Chap 8

Only Look at Me

Since that day, whenever I met Jiyong, he always did a weird things, he always show me a cheessy attention to me, such as everytime we ended the practice he always handed me a clean towel and a bottle of mineral water with his wide smile sent me flowers, chocolates, and others..Hee jung unnie said that he really likes me but he isn't my types so I just take that as a joke, beside he's my friend and my partner, all I gonna do just to be a profesional, at least that their company ask me to.

Actually today is not a practice day, because we'd ended it yesterday, but Jiyong ask for extended practice just for the couple dance, he said he didn't get the dance perfectly yet, but I don't trust him, I mean come on his G Dragon, a multi talented idol, he can do everything, but work is work, I should come anyway.

When I finish change my outfit at the locker room, I heard my phone buzzing, it was from Youngbae. "Hey Young to the are you?" I answer his phone giggling. "Hey why you sound like Mina noona now?" He said giggling. "Hahaha, I'm kidding, wassap bae?" "Na, I just wanna know how are you, you seems very busy now." "I'm fine, what about you? Yeah, you know we always practice everyday, and thank God today is the last." I said while wear my shoes. "I'm fine. So you'll finish early? How about I pick you up after the practice and we 'll have a dinner." he ask me out. "Hmm, sounds great, I'm hungry already. Okay I'll text you then, see you Bae, I should go now." I said ended the convo "okay then, see ya" he hang up the phone.


Today i have a dance practice with Emily, just both of us, actually I arranged it with purpose, I wanna tell her later. I step in to the practice room and she already there do the warming up. Oh gosh she really y, even just wear a jeans short and white loose shirt,n that's why I like her.

"Hi Ji." She said greeting me. "Hi Em, sorry I'm late." I said put my bag on the chair. "No, its ok." She said wiped her sweat and sit at the chair, seems she's done warming up. "Okay, I'll do the warming up first" I said get ready to start the practice.,

Finally after 3hours practice we finish it perfectly. "Whoaa..finally, thanks Em, for helping me." I said smile while give her a bottle of water and a towell. "Thanks, its ok Ji." He said take the bottle and drink up. "Oohh, I'm so hungry, let's eat, I know a good place." I said while take my bag. "Ah, I can't, I should meet with my friend." She said reject my offer and looks a bit confuse. "Oh come on Em, I'm so starving. You know I can't eat well when I'm alone." I said begging her with my puppy eyes. "Please" "eh..oh my! Ji" She said doubting "please Em, just take it as my pay for practice today since its an extended practice, I should treat you well right? Come on, or I will feel very guilty of." I said begging her "Eerrrgghhh...aigooo...alright I'll go. I'll change my clothes first." Finally she approve my offer. "Okay I'll wait you at the parking lot."

Emily POV

as I entering the locker room, I directly dial his number but its busy, so I send him a text message, then change my clothes to the clean one.

YoungBae POV

After I'm done prepare my self, I take my phone what if she call, and she did, she left a miscall, maybe it came when I'm in a bathroom, ah there's a text from him. 'Hi Bae, I'm so sorry I can't have a dinner with you. Ji insist to have a dinner together, he begging and bla bla bla, you know him right, so I can't say no. I'm really sorry' I feel so disapoint after read it, and oh there's another ' if you don't mind what about tomorrow night, and it will be my treat. How about it? *sorry .' 'Its ok, yeah I know him for a millenium. Okay then see you tomorrow. *i forgive you ' I reply her text and changes my clothes.

Emily POV

I receive his text and hopefuly he's not mad at me. "So Em, this is the place. Hey, why you smiling to the phone? Who sent you a text." He said unbuckle his seat belt. "Ah, its from my friend. So this is the place? Hmm not bad, the food is have to delicious if they're not.." I said in treatening tone for joke. "Hahah, you're so funny, you can punish me if they're not." And he lead me entering the restaurant and get in to the VIP room and ordering the food.

The food is really delicious make me eat more. We're eating, and talking, he's funny too by the way, not as bored as I'm thinking.

"So how's the food?" He ask looking at me with his bright smile. "Hmm not bad." "What? Not bad? Hahaha okay." He said laughing so do I. "You know what Em, I realize something now." He said looks like figuring something then looking at me. "What?" I ask confuse. "I just realize your eyes is so beautiful." He looking on my eyes deep, "LAME..!! Oh gosh Ji why you are so cheesy lately?" I said laugh cover my awkwardness. "Do you believe love at first sight? At first I don't, but now I do. I like you Emily..yeah I like you from the first time we met." He said smile still looking straight and deep to my eyes. "Oh come on Ji, your joke is to lame." I said gulp then giggle. "No, I'm not joking its true, I love you,would you be my girl?" He ask me with a deep stare. "I'm sorry Ji, I can't." I said smile to him. "Why?" He ask me confuse. "You're just know much how to treat a girl right, a bit too womanizer to me." I said with sorry expression. "Isn't good know how to treat a girl?" he ask confuse. "Yes for some girls, but not me, kinda weird right?" I said throw a bit joke. "Yeah, so weird" he said still unbelieve what I said. "Did you love other man?" he ask curious. "Hmm, not for now" I said smile, "what about youngbae, you like him didn't you?" He ask me curious. "Eh..Youngbae? We're just a friend, like you and me." I said a bit stutter. "Really? " He smirk at me, "so you don't wanna be my girl?" He ask me again. "I'm sorry Ji." I said with my warmest smile. "Hehe, its ok, just in case you change your mind" he said giggle. "No hard feeling? We're still friend?" I ask a bit worry. "Nah, its okay, just confuse, other girl will do anything to be in your place now." He said with his proud smile. "Hahaha, ok mr. Playboy, can we go home now?" I said giggle. "Okay, come I'll drive you home. Is it okay right?" He said wink his eyes to me. "Its okay. Come on." I said smile and we walk out to the parking area.

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Chapter 26: This is not her brain,but her heart who still belong to YB..
Go bae.
dLadyP86 #3
Chapter 24: Ok girls, you make me in dilemma already...whom will I choose to be with Em in the end?
bigtedy1 #4
Chapter 24: nooo, stay with Jay!!! In nearly every story i have read, Jay is the second guy. I know, she needs to sort her heart first, but I really hope she stays with him in the end. Relationship is about trust, and I feel Jay trusts her completly. You cant say that about Young Bae.
Addicz #5
Chapter 24: I hope she end up with bae.
There too much broken heart bae stories
loveyoseoblove #6
Carmelnap #8
Chapter 21: Uh oh, Emily is having a little 2nd thought.
kpopbranded2008 #9
Chapter 1: lol I like this story, very good.