Play With You

Thirst And Love



I got so surprised when Krystal suddenly kiss me. I can feel her cold lips against mine. I wanted to push her away but my body won't obey me. I feel betrayed by my body. It just let her stole my first kiss that I reserve for Suzy. This vampire girl is really crazy. I can feel my face feels hot but my heart beat didn't change. I got irritated of what she did.I was about to yell at her but before I can utter a word, she just disappear. I really don't like that ability of vampires. It is not only creepy but also annoying. Why did she even want me to take her home if she could just somehow teleport by disappearing just like that.


"That was quick."Yuri said when he saw me enter our house and close the door. "Are you sure you didn't just left her in the middle of the road?"he added.


"She just disappear and left me in the middle of the road." I answered feeling annoyed. " Let's not talk about her. What's for dinner?"I added.


"Stake."he answered with a big smile.


"You should prepare Korean dish often."I said to him.




I spotted Amber, sitting alone in one of the bench in our school. He is so focused in reading his book so I decided to startle him. I slowly walk behind him, almost tiptoeing. I grinned as I successfully walk behind without him noticing me. He really have a broad shoulder. I slowly lean forward to reach my hand to his shoulder.


"What are you planning to do?"he suddenly asked me without turning to face me. As usual, my plan to surprise or startle him always fail.


"You really have a strong senses." I said to him feeling disappointed. I sit beside him and take a look on the book that he is reading.


"Let's grab some lunch."he said to me as he close his book and face me.


"Okay. I am also hungry now."I answered to him.


Before I can grab my bag, he already carried it for me. He held his hand to help me to stand. I really love it everytime he do this. I bet the girl that he will love will be so lucky. But before she came into his life, I will just keep his gentleness and sweetness for myself. I lock my arm into his as we headed into the cafeteria. He always look at me with a smile everytime I cling to him. His dorky smile is really cute. I love seeing it.




I was having fun chatting with my friends in the cafeteria. Then, my mood change when I saw Amber with this same girl walked in. I can see that he looks happy with that girl clinging to him. He didn't look that way when I clinged to him. My eyes followed in every movement they do.


"I'm afraid to say that your future host is now taken now, Krys." Luna said as she followed my gaze.


"I think they are really a couple."Sully added.


"Obviously, they are."Vic followed.


"I can always snatch him away from her."I answered with confidence even if I don't have. Well, I am good in acting.


I watch them from afar, I notice that he is looking deeply into her eyes when he talk to her and he always smile sweetly. I feel irritated because Amber isn't like that to me. I left my friends and decided to join them. I kiss him on his cheek before I sit beside him. I can see that the girl was surprised on what I did. Well, sorry for her. I really want her boyfriend, my body won't rest until I taste him.


"Aish! You again?!"he yelled at me.


"Is that how you greet the girl you kissed?" I answered, teasing him. His eyes were widened then he take a looked to the girl sitting in front of us. "Hi, I'm Krystal. I bet you already know my name." I said to her with a smile.


"I am Suzy."she answered with a faint smile and look at Amber. "So, you two kissed?"she asked.


"She stole a kissed from me."Amber then explained.


"Because I want him to sleep with me. I hope you don't mind."I said to her. 


"Krystal Jung, please play with someone else."Amber said to me with his fake smile as he turn to face me.


"I already have decided, I will only play with you." I answered then flashed my sweet smile at him.


"I'm sorry Krystal, but I won't share him with you."Suzy said.


Amber then look at her with a surprise and I got annoyed of what she had said. She then grab him and they walk away.  I feel embarrass of what just happened. I can see my friends laughing at me. I glared at them and they just stop.

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I think this is all for now...I will update my other fic tomorrow the ULLT..


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Chapter 46: Nice!!! Thankyou for the story author nim :D
Clatomere001 #2
Chapter 46: Sequel, pls!!
27Shinobi #3
Chapter 46: Good job on this story!
Tikaa_25 #4
Chapter 46: Your talent is no joke author!!! Even most of your story amber as a boy ,i didn't found this weird or else..i enjoy it a lot ..please continue you writing...fighting!!!
Chapter 46: Still funny in 2016. Hope you comeback author
mareza4 #6
Chapter 46: I like the story
I hope you can make the sequel
TwinTurtles #7
Chapter 46: This story is so good! Oh man I loved the ending it was great! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
bep510 #8
Chapter 46: I regret keeping this story stored instead of reading it. I really love your writing author, even if it's genderbender most of the time. :)
dolphindork #9
Chapter 46: Cool story
Good writting skill :D
Chapter 46: omo this story is really jjang!!! Good job author :D