If We Ever Meet Again.


“Why do we have to practice this dance its hard!” Victoria whined.

“Only amber can do this, and by the way, the stage will be full with us, so why do we have to practice this?”Luna added.

“Yah, Luna, you can do it too, its not only me.”Amber said.

“But its tiring you know, this dance moves is hard!” Luna replied.

“And well…why is the ice-cube not saying something?”Victoria asked, looking at Krystal who is just drinking her water.

“She’s too pissed because of this practice.”Sulli whispered.

Although Krystal can hear it, she doesn’t care about it.Its true, this dance moves are a kind of hard for them.

“You want to try again?”Amber asked.

“Oh please, I need a rest.”Victoria whined.

Sulli and Luna quickly changed they’re position so they’re laying down on the floor.

“Its nothing compared to Electric Shock.”Victoria said, joining her dongsaengs.

“Are we going to dance in heels too!?”Sulli suddenly asked.

“Not for me.”Amber quickly responded.

“Amber, what is that Ice-Cube doing?”Victoria asked, referring to Krystal.

“Nothing, she is still pissed I think.”Amber replied looking at Krystal.

“Krystal, what are you doing?”Luna asked from her position.

“Cursing.”She replied in a cold tone.

“Is she that pissed?”Sulli said.

“Who isn’t,Ssul?Gotta admit these new boys are good enough to do this moves.”Luna replied.

“Luckily they still got looks.”Victoria said, laughing to herself suddenly.

“Yah! Umma!”Luna, Sulli, and Amber quickly responded.

“What!? Im still young honey!” Victoria laughed to herself.

“I wanna practice.” Krystal said suddenly.

“Are you…okay?”Everyone asked suddenly, even Victoria, Luna, and Sulli shot up from their laying position.

“What can we do beside whining and complaining?Practice this hard dance moves.”Krystal said, and then Amber starts to turn of the stereo again.

“Here it goes.”Victoria said, and they started to dance to the music.


“We’re gonna…WHAT!?”Kai who is taking a break from his dance practice shot up from his laying position.

“We’re going to perform with our sunbae,(f)x.”Suho repeated it once again.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”Kai rolled his eyes.

“What is so bad about it, Kai?Isnt it great?We have a chance to perform with our sunbaes, evenmore, they’re practicing our dance moves.” D.O said, he doesn’t get it why Kai is not happy with it.

“And for the record, our dance moves are kinda hard you know, its not really easy for girls.”Chanyeol added.

“But still…”Kai is still complaining.

“What is the point of complaining, Kai?You’ve got nothing too lose.”Baekhyun said.Getting up to practice again.

“Instead, you get a chance to get close with f(x) member.”Sehun said, following Baekhyun.

“And this is sooo gonna be awkward.”Kai muttered under his breath, then got up to practice again.


“Looking good girls.”f(x) manager came into their practice room, bringing some food and drinks.They’re in the middle of practicing Exo- MAMA’s song.

“Oppa!”Victoria greeted and want to go to him, but stopped when Amber pulled her shirt to stay in the dance.

They then dance until the song finished.After that, they quickly run to their manager to grab some food and drinks.

“Really, Oppa. This dance is sooo hard.”Sulli said, drinking her strawberry milkshake.

“But you did well, I see.”Their manager complimented.

“Its actually so difficult.”Victoria said, slurping her Chocolate milkshake,and eating her fries.

“Do you really think, us, girls can do it?”Luna asked.

“Of course, practice makes you perfect.” The manager said.

“Who arranged the positions?” Krystal suddenly asked, grabbing Victoria’s fries, which earned a “Yah!” from Victoria.

“Well, I helped a little bit, but the rest is Exo-k manager and their choreographer why?” Their manager explained.

“I still cant get it why I got that metal-screamo-whatever rap part, I thought it fits Amber well!” Krystal said.

“Yah, if that’s so,people will think im a part of EXO, not f(x).”Amber said.

Everyone laughed except Krystal.

‘Well, Oppa.As you know, today the Ice Cube wont go out from the freezer.Thats why she’s not laughing.”Victoria explained.

“Someone really should melt her away.”Their manager said.

Krystal just rolled her eyes.

“Clearly, its not any of us.”Amber said, looking at her bandmate.


“When!?”Baekhyun responded excitedly when their manager told them, that they’re going to meet f(x) members.

“Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow, I still don’t know yet, but what I know is, you have to get comfortable around each other before your performance.

“Hyung, please make it tonight!”Chanyeol said.

“Yes please-please-please!” D.O added.

“Why are you all so excited?”Kai snickered.

“Yah, whats wrong with you lately, ever since you know we’re going to perform with f(x) you’ve been acting mean.”Suho said.

“Nothing.”Kai coldly answered and get back to his room.

“Where are you going, aren’t we supposed to be in the living room with manager-hyung?”Sehun asked, he is coming out from his and Suho’s bedroom.

“I already know what are they talking about.”Kai said, and shutting the door.

“Whats wrong with him?”Sehun asked when he reached the living room.

“He has been acting like that since he knows we’re going to perform with f(x).”Suho said.

“Well, got to agree, does he have a problem with f(x)?”Sehun replied.

“I think nope, you and f(x) haven’t met.And why does he already has a problem?”Their manager said.

“Well, we’re going to find out soon.”Baekhyun said.

“Hyung!Make it tonight pretty please!”D.O Said again.

They all just chuckled.


“Soojung-ah, are you ready?”Victoria said from the living room.

“Park Sunyoung, are you ready?”She continued.

“Choi Jin Ri are you ready?”She sighed.Her Dongsaengs aren’t ready yet.

Only the one and only simple Amber is sitting beside her, playing with her phone.

“Umma.”She said.

Victoria turned around.

“Whats up with Krystal lately?” She asked.

“I don’t know, i don’t know why her ice princess personality is coming back.”Victoria sighed.

“Im kinda worried about the EXO boys you know?They don’t know Krystal’s moodswings yet, and do they know her cold personality?”Amber said.

“Did they by any chance, meet when they’re both are trainees?”Victoria asked.

“I don’t know, if they do, maybe they’re not very close.”Amber said.Its kinda weird to find Amber worried over such things.

Luna then came out from the room.

“Are the two maknaes ready?” She asked.

Victoria and Amber shook their head.

“What are they doing?”Luna asked, sitting beside Amber.

“Just let them, Manager-Oppa hasn’t arrived too.”Victoria said.

“And, let Krystal take her time, you know she’s a bit moody these days.”She continued.

“Oh, yeah, about that, hope she wont be cold towards the EXO boys.”Luna commented.

“Im worried.”Amber said.

“Huh?”Luna found it weird.

“Im really am.”Amber continued.After That, Sulli and Krystal get out from their room.

“She doesn’t want to come.”Sulli mouthed, and let the other member read her lips.

Amber, Luna, and Victoria just exchange some glances.

What will the EXO boys get from Krystal?


“Annyeonghaseyo, f(x) imnida.” F(x) members are greeting their juniors,EXO-K.

“Annyeonghaseyo, EXO-K imnida.” The boys replied their bows.

“So, we’ve practiced your dance moves for these 2 days, and I gotta tell you, its hard.”Victoria said.

“Really?We’re sorry, Noona.We sometimes think that our dance didn’t suit for girlgroups.” Suho replied.

They’re now sitting at a rounded table in a Taiwanese restaurant.Their manager are waiting at the office, they let them to get close and comfortable towards each other.Suho is sitting beside Victoria, then it continued to all the members by their group mate, it ends that Krystal is sitting beside Kai, and this made her day really ‘well’.

“Well, for Amber its not that hard.”Luna said.

“Ah, Amber is really good at dancing, I mean, when it comes to moves like these.”Chanyeol complimented.

“Thankyou, but still, I find it difficult too.”Amber said.

“Who’s the best dancer in EXO?”She continued to ask.

“Kai.”The EXO boys answered in sync.

“Oh, he’s the one in the front, right?”Luna asked.

“I am, Noona.”Kai answered.

“Yes, the hardest one to follow.”Sulli commented.

Everyone laughed, except…you know who.

 “Luckily, we got no one in the front, so it’s a lil easier to not mess up.”Sulli continued.They all chuckled again, well its like usual, The Ice Princess still didn’t let out a laugh.Amber looked at her, and she elbowed Victoria.Victoria just sighed, don’t know what to do to melt her.

“How old are you guys?”Victoria then asked.

“Im 20, well, me and Chanyeol are 20.”Baekhyun said

“Oh, Suho-Hyun is 21.”He continued.

“D.O is the 19, and Kai and Sehun are 18.” He finished.

