Baeson High School

'Project X'

“…You couldn’t even talk to her?”

“S-Sir! We tried- but she was just never available-“

“Two grown- fully trained men- can’t even do as much as to speak to a 17 year old girl?!” The man didn’t sound impressed, and didn’t so much look impressed either. The two men who failed to accomplish their little mission stood formally in front of him, their chins to their necks.

“Our apologizes sir…but there were just these boy who just kept on-“

“Excuses can’t make up for it now…” He sighed stressfully. “This is the last time i'm counting on you...find a way to talk to her or contact her by any means necessary" 

“But Sir we-“

“This is an order”

“…” The two twins tensed, bowing at a 90 degree angle and then taking their leave.

...Boys huh...?


It had turned dark and Latte café was officially closed for the day. Rin had bid her farewell to you and gone home after cleaning up the tables. It’s been a bit of a rough day today, but you’ve had worse. You locked up the front door and made your way up the spiral staircase from the bakery which leads you up to your ‘house’. People would think that it’s hard living above a café…but actually it wasn’t that bad; in fact you were quite fond of your own little floor; you treasured and somehow grown a bond to it- and you’ve been proud of yourself for keeping to the chore chart that you’ve established not so long ago instead of doing everything whenever you had the time (which you barely did). Your bedroom and living room was in the same room; you’d sleep on the bottom bed seeing as how it’s be a little difficult to go down the stairs during the night- so you turned the top bunk into a little sofa. Your dining room and mini kitchen was in the next room; well not so much as a room; if you just take a little turn from your bed and pass the door-less entrance you’d enter the mini kitchen decorated with your old family photos as well as the little dining room which you somehow turned out to be like a second mini living room.


After your quick shower, you immediately flopped onto your futon bed with a deep exhale. I’m beat…you thought to yourself as your eyes peered at a wooden photo frame of your parents and you when you were 8 years old; your mother was beautiful; she was a cheerful woman; fair skinned, long beautiful black hair with a dazzling smile. You missed her...missed her caring voice asking how school missed how she'd make your food for school when you were little and how she smiled at you when you got home on your own. To stop the tears from rolling- You got suddenly remembered about your pay and got up to take out your money from your coat to stuff it into your plastic piggy bank. That should cover next week’s rent…Oh yeah! The street money…you remembered the change that had been left in your guitar case today which you left downstairs behind the counter. I can get it tomorrow of course you couldn’t be bothered anymore and you flopped back onto your bed- covering yourself with the duvet and almost immediately falling to a deep sleep...


“You did what?!”

“Well haha- funny story um-“

“You weren’t supposed to go out in public yet you fools! You could attract attention!”

“Sorry professor, it’s my fault; I should have told them”

“I don’t see what the problem is! It’s not like we formaly introduced ourselves to anyone or anything!”

“You don’t need to! You go out looking like that and the people around here look at you like you have a third eye- next thing you know you’ll be stuffed in a cramped room with two interrogators shining a lamp into your eyes playing good cop bad cop!” 

“Professor- Chill! We did it for a good cause…”

“Good cause?”

“We were helping someone out…from ‘them’”

“’Them’ huh…” He sighed “Fine…I’ll let you off- who’s got the Aphrodyt then?”

“That’s me.............Eh oh..."

“Oh my god dude-“



Whoooaaaooo~ Whoooaaaaooo~

You wake up to CNBLUE’s dream boy from your alarm clock.

“5 more minutes~” you huffed after hitting the snooze button. Your eyes raised slightly and your eyes narrowed to the time reading half 7. Urgh! Why did I set it so early it’s not like I… “CRAP! I HAVE SCHOOL!" You sprung awake, dashing off to the bathroom and tripping over your own rug in the process. Stupid rug! you took the quickest shower and got dressed into your regular brown school uniform and came out of the bathroom with your ribbon half way down your chest. You quickly ran to the kitchen and swung open your fridge filled with the food you brought yesterday from the market- but barely any of it could you have for your breakfast- unless you have water and chug a bowl of ramen down your throat in less than 3 minutes. You clicked your tongue in thought and grabbed your school bag- sprinting down the spiral staircase and into the bakery. You quickly nicked one of your tuna bread rolls and turned to the one of the white plastic bag from the supermarket which you forgot to pack yesterday to see if there was anything else suitable for breakfast when something sparkling caught your attention. What’s that? You had a quick check and took out a beautiful purple-ly blue spiky crystal…I don’t remember buying this… you turned to the clock and was shocked by the time Crap! 5 minutes to get to school! You hurried out of the door- unknowingly putting the crystal into your blazer pockets.

