Cheer up Ji-Eun!

'Project X'

Spending a little more time with Luhan lifted your spirits up a bit. Despite having known each other through awkward and peculiar circumstances, you felt like you've really grown a bond together. You got to know him a bit more, with questions being asked and answers being explained, the conversation had a good flow, there wasn't a single awkward moment. You caught a few girls outside the cafe with their phones out, waving then hiding and giggling to their friends whenever Luhan sheepishly smiled their way. You almost forgot that Luhan was a modal, a popular one at that. But you just didn't see him as one for some reason, maybe because you knew him before hand? Or maybe because he didn't seem 'out-of-reach' like any other famous person was. 

After finishing your coffee, Luhan and you strolled around the streets a bit. Luhan had to put his sunglasses and cap back on, but you didn't mind. You'd rather have him look like that then be surrounded by girls. You had enough of that when you were with EXO-K at school. 

"You should probably get back" Luhan said, secretly solemn at the thought of being alone again, "I bet the guys must be worried sick, you disappearing off like that" 

Damn. You almost forgot about that part. 

You scratched your head and adjusted your guitar strap on your shoulder, "Yeah...You're probably right" You sighed. It wasn't that you didn't want to go back to them. But a part of you just didn't want to go home yet. "Do you want to come to Latte Cafe for a bit? Sehun would be really glad to see you again" You suggested, smiling as you pictured the grin that would appear on Sehun's face if he saw Luhan again. 

Luhan thought about it, "Tempting...but, I probably can't...Sorry" He said, sounding truly apologetic. He really wanted to visit the EXO-K boys again. It's been a while since he saw them. But under his circumstances at the moment, seeing them would only stir up more trouble. Hek, even spending time with you right now he bet he was risking his life. 

You nodded your head understandingly, getting the impression that it was probably because he was busy with work or something. He was a modal after all. His schedule must be crazy. It was a miracle that you even got to spend this time with him, you shouldn't push your luck. "It's okay. I understand" You said, smiling assuringly. 

As if on cue, Luhan's phone started ringing and he rolled his eyes at the caller ID before shoving it back into his pockets without answering it. You raised an eyebrow at him, "Aren't you going to answer that?" You asked. 

"I don't have to. I already know what it's about" He said with a soft, assuring smile. But you were still slightly suspicious. 

"Luhan, you can go back to work if you have to. Seriously, you don't have to stay with me, I'll be fine. I don't want you to get into trouble because of me" You said.  

You have no idea, Ji-EunEven so, Luhan was still worried. Knowing what he knew, he didn't want to leave you alone. "But-" 

"I'm serious Luhan, I'll be fine" You chuckled. It was nice of him to be such a gentleman, but you wouldn't want to be responsible for him missing work. It could be something important. 

Hesitating, Luhan twisted his lips. His phone started ringing again and you sent him a look that said 'You better pick it up'.

Luhan sighed. If only you knew who was on the other line. He finally pressed the answer button and pressed the cellphone to his ear. "Wéi, Duizhang?" Luhan sighed into the phone, momentarily confusing you. Oh yeah, you remembered something about Luhan being Chinese...Wait, was it Chinese? 

Even more curious and fascinated, you watched him carefully as he presses the phone on his ear, his expression hardening. All of a sudden, he puts the phone down again. 

"That was quick" you said, “What did your manager want?...Well, assuming that it was your manager that is”

Luhan turned to you with an apologetic look on his face and you already knew what he was going to say. 

“What are you doing here then, go! You're going to be late, whatever it is” You shoved him playfully, a smile gracing your lips. 

Luhan bit his lip before finally admitting defeat, “Okay...Sorry”

You shook your head, "It's fine" With that, Luhan started walking the other way.

"Go straight home, alright?" He yelled back. 

You chuckled, “Okay, just go!” With one final wave, Luhan turned his back on you and turned the corner, vanishing from your sight. All too quickly, you felt lonely again.

You took a deep breath in and adjusted the straps of you guitar case, “Let’s go home then Ji-Eun…”


“Why do I have to wear this stupid thing? It was leader’s idea!”

“Not our fault you at rock, paper, scissors”

“Dude, I have the sudden urge to hug you”

“Don’t you dare touch me!”

“Man, remind me to take a picture”

“No flash photography!”

“SHH! She’s coming, she’s coming! Put the head on! Quick”

“Everyone hide!”

“Not you, idiot!”

You hurriedly approached the front door. I hope the guys aren’t too mad. I didn’t leave too abruptly did I? You started wondering as you grew nearer to Latte Café. You swung the front door open, the chiming little bell signalling someone entering as usual. “Er…Guys?” You called, cautiously entering the café. But there was no response. Your eyebrows furrowed. That’s odd. Are they out for some sort of research trip or something? Nah, they aren’t that diligent. “I’m home~” You sung, slipping your shoes off and hanging your stuff on the peg. At this point Chanyeol or Sehun would usually come bolting down the stairs. But still, there was no response.

It was suspiciously quiet. Oh god they aren't playing Power Capture or whatever it was again are they? Your eyes rounded at the thought before walked towards the stairs. 

“Guys?...Is no one here? Hello~?” You ran up the steps, “Are you all asleep or some- OH MY GOD!” You jumped a feet in the air when you saw an unfamiliar creature sitting on the couch. You were almost about to reach for the emergency pepper spray when you realized…it was only a costume…and it was pretty cute one too. “Er…Hello?”