“Oh, you’re in the same age like Amber.”Victoria said.

“D.O is in the same age like me.”Luna said.

“And well, Kai and Sehun are like me and Krystal, right Krys?”Sulli said.

Krystal just nodded.

“Who’s the maknae here?”Sehun asked.

“Well, people know that im the maknae, but actually its Krystal.”Sulli said.

“Oh really, because you and Krystal here are in the same year?Luckily Kai looks older than me, so people wont believe he’s the maknae.”Sehun said.

“Yah!Im not that old!” Kai said, smacking his head.

Everyone laughed.

“As a maknae, I like being hitted especially by…him, and him.”Sehun pointed to Baekhyun and Kai.

“Its not true,I love peace.”Baekhyun said, making a peace sign with his fingers.

“He’s sometimes annoying, that’s why I smack him.”Kai said, earning a laugh from everyone.

“He’s the most talkative but still, he is afraid of us.”Suho said.

“I bet its especially, you.”Luna said.

The EXO boys nodded.

“Its kinda different from us, we’re afraid of the maknae.”Victoria said.Earning Krystal attention.
Krystal just glare at her.

“See?She’s the ice princess here.”Victoria said.

Everyone chuckled a bit, while Kai scoffed.

Sehun who’s sitting beside him can hear it.

“Did you just scoffed?”He asked.

“Sort of.”Kai replied coldly.

Their food arrived,and they then eat well.Baekhyun,D.O, and Sehun Luna, and Amber even ordered more.But looks like Krystal doesn’t have a good apetite tonight.She just ate 2 dumplings, and played with her phone and chopsticks for the rest.

The F(X) members just can laugh bitterly for their member attitude.

When Krystal is playing with her phone, Sulli grabbed it.

“Yah! My phone!”Krystal said.reaching for her phone.Sulli quickly handed it to Victoria.

“Act nice first to the boys, or I’ll tell Victoria-umma to keep your phone.”Sulli whispered.All the EXO boys just looked with an O expression, except the one who is sitting beside Krystal, he just smirked, feel winning.

“Ugh! Im being nice!”She said coldly.

“Oh, we cant see it.”Luna added.

Krystal just scoffed and leaned back to her chair.

“Eat up, Krystal.”Amber said.

Krystal quickly mouthed a dumpling to .Chewing it and glaring at her members.

Victoria,Amber, Luna,and Sulli pretended not to see and start to talk and joke around with the EXO boys who feels kinda scared and awkward.

“Krys, if you don’t want to talk to all of them, talk to Kai, he’s beside you.”Sulli whispered.

“What!?He’s the one that I don’t want to talk to!” Krystal said, her voice is loud enough to hear.

Everyone looked at her and Sulli, again Kai is smirking, feeling winning

“Why are you smiling, idiot.”Sehun whispered.

“Nothing.”Kai said quickly.

Victoria had enough of Krystal moodswings, so she decided to clear it up.

“Krystal, can I have a talk with you?”She got up and walked to the corner of the restaurant.

Krystal then lazily followed her.The rest of the table become quiet.Only looking at Victoria and Krystal.

“Who is the one that you don’t want to talk to?”Victoria asked.

“Kai.”She said coldly

“Why?He seems to be a nice guy, Soojung-ah, don’t be like this.”Victoria is crossing her arms.

“You don’t know him.”Krystal replied.

“Do you know him?”Victoria asked back.

Krystal stayed quiet for a second.

“No.”She replied shortly.

“Then, don’t judge, at least, be nice, Krystal.Please calm yourself, and be back to the table with a nice personality.Melt that ice away!”Victoria said.

“Nde.”Is all that Krystal could ever say.Victoria then walked back to the table, Krystal is just following her.

“Mianhae for messing up,im not in a good mood since yesterday.”Krystal said, trying to sound nice.

“Its okay Krystal, we know that you’re tired, moreover, you have to practice our hard dance moves.”Suho said, giving Krystal a smile.

Krystal returned the smile.

“May I ask which part did you all get?”Baekhyun asked.

“Well, I think I just got the reff part.You know im not a great singer.”Victoria said, earning an “Aaah Umma!”From her members.

“I got the…’ sseuregiman nadwingguneun sangmakhan beolpan’ and Uriga inganil su bakke eomneun geon, sangcheo batneun geot~’ part.”Sulli said as she sing-songed the song.

