Twenty: She does. 6 years ago

Fall for you Again


Doojoon’s POV


“You know you can go in right?” I heard someone spoke behind me, taking me back to the present.


I turned around and saw no one until I looked down slightly and saw Hyuna. Ah.. she’s still short.


“Of course I know that. I didn’t intend to go in anyway,” I said. “And by the way, shouldn’t you greet me first?” I added, acting all superior.


“Why? I’m not a student. And you’re not even a principal,” she said. I made a face and looked away. Even now she’s still smarter than me.


I turned back to her when I finally thought of something smart. I hope.


“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in class?” I said putting a smug look.


She frowned in confusion. “Mr Yoon, if you don’t realise – yet again – I am not a student. I don’t have classes every hour of the day.” Kim Hyuna just have this power, from the day I met her, to just make me feel and think stupid.


I cleared my throat. “Very well then. If you don’t have any classes, I on the other hand have some work to do. So I’ll excuse myself now,” I said, bowing slightly and walking away coolly.


“Mr Yoon, hold on,” she stopped me. I was already ready to disappear from there but I had to turn again.


“Yes?” I said calmly. Maybe she wanted to ask if I have anyone to spend Christmas with. Or maybe she have an early Christmas present for me? You know since she missed giving me any presents for the last 6 years. Wait- why would Kim Hyuna give me presents willingly if not for some stupid Secret Santa activity?


Before I could think of anything else, she asked a question that immediately stopped me from hoping further.


“Have you seen Mr Yong? You know since you’ve probably been walking around the hallways,” she asked.


“No I haven’t,” I answered formally, slightly disappointed with her question. I turned and continued walking, just leaving her there.


I returned to my office and spaced out for a moment. What is it that Junhyung has that I don’t? Okay fine. He’s nice and hardworking and clever. He’s also slightly more good-looking than me. Just slightly. Other than that? We’re almost the same! Why does she only have eyes for him?


I shut my eyes and took in a deep breath. I shouldn’t be thinking about this. The three of us are all friends. Just friends.




“Junhyung-ah, how can I be more like you?”


“W-what?” Junhyung said while trying to hold in his laugh.


“You heard me,” I said seriously. We were eating at the usual diner for lunch. Its just the two of us because Hyuna needed to help her students with more Chirstmas decorations.


Seeing my seriousness, his expression changed to serious. “Okay first, you have to chop off one of your legs,” he said seriously and then burst out laughing.


“Yah.. I’m serious,” I said.


“What has got into you Yoon Doojoon? Are you okay? Is it the coming-of-christmas syndrome?” he tilted his head, looking at me.


“Yes Yong Junhyung. I am fine. I just want to be more like you. Can’t I?” I asked.


“Why? I don’t want to be friends with myself. That’d be boring,” he said, making a face.


I sighed, looking down at my food.


“Come on. If this is about a girl or something, just forget it. If the girl doesn’t like you for who you are, then she’s not meant to be yours,” he said.


I just nodded, sighing heavily. I continued eating slowly when he spoke.


“You’re not talking about Hyuna, are you?” he asked.


“Ahni. Of course not,” I said quickly. Maybe a little too quick.


“So you are talking about her.. I was just teasing but it seems you still like her huh?” Junhyung smiled.


I blinked in disbelief. “I didn’t say anything of that sort! Stop making assumptions,” I said.


“Yah.. You want to hide from me? Really? Others, maybe you can. But me?”


I looked down on my food and took my my drink, sipping on my drink continuously.


Junhyung chuckled looking at my actions. “Does she know? I bet not right?”


“She does. 6 years ago,” I said.


“Times have changed. Even I didn’t expect you to still like her. And maybe she’ll think you don’t like her anymore after she ‘got you expelled’,” Junhyung explained.


“And that’s like right after you confessed to her,” he added and laughed.


I rolled my eyes, not wanting to remember that oh-so-unlucky day.


