
'Project X'

You finished up in Latte cafe and started cleaning up, but you couldn't help smiling and laughing at the fact that- for the first time- Hana and Jongki fell flat on their faces! EXO-K watched as you smiled and laughed to yourself, never knowing that someone could look so happy whilst mopping up a dirty floor. 

"Er guys...Do you think she's lost it?" Chanyeol asked them, rather worried. 

"You can't lose what you never had" D.O remarked. 

"...True..." They all agreed in unison, staring at you grin at yourself in satisfaction. 

"I wonder why they came here anyway...Do you think they know she owns this place?" D.O asked. 

"Doubt it" Kai scoffed. Sehun tilted his head. 

"But i thought they called her Boss-girl?" 

"No Sehun, they said bus-girl" Suho corrected and Sehun's eyes widened. 

"They called her that big transportation vehicle?!" He gawked. Chanyeol eyes widened along with him. "Those jerks!" 

Suho face palmed himself. "Why do i feel like the 3 months of research suddenly went to waste?" Suho added. Baekhyun turned to the two clueless boys.

"Busgirl is a word used to call helpers mostly serving and cleaning in fast food restaurants. But more often it's bus-boy " Baekhyun informed as they nodded in understanding. 

"Nevertheless..." Kai begun. "I don't get it" He growled quietly, wanting to mess up his hair in silent frustration. The boys looked at him. 

"What don't you get?" D.O asked him. 

"You guys have noticed right?" Kai threw the dirty cloth in his hands back into the basket and sat himself down on one of the tables as he watched you happily and diligently cleaning and scrubbing at the other end of the cafe. 

"That people aren't nice to her?" Baekhyun finished, turning a few heads to his direction. He looked at them back, blinking innocently. "...What?"

"Now that you mention it...I've never seen Ji-Eun with anyone from her school before" Suho tapped his chin in thought. 

"What? Why? No way!" Sehun darted at him. 

"Yeah, she might be loony but if we can get some friends in this dimension then she should have a few" D.O rose an eyebrow, being weary that you won't be able to overhear their conversation. But Kai shook his head. 

"No. They were horrible to her in homeroom...and most of the time people ignored her" Kai told him. Baekhyun looked to the ground in thought as the others turned to each other. 

"There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her though" Sehun said as they all turned to you; the girl who was still smiling at herself whilst cleaning the counter top by herself. "You know...since we're really close to Ji-Eun we know that right?" 

"Maybe we don't know her well enough?" Suho suggested.

"Maybe it's because of her superpower" Chanyeol suggested with a serious tone, receiving a few eye rolls from s. "What? It's possible! None of us could do it yet, right?!" He defended himself. 

"Then deal is still on!" D.O announced, suddenly determined. 


You finished cleaning up and flopped onto your bed with the brightest grin on your face. You felt mean- but you couldn't help it- revenge was sweet, even if you weren't the one who'd done it, you couldn't help but unleash that malicious satisfaction. 

"Wow~ someone's really happy" Suho commented with a smile as he sat on the couch near you. 

"Yeah...I'm so horrible, laughing at someone elses misery." You laughed at yourself before you sprung yourself up from your bed. "But only for today, it's only fair since she's been laughing at mine since High school" You pulled a sour face, remembering the torturing moments of school with that girl. Chanyeol walked around the room once again and noticed your CNBLUE desk calendar on your desk.

"Who's that?" He asked, picking it up and examining the picture as if he had eye sight problems.  


"Cunblue?" He mispronounced. You shot up and took the calendar away from him, remembering his ability to shoot fire balls from his hands and not wanting the lovely boys to burn to ashes. 

"It's CNBLUE​" You corrected him defencively and placed the calender back to where it was. "They're my favourite band" You grinned at the calender before looking back at the boys with a straight face. "So no touchy" You commanded, pointing accusing fingers at them. Kai walked over and grabbed the calender- completely ignoring your instructions. 

"Looks like a couple of posers to me" He commented to your fury. You quickly snatched the calendar back and held it away from him.

"Aliens opinions don't count!" You stuck your tongue out and placed it back down again. Kai started laughing at you. 

"Yeah, we've come here to plot a world war on humans and eat them alive!" He teased and you gave him a look before stepping away from him. 

"Hahaha~ very funny" You remarked sarcastically, but you couldn't hold the need to check. "He was joking, right?" You turned to the others who laughed at you along with Kai. 

"No worries Ji-Eun, we won't eat you" Suho reassured with a smile. 