“Hey its mine and D.O’s part!”Chanyeol exclaimed, happy to know that Sulli got his part.

“Luna-noona, and Krystal obviously got the high notes.”Sehun guessed.

“Well, youre right about me but this time, I shared some with Amber, instead of Krystal.”Luna answered, looking at Krystal with a pout.

“Whoa, ive got a big competition.” D.O said looking at Luna and Amber.

“Oh geez, D.O, your fangirls might hate us because we’re going to ruin your song.”Amber said, making a scared expression.They all then laughed.

“Krystal which part did you get?”Baekhyun asked.

“Oh…”Krystal said, remembering her part.

“Well…Ive got the part after the first reff, and…uh…the…rap part?I don’t know why our manager seems to mistaken me and Amber.”Krystal said.

“No, they didn’t,  our manager and EXO-K manager have agreed that I got the high notes, and the “Mama” part after your rap part.”Amber protested.

“Its not that I doubting you and your high-notes, Amber-unnie.”Krystal rolled her eyes.”Its me, im afraid I cant do that rap well.” Krystal said.

Kai is not paying attention to any of their talks, but when he heard a “Rap part” he quickly barged in.

“Who got the rap part?”He asked.

“Krystal.”Everyone said.

“Me.”Krystal said at the same time.

“You!?” Kai is shocked, he thought it will be Amber, and how come its Krystal?

“Im surprised as well.”Krystal rolled her eyes, and said in a sarcastic tone.

“Did you get another part?”He asked.

“The part after the first reff, gosh, I think you should pay more attention, when somebody is talking.”Krystal said with her sarcastic tone again.

Kai just rolled his eyes, and then he realized…

“What!?Aish, why do I have to share all my parts with you?”He asked.

“I don’t kn…WHAT?”Krystal is surprised.

Everyone in the table looked at the scene in front of them.Kai is being selfish, and Krystal is being…Krystal.

“I.have.to.share.my.parts.with.you.”Kai said carefully.”Gosh, pay attention, will you?”Kai is imitating Krystal tone now.

“Aish.”Krystal muttered.

“Kai-hyung, maybe its my part that Krystal is sharing with.”Sehun said.

“She said the part after the first reff, its mine!”Kai said.almost growling.

Sehun’s eyes widened , surprised at Kai’s voice.Well, not only Sehun, but everyone.

Krystal noticed his change of voice, “Calm down cant you!?”She spatted.

“If you don’t want your parts to be taken away, its fine, you can sing alone, its your song afterall.”Krystal said.

Kai turned to her, their eyes met.Kai can see something in Krystal eyes.He closed his eyes.Take a few breaths and…”Im sorry, Sehun, I didn’t mean to shout at you like that.”He said.

“Its okay, Hyung.I know it.”He said, giving Kai a smile and patted his back.

Krystal glanced at Kai.She looks like she is surprised.

“So I have an idea.”Suho said.

“Why don’t we practice together tomorrow, we learn our dance moves and parts, so there wont be any misunderstanding again.”Suho said.

Kai and Krystal eyes widened, another meeting?-they thought.

But everyone seemed to agree with Suho’s idea.

What can they do?

So, this is my first Non- YongSeo couple story.

Mianhae for you who expetced that this is a YongSeo story, im still trying to find inspiration about my next story.

So, my first KaiStal couple story.

give it a try please :3

kamsahamnida <3

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kimkaaai_ #1
Chapter 25: authornim, why i cant find the sequel?
Chapter 25: this fanfic is really great!!!^^
soojungie94 #3
Chapter 25: Yes sequel!!!!
Chapter 21: omg im laughing so hard while reading this chapter>__<what a great fanfics keke
KaistalandChaeki #5
Chapter 24: Seriously one of my most favourite Kaistal fanfics :)
Chapter 24: GREAT STORY >< i think im in love with ur idea author-nim /thumbs up/
sleepingdreamer96 #7
Chapter 24: end??why??/crying at the corner
btw this a great story author-nim.
please make another kaistal story ^^
risantiica #8
Chapter 24: author nim i really really love your story:D
sorry i only comment in the last chapters-,-
make another kaistal story yaaa;;)
Chapter 24: wow! im kaistal shipper here xD
nice ff authornim ^^
HeRShEly #10
Hey author, i tot dat last chap we could b careless was great, a perfect ending even if u didn meant it to be,,,,