
Only Look at Me

(A month before)

As usual, every friday after office hour i have a dance class which i already joined them since i was a college student. Actually i really love dance and wanna have carrier in dance, but my dad insist that i should have a real job which i have now, stuck in an advertising company with crazy boss, oh i hate him so much. But thank god finally my dad understand me and allow me to do everything i wanna do, and i’m planning to search another job and quit from that company.

After the dance class, me and my friend always have a late dinner together, sometime we ended with clubbing, dancing till morning, but tonight we just have our late dinner and have a fun chat. And suddenly there is a girl come and join with us. “hey aimee, how are you? Such a long time, i miss you.” I greeting her and hug her. “I miss you too Em, i have some work in here.” She said take a sit beside me and greeting the others. “have you eat?” i offering her. “yes, i have, i just wanna ordering a drink.” She said then ordering a glass of beer. “so Em, are you still at that s**t company?” “yeah, but i’m planning to quit next month and search another job, finally my dad allow me to search another job, including dance.” I said happily. “really? Thats a good news, so you still searching now....hmmm ah, i have one for you, but you have to going abroad, they need some dancer to their world tour.” She said while drink her beer. “really? As long as i understand their language im okay with it.” I said excitedly. “im sure you understand it, you really frieandly with their language.  Their Korean, at Seoul “ she said explaining. “Seoul? Its been a long time im not go there, no big deal. So how can i get them? Should i send them my dance video?” i ask her. “next week they will held first audition,  if you want, you can fly to them and join the audition.” “Next week! Hmm...okay then, can you give me the address, i will fly after all my document done. Thanks a lot aim.” I said excited. “your welcome girl.” She said hug me. “some of the dancer are my close friend, you can live with them for a while, while you waiting the final result. “ she said let off the hug. “oh my, it will be great, thanks again  aim.” I said hugging her tight. “hey, chill Em, i cant breath.” She said giggling.


Here i am now, at Seoul , having my audition with that company ‘s dancer before the last audition. This is my third day in Seoul, and while i’m here i live with one of the dancer, her name is Ji Hye, fortunately she had an empty room at her apartement so i could stay with her for a while.
Today is my first day of audition with some other girls andd thankfully i coul end it with good, i showed them my best. “wah Em, you were so awesome, you can learn a new and complicated moves just in a short time.” She said excited while we pack our things and ready to go home. “ah, im not that good.” I said shy. “so Em, you wanna go with us to the party tonight?”Miran eonnie ask me. “ehm, of course.” I said then suddenly my phone is ringing and its from my boss, aigoo, what the hell he call me. “im sorry eonnie, im gonna pick up this phone.” I excuse myself to them and answer it.” Hello, whats up boss.”  “hi Emily, sorry i disturb your holiday.” “yeah you already. What happen?”  i ask him lazily. “Emily, you should back here right know!” my boss said through the phone. “what?! I’m on my vacation now,  beside didnt i give my resignation letter?” i answer him a lil bit mad, i’m on my vacation and he want me back to NY right away, he’s crazy. “you can continue after this, i need yo badly, i dont have anyone who can speak korean fluently like you, beside i still holding it, i havent agreeing yet.”  He said explaining. “oh GOD, are you crazy?!, then you should agreeing as i finished that thing and payback all my spoilage. “ i said pissed off. “alright, i will. By the way i already bought you a ticket back here for 3pm and lucky you you get a bussiness class. See i spent so much money just for take your back here.” He said. “what?! Thats 3 hour from now? Aaarrggghhh you really make me crazy. My decision to leave your company is right.” I said almost yell. “you will miss me then. Ok see you Em” he said hang up the phone and left me pissed off.

“what happen Em? Who was that?” Ji hye eonnie ask me worry. “thats from my  crazy boss, he told me to go back right know, even hhe already bought me a ticket at 3 pm. Is it okay if i go now?” i said to her worry about the final audition.  “what? He must be an insane, so it means you must go right now, the way to airport spend about  2 hours, 1 and half hour if you lucky, and you must ride a taxi” she said explaining. “ dont worry about final auditioin, it will be held next week, i will call you to make sure.” Ah thank you eonnie, then i will fly to here right away” i said giggle “and dont worry about your stuff, i will take care of them.” Jihye eonnie said smile. “oh eonnie’s thanks a lot.” I said hugging them each and take my purse and go find the cab.



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Chapter 26: This is not her brain,but her heart who still belong to YB..
Go bae.
dLadyP86 #3
Chapter 24: Ok girls, you make me in dilemma already...whom will I choose to be with Em in the end?
bigtedy1 #4
Chapter 24: nooo, stay with Jay!!! In nearly every story i have read, Jay is the second guy. I know, she needs to sort her heart first, but I really hope she stays with him in the end. Relationship is about trust, and I feel Jay trusts her completly. You cant say that about Young Bae.
Addicz #5
Chapter 24: I hope she end up with bae.
There too much broken heart bae stories
loveyoseoblove #6
Carmelnap #8
Chapter 21: Uh oh, Emily is having a little 2nd thought.
kpopbranded2008 #9
Chapter 1: lol I like this story, very good.