Twenty-One: Yong Junhyung… You’re brilliant!

Fall for you Again

With just a blink of an eye, it was already the start of Christmas holidays. Well that’s what happens when you’re having too much fun with work. Seeing how the students were so happy running out of the school for the holiday season reminds me of how I was the exact opposite when I was in highschool. Trying hard to find someone to hang out with, end up with none and going home being greeted by strangers that work in your house.

I much prefer my life now. Even though I’m alone, I’m supposed to be. I came home to a empty house because I lived alone. Its fine. Rather than the fact that there’s supposed to be a family in your house but they are all busy working.

I packed my things and went out of the office, wishing the secretary outside a happy holidays. The school must be empty from students right now. The only ones that are left behind are probably teachers. As I walked to my car, I thought again about what Junhyung said about spending my christmas with Hyuna. Should I? I mean it’ll certainly be awkward but if I don’t try to break the ice, it’ll stay that way forever.


“Yah.. Just text her or something. Its not like you’re asking her out on a date. You’re just going to ask what she’s doing during the holidays,” Junhyung said on the phone.

“Isn’t that like asking her out??” I said.

“Well not directly.. If she wants to think that way then it can’t be helped.”

“Or maybe you can help me?” I asked with a smile although he can’t see.

“With what? Don’t tell me you want me to ask her where she was one day and tell you and then you’ll be like oh-I happened-to-be-here sort of situation. And then ask her, ‘Oh by the way, what are you doing here?’. No right?” he said monotonously.

“Yong Junhyung… You’re brilliant! Can we do that?” I said happily.

“What? No! Gosh that’s so highschool-like and not to mention lame. A rolls-eyes worthy type of situation,” he said.

“Oh come on.. I don’t have any other ideas,” I whined.

“Here’s another brilliant idea of mine. You can just… call her! What’s so hard about that??” he mocked.

“Ah forget it! You’re no help! It’s just hard ok! Bye!” I said hanging up. I groaned inwardly and messed up my hair, letting my body fall back on the couch.


I was about to just give up (even though I didn’t really tried anything yet) and just spend my holidays like always; with some friends or just at home alone when one call from Junhyung -a few days after I told him that he was no help at all- change everything.

I was pacing around my apartment, subconsciously cleaning up the place while my mind still has Junhyung’s voice along with what he said that morning.

“Doojoon-ah, I think you suffered a lot already so this is like the Heavens helping you. You better make full use of this opportunity! Hyuna just called me and she said she’s in need of a place to stay since her apartment building is having some heavy constructions and she couldn’t even sleep. She wanted to stay with me but I told her that I’m staying at my parents’ pension for the holidays. Of course she can use the house actually but I was thinking for you okay. So I told her I’d ask you. I even convinced her it’ll be okay staying with you okay! Better appreciate this and don’t say I’m not helping. I’ve done my part now its just your turn to call her. Arasso?!”

Halfway through what Junhyung said I was already smiling so widely. But living under tha same roof as Hyuna….that’s really something I’ve never imagined. Sure, when I was being like a child with childish thoughts during highschool I did imagine what its like if I married Hyuna when I first realised my feelings for her. But then I told myself that I still wanted to enjoy life so its too early to think of such things. After that I never thought about such weird things anymore.

It was already half an hour after that miracle call and my mind is telling me I have to call her quickly before she found anyone else.


Hyuna’s POV

I grumbled all the way while packing my things, stuffing my clothes and things in big bags. Who the hell does constructions during holidays?? Gosh!

I was seriously hoping Junhyung could help me in this situation. Instead he twisted my mind and made me agree to stay with Doojoon. Well that is if he agrees. Part of me hope he doesn’t but where else can I go? My parents village is too far from school and if anything came up at the last minute, I surely wouldn’t be able to make it on time. I have other friends of course but as expected, all of them are busying spending their holidays with their families. I wouldn’t want to interrupt. Junhyung’s family is already like my own and his parents had already seen me as their own daughter.

