
Thirst And Love



I didn't expect that Krystal is a shy type girl. She brought me in Daedun Mt. suspension bridge. We are both standing in the middle of it. She stared at me, I just look at her. We are just like this for a moment. Although I don't have memories of being with her before, I still feel happy and at peace when I am with her now.


"Why did you propose to me earlier?"she finally broke the silence between us. "You don't even remember me yet."she added.


"I don't think my human memories will come back again. I propose to you because..."I pause to find the right words, i feel that there is more reason than just to sleep with her.


"Because what?"she asked with her left brow raised.




I am getting impatient. This stupid is absolutely clueless about how he feels about me. Then, he suddenly walk closer to me. Looking deeply into my eyes. 


"I propose to you because I want to be with you forever. I always longed for you when you are not with me. Everytime I kiss you,my heartbeat starts to race and I always fell something inside, the feeling that I can't describe, when I see you were sad, my chest feels heavy and I feel pain and now that I am looking at you and be with you, I feel happy and my heart is at peace. I also really wanted to sleep with you."he said.


I look at him, I know my heart is pounding and I think he can hear it. My face feel very warm. This dork doesn't have any idea what he makes me feel in this moment. I hug and kiss him, and he kiss me back.


"So, will you accept my proposal?"he asked me again.


"I will accept it, but I will not sleep with you yet." I said to him with a smirk and he frowned.


"Why?"he asked.


"I love the taste 's blood. If I sleep with you, you will become not pure anymore." I answered. He stare at me for a while, then he let out a deep sigh.


"Okay if that what you wished. I can always ask you again, just in case you change your mind."he said.


We went back home. Everyone was already there. I meet his parents and I also introduce him again to mine. Yuri-oppa and Unnie got married a few weeks after. Me and my stupid Amber went back to school, at first, everyone got afraid of him but he slowly changes. Then, eventually, vampires and humans come to like him. His perception is also change, I think he finally see now that living with humans is not bad. We plan to get married after we graduate in high school and every single day, he is aking me with this the same question. Just like now, when we are in my room.


"Princess, will you sleep with me now?"he asked with full of hope in his eyes.


"No, not yet." I answered to him.


"Why not? My blood will still taste good even if I am not a anymore."


"Still, no."


"Please, sleep with me."he pleaded.


"I told you no, not yet." I answered.


"Okay fine, I will pick a human girl and ask her to sleep with me instead."he mumbled.


"Do that and I will never sleep with you in your entire life." I told him and glared at him.


He looked at me with a smirk on his face. I furrowed my brows. He then suddenly start to kiss me with deep and passionate kiss. I didn't control myself and I respond to his kisses too. He lay me down on my bed, when I realize what he is intending to do, I parted my lips from his. He looked at me and flash this dorky smile.


"I love you and I really wanted to do it with you. I don't think I can hold myself anymore this time."he said while still lying on top of me.


"You stupid. You don't have any idea how many times I asked you to sleep with me before." I said to him. He plant a quick peck on my lips.


"Yeah, I heard it from Yuri. Sorry if I always rejected you that time. I was so stupid back then."he answered and start kissing me again.


And one thing leads to another. You know what it is. I know you know how vampires do it, right? We always love rough. Just use your imagination on how we do it. Anyway, I was correct, right? The day that Amber will be the one who will beg to me to sleep with him did really come. Well, I love my Amber and I also love to sleep with him, always!




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I think this is all for now...I will update my other fic tomorrow the ULLT..


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Chapter 46: Nice!!! Thankyou for the story author nim :D
Clatomere001 #2
Chapter 46: Sequel, pls!!
27Shinobi #3
Chapter 46: Good job on this story!
Tikaa_25 #4
Chapter 46: Your talent is no joke author!!! Even most of your story amber as a boy ,i didn't found this weird or else..i enjoy it a lot ..please continue you writing...fighting!!!
Chapter 46: Still funny in 2016. Hope you comeback author
mareza4 #6
Chapter 46: I like the story
I hope you can make the sequel
TwinTurtles #7
Chapter 46: This story is so good! Oh man I loved the ending it was great! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
bep510 #8
Chapter 46: I regret keeping this story stored instead of reading it. I really love your writing author, even if it's genderbender most of the time. :)
dolphindork #9
Chapter 46: Cool story
Good writting skill :D
Chapter 46: omo this story is really jjang!!! Good job author :D