Sudden Meeting

Destiny's Combination

One day, Taecyeon and Wooyoung were playing basketball outside. It was weird since the whole situation outside of the boy's school was different. There were no guards at the front gates or guarding meticulously throughout the school. They were there for the purpose of kicking out the kids who don't follow the rules and make sure the obedient ones were safe.

Taecyeon and Wooyoung, of course, noticed this. So, they decided to take the risk. They got all their stuff for basketball and played on one of the courts.

Taecyeon: Wow, this is so new....

Wooyoung: Of course, the principal forbids us to use these except for special events.

Taecyeon: You know, I don't even get that rule.

Wooyoung: It's so girls won't cause an uproar once they see the boys play.

Taecyeon: I don't get that either. Why would they... *sigh* nevermind. I'm guessing this conversation will go on and on about how dumb the rules are here so I'll stop right now.

Wooyoung: *changing the subject* Okay! Who will shoot first?

Taecyeon: ME!

Taecyeon and Wooyoung started to play basketball to the fullest. Fortunately, no girls had seen them for about 2 hours...(at least that's what they think). Then, their luck ran out since 2 girls were coming to the school and could see the courts clearly. They had, apparently, permission to go outside to get more food for the girls' dorms. Taecyeon and Wooyoung just didn't notice them... until they felt pairs of eyes on them.

?: YAH!

Taecyeon suddenly turned and looked at the two girls. Then, he just buried his forehead with his head.

Taecyeon: *says under his breath* Dang it. I forgot to watch out for girls.

The girls apparently heard him since they replied to that.

?: Yeah, you were so DUMB to do that.

Wooyoung suddenly looked up since he ignored them until now.

Wooyoung: Yah, don't be rude.

?: Mianhe. She's had a bad day... but it was your fault.

One of the girls looked at the other girl. Soon, they started to whisper with eachother.

?: Yah, Taeyeon, don't say that. You never know, they might be stalking us right now.

Taeyeon: But Yoona, you know you had trouble with their FANS and they don't even notice it.

Yoona: It's fine if they don't notice. I don't care.

They looked back at the boys and spoke with their normal voices.

Taeyeon: *glares* You know you could get expelled for this. You're lucky we're here since girls are already crowding near the dorm windows.

It was true. There was a small crowd increasing in the female dorms. Wooyoung and Taecyeon exchanged glances to see if the other one knew.

Taecyeon: Mianhe. I didn't notice.

Taeyeon: Why are you even playing basketball outside even when the rules forbid that?

Wooyoung: It's because there are no gaurds.

Taeyeon: Ah, the principal must be meeting all the gaurds and having a conference with them.... but he shouldn't leave this place empty.

Yoona: *sigh* That IDIOT!!!

Yoona stamped inside the school towards the P.E. fields (back of school).

Taecyeon: Why is she so agitated?

Taeyeon: She is the sister of the boy who is the principal of the school. At first, she wanted the job but her father didn't trust her since she was a girl. Her older brother is careless though, giving her more jobs than the regular student.

Taecyeon: Oh....

Wooyoung: The principal had a SISTER?!

Taeyeon: *looks at him* Yeah, I just said that.

Wooyoung: I didn't know about that...

Taeyeon: It's barely been 1 year and almost 2 years since Yoona had been enrolled in here. She kept it a secret at first, but students slowly start to know once they got to know her. I think nearly every girl knows this in the girls' side.

Wooyoung: Wow...

Taeyeon: Well, I'll let you guys off with a warning. But, if I see you again, I will have to bring you to the principal's office.

Wooyoung: Araso. Komawayo. Annyeong~ *bows*

Taecyeon: Komawayo! Annyeong~ *bows*

Taeyeon: Annyeong~ *bows*

Taecyeon and Wooyoung left first, with all their sports stuff, and Taeyeon ran after Yoona. She managed to catch up as she saw Yoona just stand there as she waited for the conference to end. As soon as the conference ended, Yoona met with her brother, Minho.

Yoona: Yah, oppa, how could you be so careless again to leave the school without any gaurds?!

Minho: *90 degree angle bow* Mianhe Yoona!! I forgot...

Yoona: *deep sigh*.... Just don't... do it again...

Minho: *brightens up* Komawo Yoona~

Minho walked happily and even skipped a little on his way back to his office.

Yoona faces Taeyeon.

Yoona: I feel like I'm taking care of a 6-year old.

Taeyeon: Look at the bright side~ It's not like your taking care of a 5-year old!!!

Yoona just looks at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon: ..What? *giggles*

Yoona giggles along with Taeyeon.

Yoona: That's true... C'mon let's go home.

Taeyeon: Araso~

Both of the girls left and went to their apartment where they saw all 7 of the other girls in the living room. Soon, Yoona and Taeyeon told them the crazy things that happened just today.


Yay~ Another chapter!!!! It's longer now and I think most chapters will be long (like my other stories). I hope you guys enjoyed this!!!

Please comment and/or subscribe if you liked it. If you don't do any, it's fine. I just hope you enjoy this. *smiles* Annyeong~


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Chapter 28: Please update soon really love this story
Warsonic9620 #2
Chapter 28: Oooo now she is grounded but want to meet the rest.
Please update soon
Chapter 27: pleaseeee update soon author-nim! thanks alot
Warsonic9620 #4
Chapter 27: You finally update haha . Please update the story soon.
Chapter 27: Thanks for the update author nim~~
soshisone27 #6
Chapter 27: Yes, It's been a long time~~~~
btw, thanks for the update, keep update and soon... :)
soshisone27 #7
Chapter 27: Yes, It's been a long time~~~~
btw, thanks for the update, keep update and soon... :)
soshisone27 #8
Chapter 27: Yes, It's been a long time~~~~
btw, thanks for the update, keep update and soon... :)
tinyblueberry #9
Chapter 26: Hey~ so i was reading this chapter and i thought, why is it so short? can't you please make a longer one next time.. any ways thanks for the update... update sooon!