12th Pull, you debating

Push and Pull

You sat on a couch in Jae’s apartment. He had insisted on making you dinner. You would never refuse. It made you a little nervous, to be in his room, alone. When Jaejoong was unlocking his door, his female neighbor walked out and frowned at you two. She was a housewife and she let her imagination run wild. It still embarrassed you, but Jaejoong didn’t notice anything unusual. Being inside his apartment for awhile, you had a good chance to look around. The place wasn’t exactly neat, but it was ten times better than Junsu could ever do. You shivered; the autumn air was cooling even the inside of the room. You closed one more button on your coat.

Jaejoong called you to the table. You could smell the scent of his cooking in the air. It wasn’t Korean. “Aw, Jaejoong, I wanted to eat your Korean dished. Those are the ones you are best at.” You looked at the stroganoff in front of you. It smelled delicious. He pouted. How could you ever refuse that face? “I’m just kidding pabo.” The taste was overpowering. You hadn’t eaten anything like it in ages. You were grateful.

Jaejoong looked across the table at you. He was wondering whether he should ask you or not. “-------- ah? Would you like to move in with me?” Your eyes widened. You would love to be with him. Whatever his neighbor said didn’t matter. It was all too good to believe. “I mean, not here, but in a room in this building. It would be safer, and it is closer to your new work.” It was too good to believe. You sighed, being that close was better than nothing. You agreed to ask the owner if there were any rooms available, especially on his floor.


“I don’t really think that Lee Soo Man could help himself. With the way things are going, it is practically human nature to do things for you first before thinking of others. When he made that contract he forgot that there were other people involved, he really shouldn’t be shunned by everyone.” The other people nodded their heads, understanding what you were getting at. Things had been working out for you. Your stress level had gone done considerably and things started to clear up in your head. Coffee actually worked again. When you moved into the same apartment as Jaejoong, just a few doors down from him, a burden lifted from your shoulders. You had finally left your parent’s house. It made you feel more grown up.

You visited Jaejoong after the discussion was over. After two weeks of playing catch up, you had started your love attack again. You sat in a chair that was provided for you after you became a frequent visitor. The studio crew had grown accustom to your waiting around. They often complimented you on how well the photo shoot had gone, but you wished they would just forget it. You blushed when you were reminded. The clean up you were watching was just about done, Jaejoong was going to be meeting you right after. You looked around for him, trying to spot him first.

You caught sight of him drifting towards you. He was tired, but he seemed happy. “------- Noona! I have big news!” He seemed to forget where you worked. “The best picture from the photo shoot is going to be in that magazine. You know, the one where that stuff is sold. That one.” He was being completely vague, but you had a general idea. It was either in a fashion magazine or some celebrity gossip tabloid. You didn’t really think about it much.


“We have with us today Jung --------- to tell discuss with us the latest issue of female political leaders.” You sat across from the news caster, trying not to roll your eyes. She was a woman, and she was stupid. You had seen her on the show many times before. She seemed to care more about her ‘good attitude’ towards the viewers than focusing on the topic. “Is this really the best time for women to rise into power?” She questioned you like she knew what she was asking, like you knew the answer. Many people forgot that you were there to shed the obvious insight on the situation, not get all philosophical, Latin base, wise and loving.

“It isn’t that this is the best time for women to rise to power, women could have done a great job in office from the beginning of any government. But is just now, after years of people wanting to feel equal, battles with North Korea, not enough thought because men just went with their instincts, people are starting to slow down and look for a new way to think. Women have always been in the picture, but they have never had the chance to photographer. The fact that women are only now making a statement in the political world means nothing, it just shows that people of more open minded.” The woman smirked at you, like she knew something you didn’t.

“It’s funny that you mention women being in the picture. I have here, an issue of this magazine.” You saw where the conversation was going. “It is surprising, for someone with your insight, to be seen modeling. The combination for being successful in both areas is rare.”

You scoffed at her. You never really thought that people scoffed before, but you scoffed at her. “That is so stupid. The thought that women can’t be beautiful and smart is so outrageous. That is such an American thought. That just brings images into my head of Palin being made an of, thought implants, being ridiculed like she’s an idiot, just for being a bit pretty. Then I see Hilary Clinton, old and not as young looking, being accepted into the cabinet as Secretary of State. She’s all for women’s rights, but that just proves it even more. You can’t see a smart woman, unless she is ugly. I’m having difficulty looking at you right now and making sure you are keeping up. What are you, like 102, 103?” You stabbed at her IQ. She had dared to bring out the picture of you. Dared to show it on a live broadcast. You would not stand for that. You didn’t want anyone thinking like that.

“When trying to insult me, you make women everywhere look bad. Trying to pettily up shine me when, frankly dear, I don’t give a damn. You come to me asking about women in political positions, but I am starting to think you have a problem with women working in general.” The woman was taken aback, not sure how to respond. “You are creepy, very creepy. I don’t even know why you would bring up that picture. Yes it’s pretty, very nice, what does it have to do with our current discussion? What?” The signal for a commercial was given.

“Well, we’ll be right back with more intriguing words from Jung -------.” When the on air light went out she got up from her seat and quickly walked away. You had won with you sarcastic remarks.


You stared at the article, trying not to laugh and gag at the same time. ‘Verbal Cat Fight on Air.’ You had become quite famous after the little incident with the news caster. The scandalous picture of you and Jaejoong had sold triple the normal amount for the magazine. Posters were even being made to be put up on trains, buildings, and even small ones for rooms. Paparazzi even took the liberty of camping outside the apartment, taking pictures as you and Jaejoong left and came back from work. Rumors had started to circulate of the two of you dating. It wasn’t true, but you didn’t want to admit it. When neither of you denied it, mostly you since Jaejoong was never asked, it almost became a fact. You were praying they wouldn’t find out about the numerous other things the two of you had done that could be considered ‘scandalous,’ which included his nighttime visits and the trip to the beach. You had become a little celebrity.

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Chapter 31: That's a lovely twist at the end. It took me two good reads of your note to understand it.
Simply lovely. Will ready more of your JJ stories
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 31: OMG I love this story. I was a little confuse but figure it out haha :D
oh my gosh! this is one of my fave fics now! i loved how DBSK's age ranged and how you used their songs in the fic! loved it!
Well, it's been two years since I started and finished this fic. I like to go back and reread all your lovely comments. Thanks guys!
mackykim #5
I love this. <3 I'm tired of JJ as a chaebol and an OC as a seductress. Very very original. Keep writing awesome stories! :D
It's also amazingly original, and I lovelovelove how the girl (----/ me, I guess)was Jaejoong's childhood friend and had been ignoring her own feelings just to protect him from being unhappy.<br />
That is the sweetest thing ever. <br />
<br />
Also, I really liked how you didn't focus that much on appearances. You have no idea how sick and tired I am of stories that keep on describing how super fantastically gorgeous the guy is. Seriously, not all guys look that good (although Jaejoong definitely does!). >.><br />
<br />
But my favorite part of all? How motherly "I" am. It's so cute, especially because I am actually quite motherly myself, and HECK YES I would love to baby Jaejoong. (Who cares about the 9 year ?)
I actually reread this again~ A friend recommended me this then I made an AFF account 2 weeks after completing this fic 3-4 months ago(?) this is really cute~ some parts ready made me cry! By far, this is one of my favorite fanfics ^o^
you guys are amazing for reading this!
wow!! awww that's so cute!!!
woah! T^T am crying. am like screaming. "he cares!!!!" <3 best story ever,