee, Kai was annoying at times but Tao was… he was…

Tao grinned. “Thank you. See!”

“Okay…” said Jongdae. “But it would be more proper if you sit… Please.”

“I will be sitting all day.”

“Yeah, but…”


“But... don’t stand too far from your desk…”

“Yeah, and this was selca number 33… I think I look hot here but the reflection of the bathroom mirror is covering me a little… So this brings us to selca number 34…” said Tao and suddenly he looked at Sehun. “Am I boring you?”

“What? Oh no… not at all…” said Sehun. “Oh look, Jongin, over there!”



“I don’t-“

“And he is calling me! Sorry, got to go!”

“WHO PLACED THIS PIN ON MY CHAIR!” exclaimed Teacher Minseok.

The students were still laughing loudly because of Minseok’s little girlish screech he let out earlier as he sat down.

“Why are you laughing at him?” questioned Tao loudly as he stood up. “Shut up everyone!”

There was instant silence. Sehun felt relieve that he has found someone who had scarier and more serious eyes than him… He wasn’t sure if it was cool that he was so… so… he really had no word to describe him.

“It’s not his fault he is so roundish!” continued Tao.

“Okay, Tao, that’s not neccesary…” said the teacher.

 “He won’t really explode like a balloon.”

The teacher cleared his throat. “Ehem, okay, you can sit now…”

“And because he looks like a five-year old doesn’t mean you can prank him as if he was your equal!”

“Ah…” Minseok raised his finger and attempted to say something.

“The next person I see laughing of teacher Kim’s roundishness will meet my fist in their face!” Tao pursed his lips and tightened his knuckles. “Is that clear?”

Everyone nodded like bubble heads.

“Tao please… sit now,” said Minseok, almost apologetically.

“Yes teacher,” he said bowing and sat back down.

Then he inconspicuously placed a few pins back to his backpack. Sehun could have stood up and kick him… but he was scared of his wushu skills…

“Do Kyungsoo?” asked the P.E. teacher with his bored tone.

“Here!” said Kyungsoo perkily.

Sehun was looking around but he was not there.

“Where is he?” asked Kyungsoo at Sehun’s ear.

“I have no idea… but I hope he appears soon.”

 “Wow, skipping class in the first day,” said Kai rolling his eyes. “He really likes the bad boy image.”

“He does look the part,” said Kyungsoo.

“Yeah… sadly,” said Sehun.

"Uhu," said Kai.

Kyungsoo nodded.

Kai cleared his throat.

Sehun kicked at nothing at the floor.

Then the three boys stared at Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Baekhyun was giggling as Chanyeol sort off blew at his ear and tickled him.

Kai groaned. “Now is the time when you add some weird and unrelated remark. We were waiting.”

“Huh?” said Baekhyun.

"You said something?" asked Chanyeol.

“Hwang Zitao?” said the teacher when it was the Chinese boy's turn.

“Great,” said Sehun under his breath.

“Hwang Zitao,” repeated the teacher with a pissed look.

No one answered.

“Where is he?” sneered the P.E. teacher.

No one answered.

“Who was in charge of showing him around?” asked the teacher.

“Me… sir,” said Sehun.


“I don’t know where he is,” said Sehun. Wufan gave him a good look. “Sorry.”

The teacher nodded and kept on passing the role.

Sehun sighed loudly as he was changing from the P.E.uniform when Tao just sat there and watched him…

“What are you doing?” asked Sehun.


“Why are you staring?”

“I’m not.”

“Okay… Why didn’t you go to P.E.?”

“For a reason.”

Sehun didn’t want to but he asked: “What reason?”

He sighed dramatically. “It has been a long day. I’m tired and I don’t like P.E. teachers. They order too much. Besides I have to practice wushu later in the afternoon.”

“The teacher will kill you.”

Tao chuckled. “He can try.”

He finished his sentence but still there was that lingering sensation in the atmosphere when someone had something else to say. And, nope, Sehun wasn’t going to ask this time.

“So, Sehun?” said Tao. “You are the president of a cooking club?”

“Yes,” he said stretching the s sound so he sounded like a snake hissing.

“And anyone can join right?”


“Sure… why?”

“I think I’ll pass by in the afternoon if that’s okay with you.”

“No problem.”


“Okay!” he said perkily. “Bye!”

He was walking away but stopped. Sehun wished he would go away already.

“What is it?” asked Sehun.

He kicked the door to one of the lockers, like the fabulous bad boy-looking guy he was and off it came Chanyeol and Baekhyun like ragdolls.

“I think you need to find a better place,” said Tao smirking. He left with his air of grandeur.

Sehun snorted. “That guy… he is… he is so…”

“I don’t know what he is but he sure knows how to leave a room,” commented Baekhyun supporting his chin with his hands.

“Ow…” said Sehun. “Don’t tell me that’s Kyungsoo’s locker…”

“Maybe?” said Chanyeol, scooting away from Baekhyun.

“Oh man. You will have to scrub it for hours if you don’t want him to notice.”

“He will notice!” exclaimed Kai as he came out of the shower: and with no shame as usual, just strolling by. He stood before Kyungsoo’s locker. “He is very good at knowing when people touched his stuff, almost as if he could see fingertips or something. What were you doing there anyway?”

“We were just hiding!” said Chanyeol.

“We swear!” said Baekhyun.

Kai nodded. “So that’s why you left so early at gym… Cool,” he said smirking.

“What are you guys…” said Kyungsoo as he came in, fully dress, but with slightly damp hair. “...DOING BY MY LOCKER!?”

“They did it!” said Sehun pointing at the evil couple. There was a smirk on his face since finally he won a point against them.

“Yeah!” said Kai pointing as well.

"We didn't," said Sehun.

