True Intentions

Destiny's Combination

Taecyeon's POV:


Yoona walked beside me, with a professional poker face. I feel so happy that I was with Yoona today and I enjoyed every minute.. However, one thing that had bothered me a bit was what was her answer. Man, this dare is just making me go insane from curiosity!!!


~ Flashback ~

"I know!" Yuri shouted. "Let's play truth  or dare~"


Yuri was now eyeing Yoona but she just glared back.


I wonder what Yuri is trying to do... I mean, somehow, I think that most of the time, her actions always lead to her true intention.


"Great idea!" Taeyeon commented as she pat Yuri on the back. Taeyeon was sitting beside Yuri on the left side while Yoona was on the right.

"Who goes first?" Junsu asked, slightly interested.

"Let's let Yuri go first since she made it up," Sunny answered, with a huge smirk she couldn't seem to take off her face at the time.


It was like the girls were planning on doing something today... I wonder what?


"Alright," Yuri stated as she had a mischievous look in her eyes. "Seohyun, truth or dare?"

"Mmmm... Dare." She answered, b with a small fire behind her since her challenged feelings started to appear for whatever the dare might be.

"Hahaha, okay, don't kill me or anything. Your Unnie is just helping you a little, okay?" Yuri smiled.

Seohyun reluctantly nodded, wondering what the heck it was. I guess her suspicions rose because of Yuri's smile right now that could mean anything.

"Heeheehee, I dare you to kiss your Yonghwa on the cheek. Ever since you guys have been dating, which had already been about a week already, the only thing you seemed to do was hold hands." Yuri stated cheerfully.


Just when I turned my head, I saw Yonghwa glancing nervously at Taeyeon. She nodded reassuringly at him with her usual smile. He nodded back slightly and looked straight at Hyoyeon. Hmmm... I wonder what that meant?


It was like I accidentally said my question out loud and someone answered back because just as Seohyun, her red face, and her slightly puckered lips were about to touch Yonghwa's cheek, Yonghwa moved his face, making her kiss him on the lips.


Seohyun backed away, totally shocked that he would even do that, and gave him a slap on the arm.. I guess it hurt a bit since the slap made a sound and Yonghwa flinched while holding his arm. His face didn't look like it was in pain because he was grinning widely while staring at her with joy in his eyes. I looked back, and I saw Taeyeon smiling and laughing at the while high-fiving Yuri, so I guessed immediately that both of those dorks made up the idea together and told Yonghwa the plan.


After Yuri and Taeyeon finally calmed down, Yuri finally stated with a nod, "Alright Seohyun, your turn to pick."

"Ah....Okay..." Seohyun stated with still a bit of a pink shade on her cheeks as she took one last glance at Yuri before looking around the room and stopping at the sight of Yoona.

- Taecyeon's POV Ends -


~ Yoona's POV ~

"Yoona Unnie," Seohyun stated shyly. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," I replied as she smiled confidently.

She hesitated for a moment before continuing, "....Unnie, is it alright if I ask two questions? One is for all of us and one is privately?"

I thought for a moment. Before we went to school, Yuri told me that I better be prepared today. For a moment, I knew she might have thought of doing something dorky, but she comes up with amazing ideas with the members' help. I'm guessing she and the others made some sort of plan today. Well, I will just have to face whatever is going to come my way.


"Go ahead. Is it alright with everyone else?" I answered while looking around. Everyone nodded their heads, especially the girls.

"Is it true that you may have someone you like?" She asked, as if she was starting to investigate the innocence of a suspect.

"Yes, it's true." I replied.


I'm kind of guessing that this was just a a small part of what our little maknae intends to find out, but at the same time, I KNOW it is.


"I see..." Seohyun answered as she started dragged me further away from the group.

"One moment please." She declared as she looked at everyone else before continuing to drag me and finally looking back at me.

 "If you were on a date with the guy you like and you both didn't know eachother's true feelings yet, would you tell him your feelings at the end of the date?" She asked.

"Yes." I replied. "Of course I would... Why are you asking this?"

"I see.." Seohyun stated, showing a totally blank face where I can't even see a bit of what she might be hiding behind her mask.

"WHOA WHOA WHOA. Come back here, maknae. Explain this to me right now. What are you girls planning?"


"Seohyun-ah, just tell me. Is it something bad? Will I get mad if it happens?"

She sighed, "Fine, it's not anything bad. In fact, I think it's good, but you might get a little upset. Sorry Unnie, but I think this plan shoud go on."

I kept my head down before looking up and smiling a little. "If you say so, I'll believe in your words. You haven't lied to me once when you're not joking around so I will trust in it. Come on, let's go back."


Both of us made our way back and finally started to resume the regular game. "My turn now~"

- Yoona's POV Ends -


 Taecyeon's POV:

"My turn now~" Yoona exclaimed happily. She started by looking at each one of us, almost like finding the person who has the weakest point right now. "Hyoyeon Unnie."

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Truth or dare?" She asked back.


"Is it true that you seriously like Junho?"

"W-why would you ask that?"