After a quick 5 minute speed walk, you made it to the front gate of your school. Just on time! No need to worry Ji-Eun! You comforted yourself as you walked through the school gates and entered Baeson high school…or as you call it: hell…


You were in such a rush that you didn’t even have the time to be depressed about entering the first day of the new high school year. But don’t get it wrong- this isn’t the situation where you were bullied and teased to the extent where you loathed school- please! That wouldn’t be a good enough reason to hate it with such a passion. Instead- you hated it for seeing other innocent students getting the abuse and harassment. True that you got a small portion of the teasing- but ever since the ‘rumour’ got around that you had connections with the police- some people wouldn’t dare even to look at you. Not to mention the little separation of the clique ‘status-quo’; your school was well known for their athletic abilities and sports sponsors- so anything else that didn’t involve a football or a cheerleaders outfit was pushed to the side like trash.

You entered homeroom class, the familiar faces from last year still the same as ever as they completely ignore your existence. You made your way to your desk located near the back of the class beside a window and gazed outside. Waiting for a certain someone to approach you at the associated timeAnd three, two, one…

“Oh~ Ji-Eun ah~!” a sharp high pitched voice spoke up from in front. You turned your eyes to a fair haired girl with her mini school skirt pulled up to her chest and eyeliner that outshined Cleopatra’s “Glad to see you join homeroom ^^” She giggled with such a fake smile that a Halloween mask would have looked more real; the girls behind her peering at you with blank expressions.

“Er~ you too Hana…?” you raised an eyebrow. Meet Kwon Hangeum- or as she wants others to call her- Kwon Hana; the girl who has a great talent at making others high school life a living hell 

“Okay~!” The homeroom teacher entered the class to your relief. “Get back to your seats! The whole lot of ya!” With just that, the students scattered like cockroaches to their desks. Same old, same old…Nothing changed you sighed.


“Hey! Watch it!”

“Sorry. What are these things- they just sprout off the ground”

[“They’re called bushes Chanyeol”]

“Well they’re weird! i don't like them!”

“Wait! I think I found her!”


“Check point B- She’s in her classroom!”

The teacher went on about the new school year and how there were going to be a few changes and afterwards handed out the time tables; after that everyone was dismissed.

“She’s on the move! I repeat! On the move!”


[“Stop yelling!”]

“Sorry- my bad”

“Should we follow her?”






[“No! Remember what professor said! We go out like this and there’ll be trouble…”]

[“Hyung is right- we’re bound to attract attention like this”]

[“Then how bout we don’t go out ‘like this’…?”]

[“…What do you have in mind Kai?”]


Your first lesson was Japanese- which was on the other side of the school. You made your way out of the main school building to get to your first lesson, regularly passing students yet not noticing one casually leaning on a wall with big round specs and silver leather fingerless gloves and afterwards subtly following your steps.

I shouldn’t be late for my first class…You thought, starting to speed walk when…


“Haha! Might wanna get that loser!”

You sharply turn your neck and noticed a girl on her knees- grabbing her papers and books that were scattered across the floor whilst a group of jocks stroll pass her who had obviously pushed the book out of her hands. How gentleman like you rolled your eyes and quickly galloped to her; the ‘student’ following you suddenly stopping to stare at you getting onto your knees and picking up the sheets of paper for her. “They’ll keep on doing it if you let them…” you told her. The girl who was obviously younger than you gave a shy nod. You handed her the pile of papers and books she was carrying off to class “So next time- grip it tightly okay?” you winked with a smile. The boy watched you help the girl up and his eyes softened.

[“Number 1026- Byun Baekhyun!”]

“Byun Baekhyun here” He quickly replied.

[“Here’s our next approach…”] 



Don't kill me! i will progress the story more on the next chapter i swear! >_<~ And again, i'm a little rushed on this chapter- i've been so busy with school lately- but i will find the time to write more. The 4th chapter is almost finished- so i'll be uploading that soon. Again, sorry for my poor writing skills TT_TT~ by the next chapter everything will fit like a puzzel...(at least i'm hoping)! 

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It’s been 5 years...sad to see this story go unfinished
Chapter 43: Update soooon
Chapter 37: Thumbs up
Chapter 43: This is a really good story! I really enjoy reading this! I hope you can update soon!
Woooohpeasants342 #6
Chapter 43: I really love this story I cant wait for the newest chapter!
such a good AFF. Definitely a "Featured" worthy!

Did you discontinued this story? i hope not :(
Hihihihijijo_143 #8
Chapter 43: This story is good authornim
bobjo1913 #9
Will this forever be a discontinued????? Plz give a closure, im begging!!! T.T
pls update