"We were just leaving," said Kai.

Sehun walked away so Kyungsoo would deal with them and just because he felt like doing so… and because he thought Tao looked cool when he left. Sehun wanted to look cool too. The thing was that Kai walked by with him, with the same grandeur air and cocky stroll.

Sehun cleared his throat. “Jongin?”

“Yep?” he asked putting his towel over his shoulder.

“You are .”

He looked down. “Oh right! That’s why it was so breezy,” he placed his hand on Sehun’s shoulder. “Thanks man!” Kai walked back and like a dying balloon, Sehun’s air of coolness went away.

He sighed since the only sound in the corridor was Kyungsoo’s loud nagging voice.

“So I have to cook?”

“It’s a cooking club Tao…” said Sehun.

“Why am I here again?” said Tao lying on the counter as if he was a Greek god.

"You wanted to..."

“Tao!” screamed Kyungsoo.


Sehun’s eyes widen. He mounted a million of NOs to Kyungsoo. Tao was scary and Kyungsoo too little.

“Get off the counter!” finished Kyungsoo.

Tao stared at the shorter boy's angry stare. “Okay.”

The chinese simply went down.

Sehun really wasn’t sure what Tao was… or what crossed his mind. And now he just simply followed Kyungsoo's orders now? After a whole day of dissobeying teachers?

“So what are we making?” asked Tao.

“I don’t know. We have to wait for Teacher Suho.”

“Let’s make cake,” he said.

“I think we are making some weird salad,” said Baekhyun. “Ever since Martha and Chanyeol…”

“Chanyeol what?” asked Chanyeol perkily coming into the classroom.

“I was just saying how cute you are!” said Baekhyun all lovey dovey.

“Aw, thanks… I know,” said Chanyeol putting the things over the table, followed by Suho and Kai.

They placed the boxes in the counters but… there was something strange. Something that Sehun couldn’t quite put his finger on.  It was about Kai… and his face… and his eyes… It was the way he looked at Suho… It was the reddishness in his cheeks… It was the little smiles that Suho sent to Kai… The face Kai made when his eyes met… like if they shared a tiny little secret… an internal joke or something...

“I’ll bring the last box,” said Suho. “Rest here okay Jongin?” said Suho with a sweet smile.

Kai rolled his eyes when Suho was outside of the classroom.

“What was that?” asked Sehun to Kai.

“What?” snapped Kai rather irritated.

“That, just now… there…”

“Do you like Teacher Suho?” asked Baekhyun.

“You like Suho?” asked Kyungsoo almost inaudibly.

“NO!” snapped Kai.

“And what are those little looks you share?” asked Chanyeol.

“You slept with him?” asked Tao, eating a sweet tomato from a bag.

“Is that why you talked about love to Sehun?” asked Kyungsoo softly.

“No, no, no!” exclaimed Kai.

“Why so flustered then?” asked Sehun.

“He thinks I like him! Happy! It’s driving me nuts!"

“Why?” asked Kyungsoo.

“He-He is crazy D.O.! I told you!”

Kyungsoo gave him a look and sighed. “Don’t bother him please. He likes someone…”

“You know that too?” asked Kai.

Kyungsoo covered his mouth. "YOU know that?"

“Who? Who likes what?” asked Tao eating more tomatoes.

“Wait, why didn’t we know about this?” asked Baekhyun.

“That was a secret,” said Kyungsoo still covering his mouth.

“What secret?” asked Chanyeol.

“Oh my God, Kyungsoo! Don't tell me! You are the one...! You are not-”

“Guys!” said Suho as he came in. “We have a guest today!”

They all stood still. “Since Lu Han is ill, Teacher Wufan volunteered to help today.”

“Hi!” he said softly. He was wearing a black apron that looked manly on him, not guy like the members. Everyone’s eyes bulged out, even Tao’s, but for other reasons…

Wufan scanned the faces and stopped his gaze right at Zitao.

“You are Zitao?” he asked.

Tao nodded.

“You skipped class.”

Tao nodded again.

“Aren’t you going to excuse yourself?”

Tao nodded again.


Tao nodded once again.

Wufan looked at Suho who was smiling awkwardly. “I think he is nervous…”

Tao took out his cellphone and walked toward the Teacher. The Chinese boy even got on top of the counter to get close to him. Crawling, he placed his cellphone before Wufan’s face and snapped a picture.

“YAH!” screamed Wufan. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”

“Can I have your number?” asked Tao.


So maybe Sehun couldn’t put a word to describe Zitao, maybe stubborn, bad boy, annoying, obnoxious, mean, nice, obedient… who knew… But he was a believer of love at first sight… definitely. And no... he wasn't going to leave it there...


Sorry i took soooooooooo long!


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KpopAndy94 #1
Chapter 1: Hi! I loved your story it’s so funny, y and I can’t stop reading it! I super exited what’s coming next! ??
hisnameisjohncena #2
Chapter 26: THIS IS MY FAVORITE FANFIC IN THE WORLD jfjfifugfufufuv its so gOod i rlly want an update pls !
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh, this is hilarious and amazing. It would be the best thing ever if Kyungsoo's parents and Sehun's parents met because they're so different. Luhan needs to stop with his creepy mantras too. Anyone other than Wufan might have called the police, although it's highly unlikely in that school. Anyways, I agree, you really should finish this.
FlammingMarshmallow #5
I should seriously finish this...
omg are u still alive
deermybunny #8
Chapter 26: OMG!! Luhan is having a hard time to resist Sehunnie!! *poor Lulu*
Just admit it Lulu~~ >_< ♥♥♥
BabyBuBu #9
Chapter 26: Please update soon and luhan, sorry to break it to you but it's not molesting if he loves it ^_-