"It's because you have always had minor crushes, but you never took them seriously. Are you now?"


By now, some people were wiggling their eyebrows at them, people nudging Junho's shoulder, and smiles were roaming throughout the room like a contagious disease.


I could tell Hyoyeon was now getting embarrassed and glaring at Yoona. I don't really think this happens much to Hyoyeon so of course it would be slightly embarrassing.


"It's true." Hyoyeon answered before covering her face with her hands.


Some of the girls were now "Awwwww"-ing and some people were laughing because they felt the embarrassment by just watching the scene in front of them.


Yoona looked like she was enjoying this the most out of the two groups combined. Her cute alligator laugh was now showing obviously and I couldn't help but smile at the sight of it.


Yoona took a deep breath after her laughter was all gone. "Sorry, Unnie, I just had to do it. I kind of knew it, but I just wanted to hear it coming out from your mouth."


She sighed deeply. "I guess this means I have to do something to make it even. That's alright, right...?"


Yoona looked as if she was kind of curious of what she might do and to what extent, but she nodded in the end.


"Alright!" Hyoyeon replied joyfully as she glanced at all of us. "It's my turn now, right?"


I guess she was picking her prey with great care. However, one thing was a bit... weird. Once again, the same scene happened but the people were different. Hyoyeon glanced at Yuri and once she nodded back, her eyes went straight to her prey... Me.


"Truth or dare?" She asked.


Definitely truth. I'm not dumb enough to go for the dare.


"I pick-" However, she cut me off.

"If you pick truth, you will never be considered a man for us," she stated while pointing to the other 8 girls and herself.


Are people reading my mind today or what?


I thought it out for a moment. Which is worser to lose, pride or whatever she might dare me to do?...


I decided to pick pride since what she will dare me to do might not be that bad... Right? "Dare."

She smirked for a moment. It was like she already knew I would pick dare instead of truth like it was common sense for her or something. "I dare you... To go ask for a date to the person you slightly think you like more than the average friend after we're done with the game. You cannot say anything else before that."


Yoona. That was my answer right away. I didn't look at her at all since if I did, it would be completely obvious for... EVERYONE.


"Okay, I will. I promise," I answered, slightly nervous since it was only a limited amount of time before I ask her. Man, I hope she won't say no.




Soon, the sun was setting and people were packing up their things. I was hoping Hyoyeon would forget somehow, but she was smirking the whole time as she was staring at me.


I knew I couldn't get out of this one... I sighed and, with all of my things, took up all of my courage and wwalked past all the girls, towards Yoona.


"Um, Yoona-yah..." I began. By now, I felt numerous stares behind my back. I'm guessing that all of the other girls knew this was coming by the sound of the dare Hyoyeon told me to do earlier.

"Yeah?" She asked as she looked at me.


Ba-Dumpp. Ba-Dump.

*AAAAND there goes my heart.* I thought.


I sighed, "Is it alright if you... can come with me to check out some of the outfits we can wear to the performance this Saturday?"




She glanced over my shoulder a little before looking back at me. "U-um, outfits for the performance? Sure... We should go ask for permission from my brother to go out."


A bunch of mixed thoughts went in my head. *WOOHOOO~!!! SHE SAID YES!.. I didn't really ask for a normal date though... Dang it~*


"Ah... Yeah..." I thought a minute that made me have a GENIUS idea to make her understand. " it's a date, right?"

"Date?... Uh, yeah, we can call it that." She stated with a stutter.

"Okay, well, I'll text you later for more details, okay?"



Right about now, Jay called us. "Yah, Taecyeon, Yoona, let's go~ It's getting dark so it will be dangerous soon!"

I turned around, "We're coming!!!"


I put my arm around Yoona and we both walked towards the group, who were separated into their couple pairs right now. Yoona and I didn't separate because it would've been more awkward being alone than being together and, to tell you the truth, I kind of like being with her.



- Taecyeon's POV Ends -



Hi~ ^-^

If you guys read my wall, you would know that I am unexpectedly on hiatus for... Personal reasons. Well, I will try to go and update the best as I can even though I have a busy schedule right now. I hope you guys don't mind this~!!!


Thanks for reading~! :3

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Chapter 28: Please update soon really love this story
Warsonic9620 #2
Chapter 28: Oooo now she is grounded but want to meet the rest.
Please update soon
Chapter 27: pleaseeee update soon author-nim! thanks alot
Warsonic9620 #4
Chapter 27: You finally update haha . Please update the story soon.
Chapter 27: Thanks for the update author nim~~
soshisone27 #6
Chapter 27: Yes, It's been a long time~~~~
btw, thanks for the update, keep update and soon... :)
soshisone27 #7
Chapter 27: Yes, It's been a long time~~~~
btw, thanks for the update, keep update and soon... :)
soshisone27 #8
Chapter 27: Yes, It's been a long time~~~~
btw, thanks for the update, keep update and soon... :)
tinyblueberry #9
Chapter 26: Hey~ so i was reading this chapter and i thought, why is it so short? can't you please make a longer one next time.. any ways thanks for the update... update sooon!