The huge white creature seemed embarrassed. It stood up and shook it’s head and you couldn’t help but chuckle. “What are you doing?” You didn’t know which one of the members was in that costume, but it was insanely cute. Plushie and rounded like a marshmallow but with the cutest eyes and even a black bow tie. “There aren’t six of you walking around in the same thing, right?” You laughed, unable to contain your laughter at the thought.

The giant marshmallow shook its head before tilting it, almost as though it was watching you laugh. “Seriously, what are you doing?” It seemed like the creature refused to speak. Probably too embarrassed to reveal who he was.

When he started to walk, he suddenly plummeted to the ground to your surprise.

“Oh my gosh, are you alright?” You kneeled down; trying to help him up but you couldn’t hold back your laughter. It was just too funny seeing whoever it was in the costume struggle to stand up, waving around it's little arms and legs. You gave up on helping, the costume was too big to help him up so you just left him there and burst into another round of hysterics.

The boys grinned to themselves. Chanyeol fist-bumped Suho, acknowledging the leader's plan.

“I can’t believe this is working” Sehun said, pleasantly surprised. He never thought a costume could make someone laugh so much before. 

“She must be easily amused” Kai smiled to himself. Your laughter was like music to his ears. 

You wiped away the tears in your eyes from laughing so hard, “Seriously, what are you guys doing?” You questioned, directing the question to whoever could hear. You knew that if the other members weren’t in the same costume then they must have been hiding somewhere around here.

The marshmallow just laid on the floor, giving up on life.

“Would you like some help?” You asked, willing to give it another shot. But the thing shook it’s head, frantically waving its hands to stop you from approaching and by gut instinct; you knew who it was underneath that costume. You propped your hands on your hips and sighed, “I’m a girl, not a germ, you wouldn’t get ill if I touched you, D.O”

You moment you said that name, all ear perked up and all eyes rounded.

“Damn, she’s good” Chanyeol whispered, leaning towards Baekhyun.

Baekhyun bit back a smile. Expected no less from Ji-Eun..

The marshmallow stilled for a second as D.O shrivelled into a shell of embarrassment. I’m going to kill Suho hyung, I swear to god.

“Guys, come out and help!” You said, trying your best to grab on to the fluffy arms of the costume to pull D.O back up when suddenly, you lost your grip and stumbled. “WHOA-“ You were about to fall flat on your back, but you felt something sturdy hold you up from behind.

“Still a clutz”

You pinked as your gaze lifted to Kai, his face literally an inch away from you and his arms wrapped around your waist. You quickly stepped away and cleared your throat, “W-Whatever”

“Way to go Kai, you gave away our hiding spots” Chanyeol groaned, appearing from behind the couch and skilfully hurling himself over to sit on the cushions.

After that, Sehun, Baekhyun and Suho appears. Baekhyun the first to give D.O a helping hand and successfully bring him to his feet, only to plummet onto the couch and squishing Chanyeol.

“YAH! D.O! I CAN’T BREATHE!” Chanyeol cried before he shoved the giant marshmallow off the couch and back onto the ground.

“You’re all dead to me” You heard D.O growl from inside the costume and couldn’t help but chuckle again. You helped him take the giant head of the costume off to let him breathe. “Thanks Ji-Eun” He panted.

“What’s all this about?” You asked with a smile.

There was a brief pause before Sehun spoke up, “You’ve been upset lately…You weren’t acting like Ji-Eun” He said. You noticed the flash of concern in his eyes and softened at the maknae as well as the other members.

“So you did all this to try and cheer me up?” You assumed. And after 6 simultaneous nods, you couldn’t help but soften even more. How touched you were indeed. Words couldn’t even explain. And how foolish of you to have even acted so depressing around EXO-K.

All those other years were all the same, you’d be lost in your depression on that exact day for a week on your own before you started to feel better again. But now, it was different. You had a family. You had them.

All of a sudden, tears started welling up in your eyes, causing all six boys to jolt and panic.

“J-Ji-Eun-ah?!” Sehun cried.

“W-What’s wrong?” Baekhyun stuttered, “Are you okay?”

“D.O! Look what you did!” Chanyeol accused.

“Hey, she was laughing! My part was a success!” D.O declared, quickly sitting up from the floor to yell at the taller boy.

You shook your head and wiped the tears from your cheeks, smiling, “Guys~” You mumbled, feeling the tears flood back into your eyes. “I’m crying because I’m happy, that’s all” You said.

The boys shoulder’s deflated and they all softened. Kai was the first to wrap him arms around you and for once you let him.

Little did you know that there was an exchange of eye contact between Kai and another male standing beside you.

Chanyeol decided to join in and hugged you as well. The feeling of warmth doubled not only around you but in your chest. You were just so overwhelmed by the feeling…the feeling of having someone there, having them by your side to cheer you up when you’re down.

“I love you guys” You said.

EXO-K smiled. “We love you too, Ji-Eun” Kai whispered in your ear. 

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It’s been 5 years...sad to see this story go unfinished
Chapter 43: Update soooon
Chapter 37: Thumbs up
Chapter 43: This is a really good story! I really enjoy reading this! I hope you can update soon!
Woooohpeasants342 #6
Chapter 43: I really love this story I cant wait for the newest chapter!
such a good AFF. Definitely a "Featured" worthy!

Did you discontinued this story? i hope not :(
Hihihihijijo_143 #8
Chapter 43: This story is good authornim
bobjo1913 #9
Will this forever be a discontinued????? Plz give a closure, im begging!!! T.T
pls update