My phone rang suddenly and I stopped packing abruptly. Could that be him? What am I supposed to say? Damn damn. Okay relax Hyuna. Just pick up the bloody phone before it ends!

“Hello?” I said.

“Oh! Er.. hi! What were you doing?” he said sounding as if he thought I wouldn’t pick up the call.

“Um.. Just packing. Why did you call?” I said acting calm.

I heard him clear his throat. “Well Junhyung called me and said that you needed a place to stay for awhile. Erm…my place is available?”


Doojoon’s POV

What the hell was that??? My place is available? Seriously Yoon Doojoon?? “I mean..”

Before I could correct myself and put it in better words she interrupted.

She scoffed. “What? Do you think I have no other friends to ask for help if Junhyung can’t help me? I have friends okay!”

Huh? Why is she getting so worked up? I didn’t even say she doesn’t have friends! “Really?? Coz I thought you know.. being the same ol’ Kim Hyuna who only cares about grades but now her work, she don’t even have time to make friends. Lucky for you that you’ve known Junhyung from young.”

And why the hell am I replying her like that?? This whole conversation is so going the wrong way.


Hyuna’s POV

How dare he say that! I was about to apologise for what I said earlier coz I didn’t realised I was nervous plus I haven’t been able to sleep properly the past few days. If he would just say ‘Yah.. why are you screaming at me for..’ I would just quickly apologise for my sudden ouburst.

“Yes I do have friends. More than you in fact. And I have time for both work and friends. I have a social life unlike some people! And if you call me just to tell me that you thought I don’t have friends well I’m sorry to give you bad news that I do have friends!”

“Why are we even arguing?!! I didn’t call you to argue!” he shouted.

“Well you started with the not having friends first!” I shouted back.

“You started shouting at me first!”

“Whatever! What did you call me for?!”

“I call you to say that you can stay at my place for awhile while there’s construction going on at your place!” he shouted. We just keep shouting at each other and the conversation was getting tiring.

“Well good then! When can I come over?!” I replied.

“Today! I’ll come over and pick you up with your things!” he shouted as loud as he had started.

“Okay! See you then!” I shouted. Not in the cheery happy mood but it was as if we were still arguing.

“Bye then!”

“Bye! And thank you!” We both hung up angrily and by the end of the whole shouting-as-if-you’re-so-angry conversation, I was panting.


Doojoon’s POV

I stared at my phone, breathing hard. What just happened? Whatever. I need to pick her up anyway.


I drove to her apartment building and texted her to ask if I should go up and help her with her things. While waiting for her reply, I heard the loud construction works. I was just there for a few minutes and I’m already getting a headache from the noise. I wonder how much she suffered before asking Junhyung for help. Must be hard living in this kind of noise.

Her reply soon came in and I opened the message.

Its fine. There’s not much things. I’ll be down in a while.


I'm back!!! :D


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Chapter 26: I know that you said that is discontinued, but one day i really hope you look back at this, its a really good story, the only doonah that i know. You shouldnt give up on this. I realy loved!
It's so sad that it's discontinued. I really loved this story and when I checked on this story, I found out that it's discontinued :c
This is one of my favorite fanfic ever.
Hyunajs #3
Chapter 26: I'm so sorry for not leaving comment in your story before..
I really really like your story, i know you dissapointed of me i'm so sorry..
Hyunajs #4
Chapter 26: I'm so sorry for not leaving comment in your story before..
I really really like your story, i know you dissapointed of me i'm so sorry..
Chapter 26: -discontinued. kinda explained(?) in my blog post if u want to read-
Please update soon!! I love this story
Chapter 26: Update soon author-nim. This is a good story xx have a nice day
Chapter 3: Im actually confuse here. Is it a Doojoon x Hyuna or Jun x Hyuna? But anw, Its a good story. Good job! xx
4niahyun #9
Chapter 26: i keep reading this again and againTT.TT
and to think that actually i ship hyuna with doojoonTT.TT
please update soon okay~???^^
Chapter 7: Re-Read this again. Oh my gosh, I love this story <3 thanks for writing this!! :D