"Well, we won' promises about D.O though" Chanyeol joked, getting a hit in the face with a pillow from D.O in return. 

"Next time- it's a brick" D.O threatened with sharpened eyes. You started laughing at them when a thought suddenly occurred. 

"Oh yeah, i still don't know how you guys know each other yet"

"..." EXO-K suddenly fell silent for a moment. And within that moment, you'd almost felt as though you'd bought up a taboo until Suho suddenly smiled at you. 

"We're brothers Ji-Eun"

"...EH?!" You gawked at them in utter shock. "What?!" 

Baekhyun started chuckling a little. "Chill Ji-Eun, we're not related" 

"Again- 'what'?!" You repeated, still confused. 

"We were all adopted by Professor!" Sehun told you with enthusiasm in his voice, which eased you a bit after thinking that you might have mentioned something you shouldn't have. 

", you're all..." You peered at them, contemplating whether or not to finish your sentence until someone did it for you.

"Orphans?" Baekhyun finished, shrugging his shoulders. "Not really, some of us still have parents" He added. You glanced at them one by one and saw that they hadn't looked upset or gloomy at all. In fact, they all smiled at you and at each other with happy grins, which relieved you in a way. 

"What about you Ji-Eun-ah?" Chanyeol suddenly asked. 

"Hm?" You urged. "What about you? What relative have you..." He was about to finish his question when he suddenly remembered something. EXO-K were signaling him to stop talking behind your back and Chanyeol blinked in thought, secretly panicking about how to fix what he just mentioned. "Er...I" He was having trouble in the pressure of the moment, making Suho face palm himself once again. But you were clever enough to pick up what he was going to ask. 

"Hmm, apart from my mother and my father, i don't have any other relatives...well at least i don't think i do" You told him, not minding the fact that you had to mention your parents. Chanyeol pouted, showing a guilty face.

"S-Sorry Ji-Eun-ah" He apologized. But you smiled at him whilst shaking your head. 

"It's fine" You told him. 

"...So, you really don't have any other relatives?" Kai asked carefully. You gave it another thought when you remembered a vague memory from the back of your head. 

"...I think...i might have an older brother actually" You said uncertainly and EXO-K's faces lit up in surprise. 

"Your biological brother?" Suho further questioned. You nodded at him, although still unsure. 

"I'm pretty sure...but he disappeared somewhere for some reason. I was so young i don't even remember him that well" You shrugged your shoulders. 

"Did your parents never say anything about him?" D.O asked, getting intrigued.

"No. I overheard my dad talking about him once when i was little, but other than that, i never heard them say anything else, but since i don't really remember him anyway, it didn't really have much of an effect on me" You explained and EXO-K nodded in understanding. 

"What about-" 


You were about to counter-ask them some more questions when somebody knocked on the door down in the cafe. Everyones heads twisted towards the stairs. "Hold fire!" You yelled at them before EXO-K could conjure up their weapons. "It could be Jun again you never know" 

"But Ji-Eun-ah-"

"They could be-" 

"It'll be fine! I'll go check" You told them, heading towards the stairs.

"No we'll go-"

"No. You stay here" You interupted Kai as you cautiously walked down the stairs and peered through the glass to see who the visitor was. Two bodies, of the same height, hair and clothes. You knew who these guys were and your senses were alert. 

"Who is it?" Chanyeol asked, ready to take out something from his belt. 

"Stay there guys" You said with a stict tone. EXO-K glanced at each other with curious looks before Suho nodded at them to step away from the stairs. You took and deep breathe before approaching the front doors and opening the door. "I'm sorry we're closed sir" You said with a sweet voice. 

"Han Ji-Eun?" One of the twins called your name. You paused, contemplating how to reply. 'Sorry, she's not here?' 'Sorry, she moved away' or...

"Yes, that's me" 

"We need a word" The other twin asked, reaching into his front blazer pocket and showing you the shiny golden police badge.

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It’s been 5 years...sad to see this story go unfinished
Chapter 43: Update soooon
Chapter 37: Thumbs up
Chapter 43: This is a really good story! I really enjoy reading this! I hope you can update soon!
Woooohpeasants342 #6
Chapter 43: I really love this story I cant wait for the newest chapter!
such a good AFF. Definitely a "Featured" worthy!

Did you discontinued this story? i hope not :(
Hihihihijijo_143 #8
Chapter 43: This story is good authornim
bobjo1913 #9
Will this forever be a discontinued????? Plz give a closure, im begging!!! T.T
pls update