I met Hyuna at the rooftop, told her I liked her. Tried so hard to convince her that I wasn’t joking around and eventually she believed me. But being the typical childish boy, I pretended as if I wanted to kiss her just to scare her. Its just an innocent revenge for laughing at me when I confessed. Unfortunately, she moved back so fast she fell over then bench and I wanted to catch her before she hit the ground. And that made me fall too. On top of her.


“How exactly did the teacher got there?” Junhyung asked.


“You know girls. When she wanted to fall she accidentally screamed. Both of us were so stunned that we were being that close, that neither of us moved,” I said.


“And that’s when the teacher came. Seeing you in that position,” he laughed.


“Shut up..” I grumbled. “She didn’t tell you anything about the incident?”


“Nope. She wanted to forget it so I guess her way is to not say a word about it,” Junhyung said.


The both of us started eating again, thinking over things. She didn’t answer me though- when I confessed. I still wonder what her answer would be. But if that answer has changed now, I don’t think I want to know.


“Why don’t you try to win her heart now? You know.. make her fall for you again?” Junhyung suddenly spoke.


“Again? How can it be again when it never happened?”


“How do you know that she didn’t fell for you back then? She didn’t have the chance to answer,” he said.


“Its me Junhyung-ah. Why would she fall for me?” I said, almost sounding as if I’ve already given up something I have not start.


“If you know that’s the case, why did you even bother to confess?” he said, raising an eyebrow. I remained silent.


“Come on, just try. And this time, hopefully there are no interruptions. I’ll be your security if you need me to,” he smiled. I smiled back at him.


“Thanks bro,” I said.


“No problem. If you need help with anything, just tell me. Ah, Christmas is coming. Why not you spend your time with her? A date or something?” he said.


I scoffed. “That is so far-fetched Junhyung. Why would she spend her time with me on Christmas..”


“Coz she have no one else?” he said.


 I frowned slightly. “Where are her parents?”


“They moved back to their village some years back. Her father is unfit to be working anymore and they decide to just live at the village where its less expensive,” he explained.


“But wouldn’t she travel back to the village to spend her Christmas with them?” I said.


“Yeah. But only on the first day. She still have some assignments to be marked, preparing for the new school term, and the school might call teachers up anytime even though it’s the holidays.”


I just nodded to myself. “But its always awkward for me and her.”


“Stop making excuses Yoon Doojoon. If there’s a will, there’s a way.”


So I decided to make this day a special day to so called celebrate B2st's new song and all kill and FIRST WIN WITHOUT PROMOTIONS and also 4minute's great succes with their comeback :)) If you are subscribed to more than one of my on-going fics, you would know that I updated all my fics in one shot. Heee~ Hope you guys enjoy all the updates^^ And don't forget to comment! :D


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Chapter 26: I know that you said that is discontinued, but one day i really hope you look back at this, its a really good story, the only doonah that i know. You shouldnt give up on this. I realy loved!
It's so sad that it's discontinued. I really loved this story and when I checked on this story, I found out that it's discontinued :c
This is one of my favorite fanfic ever.
Hyunajs #3
Chapter 26: I'm so sorry for not leaving comment in your story before..
I really really like your story, i know you dissapointed of me i'm so sorry..
Hyunajs #4
Chapter 26: I'm so sorry for not leaving comment in your story before..
I really really like your story, i know you dissapointed of me i'm so sorry..
Chapter 26: -discontinued. kinda explained(?) in my blog post if u want to read-
Please update soon!! I love this story
Chapter 26: Update soon author-nim. This is a good story xx have a nice day
Chapter 3: Im actually confuse here. Is it a Doojoon x Hyuna or Jun x Hyuna? But anw, Its a good story. Good job! xx
4niahyun #9
Chapter 26: i keep reading this again and againTT.TT
and to think that actually i ship hyuna with doojoonTT.TT
please update soon okay~???^^
Chapter 7: Re-Read this again. Oh my gosh, I love this story <3 thanks for writing this!! :D