Krystal's Help

Thirst And Love



I don't really feel good right now. I got mixed emotions inside of me. I feel angry at everything, especially of what happened to Suzy. I know Yuri is hiding something from me. Our attention was shifted to Mrs. Bae who went out from their house. I think she is looking for her daughter. Now, how can we explain it to her that her daughter got abducted by a vampires.


"What are you two doing here?" Mrs. Bae asked. She looked at Yuri. "Why are you lying on the ground, Yuri?"she added. She looked puzzled.


"Oh, I just got trip and fall, Mrs. Bae."Yuri answered and grin. Then he tried to get up.


"Have you seen your girlfriend, Amber?"Mrs. Bae asked.


"Ah.."the only word I utter.


"She told us that she need to buy something in the conveniencestore. She will be back, soon."Yuri answered for me. He really is a good liar. He is used in doing it.


"Oh I see."Mrs. Bae replied. "You two should come inside now."she said.


"Oh, I remember, I am meeting a friend right now. Mrs. Bae, can I come back here later?"Yuri said.


"Okay, you can also bring your friend if you want." Mrs. Bae answered with a sweet smile.




I didn't expect to see Yuri-oppa in our house. I caught him talking with Unnie in our living room. I didn't expect that they are friends. I greet him and he did the same.


"What are you doing here, Oppa?" I asked him.


"I just wanted to asked a favor on your beautiful sister."he answered.


"For the last time Yuri Kwon, I won't do it."my Unnie said to him.


"Why? Please Sica, you are the only one who can do it."Yuri-oppa pleaded.


But my Unnie didn't change her mind. Then he turn to me.


"Can I asked you a favor, Krystal?"he asked me with a puppy eyes.


"What is it, Oppa?"I asked him.


"Can you hypnotize Suzy's mother to forget her?"he said then my brows furrowed.




I really don't have any other idea to prevent Mr. Bae from worrying about her daughter. I asked Jessica's help but she declined, good thing Krystal agreed after I told him everything that happen but after Krystal agreed,  Jessica decided to come with us too. So, we arrived in Suzy's house. I can see that Mrs. bae got surprise when she saw that I brought two vampires in her house. But I am thankful that she let them in but I think Amber got angry. He talked to me privately. I told him my plan.


"Are you out of your mind?!"he said to me.


"We don't have no other choice, Am." I answered to him. He stared at me for a while, then let out a deep sigh.


"Okay, but by the time I get back Suzy, you should bring Mrs. Bae's memory back of her." he said to me.


"Don't worry, the Jung sisters will help us."I answered with a grin.




I watch how Krystal hypnotize Mrs. Bae. I don't want to oppose to it but we don't have really any other choice. And it really worked, she forget about Suzy. After Krystal hypnotize her, she feel asleep. Yuri lat lay her down on her bed and we left. I can't stop thinking and worrying about Suzy. When we are outside in their house, Krystal came to me. I can see in her eyes that she is worried too.


"Amber, I will help you find and get Suzy back."she said to me.


"No Krystal, I know you are a vampire and you are strong but I won't let you be involve to this." I answered to her. Then she frowned.


"But, you might die if you go alone."she said to me with a sad voice. I looked at her.




It pains me to see Amber looking sad and worried. I really wanted to help him to find Suzy because it is easy for me to do that and get her back. I know I wanted Amber to be mine but Suzy is his happiness. I feel sad when Amber didn't allow me to help him. I am just afraid that he might die if he go alone. But what he said to me, makes my heart beat faster.


"And I can't let that happen to you too."he said and flash a sweet smile.


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I think this is all for now...I will update my other fic tomorrow the ULLT..


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Chapter 46: Nice!!! Thankyou for the story author nim :D
Clatomere001 #2
Chapter 46: Sequel, pls!!
27Shinobi #3
Chapter 46: Good job on this story!
Tikaa_25 #4
Chapter 46: Your talent is no joke author!!! Even most of your story amber as a boy ,i didn't found this weird or else..i enjoy it a lot ..please continue you writing...fighting!!!
Chapter 46: Still funny in 2016. Hope you comeback author
mareza4 #6
Chapter 46: I like the story
I hope you can make the sequel
TwinTurtles #7
Chapter 46: This story is so good! Oh man I loved the ending it was great! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
bep510 #8
Chapter 46: I regret keeping this story stored instead of reading it. I really love your writing author, even if it's genderbender most of the time. :)
dolphindork #9
Chapter 46: Cool story
Good writting skill :D
Chapter 46: omo this story is really jjang!!! Good job author :D