Return Of The Late Queen

Thirst And Love



I was literally shocked when Suzy kissed me. I know she is turned into a vampire but to kiss me that way is just too much for me. I look at her in the eyes and I see that she is really happy to see me. I smiled weakly at her. But what she said next make me confuse.


"It's been 500,000 years since the last time I saw you, my son."she said to me. "I'm sorry if I turned you into a human, I don't have a choice."she added.


"What are you talking about, Suz?" I asked her with my brows furrowed. I tried to get up, to sit on the floor.


"I see you don't have memory of me as your mother."she said, sounding disappointed. " I have the ability to be reborn again, I enter into a human's womb to be reborn again. But because of that, my vampire blood is asleep for the whole time. I needed to drink my bloodlines blood just to be awakened."she explained to me.


"But, what about Suzy? The human Suzy?" I asked her.


"Me and her are one. The human Suzy that you knew is still me. When I finally become a vampire, all of the humans who have memories of the human me will be erased."


My eyes widened, I can't believe that I dated my mother. Good thing it seems that she don't have any memories of being a human Suzy. It will be so embarassing. I believe what she said because I can see it in her eyes that she is telling the truth. I can't be hypnotize by a vampire anymore because I am not human, okay just a still physically human. Then, she looked at Yuri, Sica-nuna and Krystal. And she swayed her hand across in front of her, and just like that, they were released by that strong force.


"Yiyun, I will turn you back into a vampire as well as your guardian."she said to me with a gentle smile.


"Suz, why did you release them?" Donghae complained.


"They are not our enemies, Donghae."she answered him. Then, she looked at me. "Let's get your father and get back what belongs to us."she added.




From the first time I laid my eyes on Suzy, I know she is the late queen. Even though she is still a human, I can still sense her power even if it is just faint. When she said that she is going to turn Amber into a vampire again, my eyes widened. I know it is a bad idea. I quickly dash into them and kneeled down before her with my face bow down on the floor.


"Forgive me my queen, but I don't think it is a good idea to turn him back into a vampire." I said to her.


"I know what you are afraid of, Yuri. But sooner or later, he will be going to wake up. I already foresee the future, my husband already showed it to me."she answered.


"What are you two talking about?" Amber asked sounding confused. "What have you seen in the future?"he added.


"You have done the things that you wanted to do even before." Suzy answered.




Even if Suzy, Amber and Yuri-oppa are talking normally, we can't still hear what they are talking about. It seems that there is a sound proof shield covering them. I can see that Donghae can not hear what they are talking about too. Then, I see that Amber get up and he walk towards me. I know he hasn't recover his full strength yet.


"Sorry for all the trouble."he apologize and smile faintly.


"I came here with you to help you get back your girlfriend who turns out to be your mother." I just to lighten the mood.


"Er...I didn't know that she is my mother either."he answered to me and I think he got embarrassed. Then he looked deeply into my eyes.


"Krys, can I ask you one favor?"he said to me.


"What is it?" I asked him.


"Promise me first that you will do it."he looked at me with a serious face.


"O-Okay, I promise."I answered then a dorky smile plastered on his face.


He then lean his head closer to mine to whisper something to me, and what he said makes my chest feels heavy and cause my tears to escape from my eyes. We have the same tears as humans do. It is not blood or anything you usually know. After he whispered it, he pulled back his head with a bright smile and kissed me, I kissed him back. Then he went back to where Yuri and Suzy is, and he say something to Yuri. I can see that Yuri's eyes widened and become saddened then he nodded.

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I think this is all for now...I will update my other fic tomorrow the ULLT..


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Chapter 46: Nice!!! Thankyou for the story author nim :D
Clatomere001 #2
Chapter 46: Sequel, pls!!
27Shinobi #3
Chapter 46: Good job on this story!
Tikaa_25 #4
Chapter 46: Your talent is no joke author!!! Even most of your story amber as a boy ,i didn't found this weird or else..i enjoy it a lot ..please continue you writing...fighting!!!
Chapter 46: Still funny in 2016. Hope you comeback author
mareza4 #6
Chapter 46: I like the story
I hope you can make the sequel
TwinTurtles #7
Chapter 46: This story is so good! Oh man I loved the ending it was great! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
bep510 #8
Chapter 46: I regret keeping this story stored instead of reading it. I really love your writing author, even if it's genderbender most of the time. :)
dolphindork #9
Chapter 46: Cool story
Good writting skill :D
Chapter 46: omo this story is really jjang!!! Good job author :D